And the Portugals peraduenture encouraged by our slacke working, plaied the men and had Barricados made, where they might stand without any danger of our shot.
At the which time (as my said lord of Winchester was afterwards informed) my said lord of Glocester affirmed that he was heauie toward him, and not without causes that peraduenture he would put in writing.
This iourney which Omoncon made, hee did it to put away the suspition they might conceiue that he did write the letter, if that peraduenture the viceroy would take it in ill part.
Peraduenture I maye do here after when I am more stryken in age.
Peraduenture he wolde haue ben so honest as to haue payed it and yf he had had wherwith.
Wherein I confesse my selfe not to be so well trayned, peraduenture as the fine heads of suche trauailers would desire, and yet I trust sufficiently to expresse the sense, of euerye of the same.
You saye well, sayd Cyrus, Therfore keepe this woman as I bid you, and loke wel vnto her: For peraduenture she is taken in good time.
And peraduenture the same shall not be much inferiour to the giftes, which other now do giue you.
Wherof Andreuccio did marueile very much: and if he had not taken good holde, he had fallen agayne downe to the bottome, to his great hurt, and peraduenture not without peril of his life.
This Ladie was very faire and comely of bodie and face, as any creature could be, yonge, lustie, and more wise peraduenture then a woman ought to be.
And peraduenture this night you shal proue, which of vs two shal haue best lodging, you that haue sayd them, or I which haue not said them.
But much more marueiled the two knightes, which were so troubled and appalled, that if they had bene in any place els, sauing in the presence of the Pope, they woulde haue killed Alexandro, and peraduenture the lady her self.
Suche chastisemente peraduenture was meete in tyme paste for the Iewes.
But of these thynges peraduenture some man wyl thynke I haue spoke to much & so myght I worthely be thought, except that almoste all men dyd in this poynte so greatly offende, that hereof a mã cã neuer speke inough.
Peraduenture of this inclinacion you may perceiue certen markes in lytle ons.
Peraduenture it wyll not be much amisse here to speake of y^e day dyet, which longe ago was muche spokẽ of in y^e name of Crates.
I wil go vnto him and comfort hym so well as I can, that peraduenture my Promyses may ease some part of his payne: and afterward we wil at leysure better consider, what is best for vs to do.
Beholde, there is a letter which thou shalt present to morrow in the mornyng to my Father at his vprysing, which peraduenture shall please him better than thou thinkest.
And God knoweth whether by the way, he detested the cruelty of pitilesse Gineura, blasphemyng a million of times the whole sexe of Womankynd, peraduenture not without iust cause.
Not far from this place we descried a saile which wee iudged to be some Frenchmen, by whom peraduenture the saide banished party might bee deliuered.
This might seeme peraduenture somewhat dangerous for some state, to haue so great forces vnder the command of Noblemen to assemble euery yere to one certain place.
As for their prouision of victual, the Emperor alloweth none, either for Captaine or souldiour, neither prouideth any for them except peraduenture some come for their money.
And this dooth Giraldus write by warrant of such Britons as (saith he) haue so written themselues, which thing peraduenture he hath read in Gildas the ancient Briton poet: a booke that (as he confesseth in the 5.
This doone, he appointed the admirall of the nauie to saile about the Ile, [Sidenote: An hauen called Trutulensis, peraduenture Rutupensis.
He is now loosed from land, he is forward on his waie, and peraduenture is alreadie got ouer: Let vs put all things in proofe, let vs venter through anie dangers of sea whatsoeuer.
Others ranne at a buckle in stead of a button, & peraduenture whetted their spears pointes, idlely gliding on their enemies sides, but did no other harme.
O quoth she, ye loue to bee double diligent, or thought peraduenture that I being a lone woman stood in neede of a loue.
Of which two things, the lesse losse were they, by whom though God did his pleasure, yet should the realme alwaie find kings, and peraduenture as good kings.
For in all other nations, where the truth were not well knowne, it should peraduenture be thought, that it were his owne ambitious mind and deuise, to depose the prince, and take himselfe the crowne.
And if some folks freendship had not holden better place with the king, than anie respect of kinred, they might peraduenture easilie haue betrapped and brought to confusion some of vs yer this.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peraduenture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.