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Example sentences for "ouercome"

Lexicographically close words:
oudeis; ouden; oudt; ouer; ouercame; ouertake; ouertaken; ouerthrew; ouerthrow; ouerthrowe
  1. The people of this kingdome haue a particular care to giue state vnto their children in time, before that they be ouercome or drowned in vices or lasciuious liuing.

  2. I do not here declare the industrie that might (with the fauour of God) be vsed to win and ouercome this people, for that the place serueth not for it; and I haue giuen large notice thereof, vnto whom I am bound.

  3. Sidenote: The English nauie is ouermatched and ouercome by the Spanish fléet.

  4. Against whome the said Edward made warre, in which the said Mackbeth was ouercome and slaine.

  5. I read of, and vpon the riuer Indus, but to his losse, for he was ouercome by hir power, & his nauie either drowned or burned by the furie of hir souldiers.

  6. And bicause the Ilanders were not able to ouercome them, Augustus was constreined to send an armie of men to destroie that needlesse brood.

  7. But to declare the teares and lamentable talke, the great mone and sighes vttered betwene this new maried couple, time would want, and tediousnesse would ouercome the Reader.

  8. The Emperour seing that hee should haue mutch adoe to vanquishe Zenobia by armes, determined to ouercome hir by gentle wordes and fayre promisses: for which cause he wrote vnto hir a letter, the tenor whereof ensueth.

  9. For when they sawe themselues ouercome in sutch excesse, and forayne customes so to preuayle, they iudged it a simple guerdon of their longe beeinge abroade, to returne home in prisoners maner.

  10. Or if amonges the residue of his conquests, hee would haue trauayled to ouercome his pride and wrath, beinge vices inuincible.

  11. The king thus hauing vanquished and ouercome the Welshmen, placed garisons in sundrie townes & castels, where he thought most necessarie, and then returned to London with great triumph.

  12. Then after Asclepiodotus had ouercome all his enimies, he held this land a certeine space in good rest and quiet, and ministred iustice vprightlie, in rewarding the good, and punishing the euill.

  13. For I am so vexed with my passions, as being ouercome by them, I haue none other refuge, but to a most unhappie death that euer man can suffer, if presently I bee not holpen.

  14. And wheu shee had continued a certaine space in that stinking Dongeon, without aire or comfort, ouercome with sorrow and extreme paine, she yelded her soule to God.

  15. The fight was sore and doubtfull for a while, till the Englishmen ouercome with the multitude of their enimies began to be slaine on ech side, so that few escaped by flight.

  16. A rouer of this kingdome of China called Limahon, doth make himselfe strong at the sea, and doth ouercome an other rouer of the same countrie called Vintoquiam.

  17. They passe great daungers and troubles, and do ouercome them all with the confidence they haue in God, and came vnto the kingdome of China miraculously.

  18. The sone of Thomyr had nat ben ouercome Nor slayne by Cyrus for all his worthynes.

  19. The Indians were ouercome and put to flight.

  20. But misfortune or rather the iust iudgement of God would haue it, that those which could not bee ouercome by fire nor water, should be vndone by their owne selues.

  21. The Christians were so spoiled, and in such want of saddles and weapons which were burned, that if the Indians had come the second night, they had ouercome them with little labour.

  22. King Egbert hauing got this victorie, was aduanced into such hope, that he persuaded himselfe to be able without great adoo to ouercome the residue of his neighbours, whose estates he saw plainlie sore weakened and fallen into great decaie.

  23. King Egbert hauing ouercome his enimies of Wales and Cornewall, began to grow in authoritie aboue all the other rulers within this land, in somuch that euerie of them began to feare their owne estate, but [Sidenote: Bernulf king of Mercia.

  24. And to the intent to passe forward with sure and short expedition, he assaulted euerie place where his enimies had set anie men of warre; which with small force, and lesse difficultie, he brieflie did ouercome & vanquish.

  25. We are ouercome of the Danes, not with weapon or force of armes; but with treason wrought by our owne people: we did at the first prepare a nauie against the enimies, the which that false traitour Elfrike betraid into their hands.

  26. King Edmund in the morning when the light had discouered the departure of his enimies, followed them by the tract, and comming to London with small adoo remooued the siege, and [Sidenote: The Danes ouercome at Brentford.

  27. Galeren sayth in Alexandrye/ yf yre or wrath ouercome the whan thou sholdest gyue Iugement/ weye all thinge in y'e balance so that thy Iugement be not enclyned by loue ne by yeste/ ne fauour of persone torne not thy corage.

  28. And Britaine receiued the faith of Christ [Sidenote: 2 Britaine conquered and ouercome by the Saxons.

  29. His bodie could not be ouercome with anie trauell, nor his mind vanquished with greatnesse of businesse.

  30. Herevpon ouercome with pride, ambition, and couetousnesse, he [Sidenote: Margan inuadeth his cousine Cunedag.

  31. They being ouercome with his courteous words, gaue vnto him pledges.

  32. To be short, the moonks being ouercome with the kings words, threatning kindnesse vpon them, fulfilled his request.

  33. And the lesser number that there was, the more pleasure it was to perceiue the pollicies of either sides to ouercome other.

  34. And whensoeuer the officers of eyther of the Kings shall finde one without guarde of helpe, they take her prisoner, and both kissing one another, she that is ouercome and taken, goeth foorth and standeth by.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ouercome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.