The French king required to haue the custodie of the infant Arthur, heire to Geffrey earle of Britaine: but king Henrie would in no wise grant thereto.
This earle Raimond had married the daughter and heire of the king of Aragon.
This countesse was the sole daughter andheire of William the third earle of Warren, which went with Lewes king of France into the holie land, and there died.
Then bespake the heire of Linne, To John o' the Scales wife then spake he: Madame, some almes on me bestowe, 75 I pray for sweet saint Charitie.
Now well-aday, sayd the heire of Linne, Now well-aday, and woe is me!
They ranted, drank, and merry made, Till all his gold it waxed thinne; And then his friendes they slunk away; They left the unthrifty heire of Linne.
Never a word spake the heire of Linne, Never a word he spake but three: 30 "This is a trusty friend indeed, And is right welcome unto mee.
Did the Duke of Yorke say, hee was rightfull Heire to the Crowne?
But William of Hatfield dyed without an Heire Yorke.
Against my Master Thomas Horner, for saying, That the Duke of Yorke was rightfull Heire to the Crowne Queene.
Know yee that I king Stephan, haue ordeined Henrie duke of Normandie after me by right of inheritance to be my successour, and heire of the kingdome of England, and so haue I giuen and granted to him and his heires the kingdome of England.
There was also consideration had of a sonne which king Stephan had, named William, who though he were verie yoong, was yet appointed to sweare fealtie vnto duke Henrie as lawfull heire to the crowne.
I am his King, and he should bow his knee: I was adopted Heire by his consent Cla.
Or else you would not haue bestow'd the Heire Of the Lord Bonuill on your new Wiues Sonne, And leaue your Brothers to goe speede elsewhere King.
For this one speech, Lord Hastings well deserues To haue the Heire of the Lord Hungerford King.
And yet me thinks, your Grace hath not done well, To giue the Heire and Daughter of Lord Scales Vnto the Brother of your louing Bride; Shee better would haue fitted me, or Clarence: But in your Bride you burie Brotherhood Clar.
No: for he could not so resigne his Crowne, But that the next Heire should succeed and reigne Henry.
Charlis le Simple, to whome he gave his doughter in mariage withe the seide duchie, and so hathe continued from heire to heire .
William the duke of Guien died bethout heire masle, uppon his voiage he made to seint James, havyng .
This Edward perused the old lawes of the realme, and somewhat added to some of them: as to the law of Edgar for the wardship of the lands vntill the heire should accomplish the age of one and twentie yeeres.
He added, that the marriage of such heire should also belong to the lord of [Sidenote: To whome the marriage of the ward perteineth.
Mawd called the empresse, daughter and heire to Henrie Beauclerke and Mawd his wife, receiued homage of Dauid, brother to hir and to this Alexander next king of Scots, before all the temporall men of England for the kingdome of Scotland.
This Mawd the empresse gaue vnto Dauid in the marriage, Mawd the daughter and heire of Voldosius earle of Huntingdon & Northumberland.
Likewise he judged the master-cook In boiling lead to stand; And made the simple scullion-boye The heire of all his land.
Thus by the common assent of the cheefest of the lords in Scotland, king Edward receiued the land into his custodie, till by due and lawfull triall had, it might appeere who was rightfull heire to the crowne there.
No more my pillow shall thine altar be, Nor will I offer any more to thee 50 My selfe a melting sacrifice; I'me borne Againe a fresh child of the buxome Morne, Heire of the sun's first beames.
Then shewed he that his verie right heire of his bodie lawfullie begotten was onelie the lord protector.
For the word Heire does not of it selfe imply the Children, or nearest Kindred of a man; but whomsoever a man shall any way declare, he would have to succeed him in his Estate.
For then there can no Heire be known, and consequently no Subjection be due.
And vpon Christmasse day, the king caused him to sit at his table aboue all his owne children, in high estate, as representing the personage of the heire apparant to the crowne.
Iohn of Gant the fourth son to the king, who had married his daughter the ladie Blanch, as before yee haue heard, succeeded him in that dutchie as his heire in right of the said ladie.
With the vnfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and his sullen and assumed humour of Tom of Bedlam.
With the vnfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Gloster, and his sullen and assumed humor of Tom of Bedlam: As it was played before the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall vpon S.
With the Vnfortunat life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and his sullen assumed humour of Tom of Bedlam.
Layton and upright in his paysse and countenance sum what stayring in his look or Eyes Currilde heire by Nature and blackyshe and not apt to have much heire on his bearde.
And so, successe of Mischiefe shall be borne, And Heire from Heire shall hold this Quarrell vp, Whiles England shall haue generation Iohn.
I know not what to morrow’s fortune brings Heire to my selfe alone.
Which verses Philip de Valois then possessing the Crowne as next heire male by pretexte of the law Salique, and holding our Edward the third, aunswered in these other of as good stuffe.
Perigort and the beautious heire Of Iaques Fauconbridge solemnized.
Awaie, awaie mad asse, his name is Lucentio, and he is mine onelie sonne and heire to the Lands of me signior Vincentio Ven.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.