The forenamed Hawkins came vpon a season vnto the said sir Thomas, requesting him to lend a thousand markes vpon good suertie, wherevnto he answered, that first he would know for whome it should be and for what intent.
Do this, here is two hundreth markes in golde, To harten on your resolution: Two hundreth more, after the deed is done, Ile pay you more for satisfaction.
The course to the hauen named Baia do Spirito Santo, that is to say, The bay of the holy Ghost, lying on the sayde coast of Brasil, and the markes thereof.
From this Boca de Ouerniron to Ilha de Aruoredo thou hast no great markes be obserued: but this Boca is a very great bay, and this bay is deepe within the Island, and is a good road, and hath many islands, and standeth in 28 degrees.
The course to sayle to Porto Seguro, that is to say, The safe hauen, lying on the foresayd coast of Brasil, and the markes to know the same by.
And hauing these sights, thou hast the best markes that bee for these Islands, that I haue told thee of: and this Island lieth Northwest and Southeast with the mouth of S.
No, I assure you (quod the Ladie) and I am certaine if hee gette hym not a good Surgeon, the markes will be seene to morowe.
Geffrey archbishop of Yorke offered to the king thrée thousand markes aforehand, onelie for the countie of Yorke, and an hundred markes yearelie of increase, and so had the same committed to his regiment.
Baldwine earle of Flanders on the other, vnto whom he gaue fiue thousand markes in reward, vpon condition, that he should couenant not to grow to any agréement with the French king without his consent.
Furthermore, the same bishop gaue to the king a thousandmarkes to be made chéefe iustice of England, and that he might tarrie at home, and not go into the holie land.
He caused indeed eight markes of siluer to be leuied of euerie port or hauen in England, to the reteining of 16 ships furnished with men of warre, which continued euer in readinesse to defend the coasts from pirats.
Virgyll hath shewedmarkes wherby a man may know an oxe good for y^e plough, or a cowe meete for generacion & encrease of cattell.
Peraduenture of this inclinacion you may perceiue certen markesin lytle ons.
As for me, I was put into a boat with a Huron whose fingers weare cutt and bourned, and very [few] amongst them but had the markes of those inhuman devils.
He gaue a thousand markestowards the repairing and enlarging of the Abbey of S.
The bodie of King Harold could not be knowen by his face, it was so deformed by death, and by his wound; by his armour and by certaine markes vpon his body it was knowen.
To some Monasteries he gaue tenne markes of gold, and to others sixe.
Thre tymes Lytell Johan shot about, And always cleft the wande;[L10] 10 The proude sheryf of Notyngham By the markes gan stande.
His markes and his tokens are knowen very well; He alwayes is led with a dogg and a bell: A seely olde man, God knoweth, is hee, Yett hee is the father of pretty Bessee.
Nowe, Peter Simon, thou art old, I will maintaine thee and thy sonne: And the men shall have five hundred markes For the good service they have done.
And so after he had foraied those quarters, and taken order for the full accomplishment of that castell, he returned, the Nobles granting to him of euerie knights fee two markes of siluer.
On saint Markes day was a great frost and snow, which nipped the leaues of trees and hearbes in such extreame wise, that for the more part they withered and faded awaie.
Shortlie after by waie of proxie, the said legat gathered a dutie which he claimed of the spiritualtie, that was of euerie conuentuall church within the realme two markes of siluer.
One Anne Aueling aunt to doctor Ruthall by the mothers side, gaue one hundred markes to the building of that church.
So that if they, which were once signed with anie of these markes or tokens did reiterate like crime & offense againe, should suffer the paines and punishments which they had both merited and deserued.
Markes says he is scheduled to turn them over to the government checkers to-morrow.
Well, then, ifMarkes has told you, then might I not as well admit it?
Well, you'd better see President Markes this morning.
Markes exported this share openly to the world markets, paying the duty exactly like a private corporation.
I told Spawn I was hoping to see President Markes on my petroleum proposition.
Markes reiterated his intention of making a complete governmental investigation at once.
And upon sudden impulse, I added: "President Markes said something about you having a treasure here.
I must go to the Government House: President Markes wants a report on my recent production.
Towards night, Hernando the Spaniard and Edward Markes returned from Nangasaki, where they could not procure sight of any of our fugitives, though they were still at that place.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "markes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.