But these things are often unknown to the world, for there ismuch pain that is quite noiseless; and vibrations that make human agonies are often a mere whisper in the roar of hurrying existence.
To her the highest happiness consists in being loyal to duty, and it "often brings so much pain with it that we can only tell it from pain by its being what we would choose before everything else, because our souls see it is good.
Seldom had Caroline's conduct given her so much pain as in the disclosures and events of that morning.
My blindness and folly concealed from me my misconduct, and bade me ascribe all my sufferings to you, on whom I have inflicted so much pain.
It is as much pain to me as to her that we are not.
He tells me his brave and honest avowal of those verses, which had given him so much pain, attracted him more toward me and mine, than even my own efforts to obtain his friendship.
Receive his expressions of kindness and gratitude with cold reserve, or a look that implies a doubt of his truth, and you give him so much pain, that you not only repress, but destroy his affectionate feelings.
When there is much pain, laudanum diluted one-third with water may be applied continually with a soft warm cloth.
If there is much pain a belladonna suppository, one-half grain of the extract, can be inserted into the rectum.
Small doses of morphia or of opium in some form can be added to the bismuth if there is much pain or when the stools are frequent.
During this treatment the bowels should be kept rather loose by the use of compound licorice powder, and if much pain is experienced an opium suppository should be used.
Much pain is also experienced if the attempt be made to lie on the affected side.
In any of the above affections, when there is much pain or irritation.
When there is much pain, after the stomach has been well cleared, a few drops of laudanum may be taken, or an opium plaster may be applied over the region of the stomach.
Used in the same cases as the preceding, when there is much pain.
If there is much pain in the belly or stomach, apply leeches.
If the tooth do not come through after two or three days, the lancing may be repeated; and this is more especially needed if the child be very fractious, and seems in much pain.
By now the Turks were desperate, and they cursed the world and fortune that had brought them so much pain.
Tell me, Tirant," said the princess, "who is the lady that is causing you so much pain?
Of all the times I've been wounded and near death, my body has never felt so much pain.
And ought she after all to abandon her project, for which so much had been risked, so much pain inflicted?
Some day perhaps, he said, men might cease to be numbered among the beasts of prey, but till then, at least their victims might be spared as much pain as possible.
He heard her words, "I wonder whether it is right that one should suffer so much pain.
It's not right that one should suffer so much pain.
At least since she wants this one to hurt, I took a great deal of pleasure in causing him asmuch pain as I could.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much pain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.