Useful aquatic reptiles andbatrachians of the United States.
Notes on reptiles andbatrachians of central Illinois.
Records of some reptiles and batrachians from the southeastern United States.
Notes on thebatrachians and reptiles of Vigo County, Indiana.
Contains "The turtles and batrachians of the Lake Maxinkuckee region," Proc.
Notes on reptiles and batrachians of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
The batrachiansand reptiles of the state of Indiana.
Louisiana herpetology with a check-list of thebatrachians and reptiles of the state.
Newberry; numerous batrachians in the Coal Measures of Ohio, by E.
A host of batrachians and reptiles bestir themselves after a long winter sleep and vociferously proclaim their presence.
The earliest known forms were fish-like in character and were succeeded in sequence by batrachians and reptiles.
Cope; of batrachians and probably reptiles in rocks of similar age in Nova Scotia, by J.
The anterior element of the sternum which projects forward from between the clavicles in many batrachians and is usually tipped with cartilage.
Defn: Any one of numerous species of batrachians belonging to the genus Bufo and allied genera, especially those of the family Bufonidæ.
We divide this class into two sub-classes, namely, mailed Batrachians and naked Batrachians, the first of which is distinguished by the body being covered with bony plates or scales.
These gigantic mailed Batrachians seem to have become extinct towards the end of the Triassic period.
The first is the occurrence here, not only of the representatives of the great Batrachians of the coal period, but of true reptiles, acknowledged to be such by all naturalists.
In short, functionally or officially, our ancient batrachians were reptiles; in point of rank, as measured by type of skeleton, they belonged to a lower grade.
Neither the scapula in Batrachians nor the cartilaginous extension thereof, designated suprascapula, is dissevered from the coracoid.
Palaeospondylus suggests "the smaller snake-like Batrachians of the Carboniferous and Permian; and I should not be surprised if it should come to be regarded as either a forerunner of the Batrachians or as a primitive tadpole.
The scapula in the Urodele and other Batrachians is entirely or almost wholly excluded from the glenoid foramen, and above the coracoid.
By these huge batrachians was an extensive marsh inhabited, and battening upon the succulent nutriment thus afforded, the African geese gained a size and flavor which was rapidly making the fortune of Wilhelm Klingenspiel.
Proceeding on her way, as the road passed into the swampy land of Klingenspiel's domain, her attention was engaged by the fact that a most singular commotion was taking place among the giant batrachians at some remote place south of the road.
The Batrachians in question (which belong to the genera Cæcilia and Siphonops) form the order Ophiomorpha.
The third order of Batrachiansis one which contains very few species, but these are very strange, for though allied to frogs they have the appearance of snakes, or rather perhaps of worms.
The fourth order of Batrachiansis one which has entirely passed away and become extinct.
These Batrachians are found in damp situations, usually in soft mud.
This name was given by Linnaeus to the blind, or nearly blind, worm-like Batrachians which were formerly associated with the snakes and are now classed as an order under the names of Apoda, Peromela or Gymnophiona.
The Batrachians of the Coal are its most characteristic and remarkable air-breathers,aEuro"especially so as the precursors of the reptiles of the Mesozoic age.
At the same time the Labyrinthodonts disappear, or are degraded into the humble stations which the modern Batrachians now occupy.
The first trace ever observed of batrachians in the Carboniferous consisted of a series of small but well-marked footprints found by the late Sir W.
It is particularly important to notice not only that the Batrachians of the Solomon Islands, as far as we at present know, do not occur elsewhere, but also that in this region a distinct family has been produced.
Curiously, all theBatrachians belong to species not hitherto found elsewhere, and one of them is even so strongly modified as to be the type of a distinct family.
In concluding this chapter I will refer to the circumstance that my collections of the Reptiles and Batrachians of this large group have only in a manner broken ground in a region which promises the richest results to the collector.
The movement of the batrachians over the bridge had ceased.
These half-human, highly developed batrachians they call the Akka prove that evolution in these caverned spaces has certainly pursued one different path than on earth.
Springing, I hazard, from the stegocephalia, the ancestor of the frogs, these batrachians followed a different line of evolution and acquired the upright position just as man did his from the four-footed folk.
To her the handmaiden spoke, pointing to the batrachians who stood, paws and forearms melted beneath the robes they had gathered.
Many batrachians and perennibranchiates possess this form among the amphibia.
Some great anatomists, as Cuvier and Meckel, believe that the tubercle one side of the hinder foot of the tailless Batrachians represents a sixth digit.
We can see why whole groups of organisms, as batrachians and terrestrial mammals, should be absent from oceanic islands, whilst the most isolated islands possess their own peculiar species of aerial mammals or bats.
Apart from a few unsatisfactory remains from the Eocene of Wyoming, fossil tailless batrachians are otherwise only known from the Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene of Europe and India.
Boulenger, "Reptiles andBatrachians of the Solomon Islands," Trans.
Degraded, worm-like batrachians of still obscure affinities, inhabiting tropical Africa, south-eastern Asia and tropical America.
The pelvic arch of some of the Stegocephalia contained a well ossified pubic element, whilst in all other batrachians only the ilium, or the ilium and the ischium are ossified.
A great deal has been published on the poisonous secretion of batrachians (34), which is utilized by the Indians of South America for poisoning their arrows.
Batrachians are found all over the world, although there are few in the extreme North.
The batrachians stand in somewhat intermediate position between the fishes and the reptiles, showing some of the characters of both.
The lungs of birds are more complex than those of batrachians and reptiles, being divided into small spaces by numerous membranous partitions.
All the batrachians possess external gills in their aquatic larval stage, and in a few forms, as the sirens and mud-puppies, gills are retained all through life.
The most obvious skeletal differences among batrachians are those due to variations in external form.
The food of the adult batrachians is almost exclusively small animals, particularly insects and worms.
In them the brain is compact and large, and more highly developed than in batrachians and reptiles, but the cerebrum has no convolutions as in the mammals.
There are in some batrachians traces of an exoskeleton in the presence of scale-like structures in the skin or in the horny nails on the digits, but these cases are rare.
Batrachians should be kept in alcohol not exceeding 60 per cent strength.
Almost all batrachians are nocturnal in habit, remaining concealed by day.
We can see why whole groups of organisms, as batrachians and terrestrial mammals, should be absent from oceanic islands, whilst the most isolated islands should possess their own peculiar species of aerial mammals or bats.
These latter, in fact, appear to owe all their toxicity to true toxins which they contain, while the poisons of batrachians and saurians are chiefly composed of alkaloidal bases.
On the shores of certain subterranean lakes which exist in Carniola, a country subject at this time to Austria, there are to be foundbatrachians far more ambitious than our frog--namely, the proteans.
To be quite in order, the batrachians ought to have followed the reptiles, for their interior organization is the same; but how could I tell you about their gills without explaining that there was air in the water?
The batrachians are in reality reptiles, but they are reptiles which begin by being fishes, and real fishes too.
To observe these mammals, reptiles, and batrachians we must go afoot: the bicycle or the motor-car is of use only to convey us quickly out of town to appropriate localities in the open country.
The reptiles and the batrachians are all his friends.
The Batrachians or Amphibians are clothed with soft skin which is not protected by armour plates or scales as seen in the Lizards and Snakes, but through which they are able to oxygenate the blood.
We can see why whole groups of organisms, as batrachians and terrestrial mammals, should be absent from oceanic islands, whilst the most isolated islands possess their own peculiar species of aërial mammals or bats.
The finest method ever devised for the preservation and display of small reptiles and batrachians is that adopted by the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.
The forms of the Reptiles and Batrachians of the early ages of the earth were much more numerous, their dimensions much greater, and their means of existence more varied than those of the present time.
As we have already remarked, the peculiar nature of their organization leads Reptiles and Batrachians to seek the warmer regions of the earth.
Batrachians have, in addition, a very considerable cutaneous respiration.
The two great classes Batrachians and Reptiles, include a number of animals which are neither clothed with hair, like the Mammalia, covered with feathers like the birds, nor furnished with swimming fins like fishes.
In the adult state Batrachians are cold-blooded animals with incomplete circulation, inactive respiration, and the skin is bare.
Thus Reptiles and Batrachians are said to be cold-blooded animals, more especially the former, in which the respiratory organs, which are a constant source of interior heat, are only exercised very feebly.
In the lower members of the order, the single artery from the ventricle sends, as in fishes, the whole of the blood primarily to the branchial organs, during life, and in all Batrachians at the earlier aquatic periods of existence.
In the quiet night the voice of a troop of these little Batrachians sometimes reaches to an enormous distance.
In Reptiles and Batrachians the brain is small, a peculiarity which explains their slight intelligence and the almost entire impossibility of teaching them anything.
Batrachians establish a transitional link between Fishes and Reptiles--they are, as it were, a bond of union between those two groups of animals.
The activity of organization in Reptiles and Batrachians is so slight that their stomachs feel less of the exigencies of hunger; hence they rarely take nourishment; they digest their food with equal deliberation.
Batrachians content themselves with diffusing their spawn or eggs in the marshy waters or ponds, or they bear them on their backs until the time of hatching approaches.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "batrachians" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.