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Example sentences for "hence they"

  • Hence they moved on to Zarmawha, an independent sultan, who had twice been in rebellion against the sheikh.

  • Hence they went to Badagarry, the chief of which place, Adooley, entertained them hospitably.

  • Hence they proceeded to Bangassi, six miles distant, the capital of the Chief Serenummo.

  • Hence they descended on foot, supported by stout bamboos, for two hours, to the white pebbly beach on which the waves of the lake were rolling.

  • Hence they make a man think that he is going to suffer something in the future, so that while they are disposed in that way they are pitiless, according to Prov.

  • For they do not believe that God exists under the conditions that faith determines; hence they do not truly imply believe in a God, since, as the Philosopher observes (Metaph.

  • Because those things which are of faith surpass human reason, hence they do not come to man's knowledge, unless God reveal them.

  • Hence they sin by placing their last end in them, and lose the true good.

  • Hence they are (1) the brethren of Judah, and (2) the enemies of Israel.

  • Hence they sought to remove the difficulty by means of the interpretation; and as all had the same interest, the result was that the distorted explanation became as generally prevalent, as the correct one had formerly been.

  • Hence they would be measurable as regards the knowledge of God.

  • Hence they have a mode of signification which belongs to creatures, as said above (A.

  • Hence they advanced in a march of five days more through the desert, a distance of twenty parasangs, having the Tigris on their left.

  • Hence they proceeded, two days' journey, a distance of ten parasangs, until they passed round the sources of the river Tigris.

  • Hence they began to fill out the blanks for the man to use.

  • Soon after landing at Spanish Town the men heard of the excellent fishing to be had in the Rio Cobra River, hence they hoped to try a catch that day.

  • The hunters returned earlier than had been planned for, hence they had a tiresome wait at Spanish Town for the appearance of the White Crest once more.

  • It is as a rule a woman’s way to be timid and afraid of everything, hence they practise so much magic and superstition, the one teaching the other.

  • Hence they cannot be saved even did they possess “Mary’s virginity and holiness.

  • Those who do not believe are not Christians, nor do they belong to the kingdom of Christ, but to the kingdom of the world, hence they must be coerced and driven with the sword and by the outward government.

  • Hence they do not even agree with one another, in their accounts of the same things.

  • Their money is buried with them, hence they live in poverty, having no patrimony.

  • Hence they occasioned a want of water, while they supplied it abundantly.

  • Hence they resolved to open a way for the carriage of some pieces of ordnance to the top.

  • They know they are victimised by the Chinese, but they are powerless to escape from it; hence they, by a very natural process, acquire a settled hatred to the whole race.

  • Hence they are at unusual pains to maintain punctiliously the external forms of civilised life, mistaking the husk for the kernel.

  • Hence they are at the mercy not only of foreign armed powers, but of any band of native ruffians who may organise a pillaging expedition.

  • Hence they voted to celebrate a thanksgiving for twenty days: but while that was taking place there was an uprising in Spain, which was consequently assigned to Pompey's care.

  • Hence they assumed a twofold attitude in their decisions, in their prayers, and in their hopes: with their bodies they were being drawn away from those nearest to them, and their souls they found cleft in twain.

  • Similarly the upper surfaces A, B of the gripping jaws are parallel to a a, hence they may be used to set the work true with the line of feed traverse.

  • The blocks or dies A and B are dovetailed into their places, and secured by keys K; hence they may be removed, and dies of other shapes substituted.

  • A centre line S is then marked, and the edges at E may be filed equidistant from S and square to D; hence they will be parallel to each other.

  • With the lever L in the position shown, neither B nor E engages with A, hence they are at rest; but if lever L be raised as in Fig.

  • The Gentiles hated and envied Israel for their superiority and their true opinions; hence they endeavored to refute their ideas and establish others in their stead.

  • Hence they lived a retired and solitary life, the life of a recluse.

  • But the heavenly bodies have no opposites, not being composite; hence they cannot be destroyed.

  • Hence they hang up the jawbones of deer and wild pigs in their houses, in order that the spirits which animate these bones may draw the living creatures of the same kind into the path of the hunter.

  • Hence they attempt to extinguish the glow by spitting out water and throwing ashes at it.

  • The Lacedæmonians esteemed themselves of the same family as the Caphtorim of Palestine: hence they surmised, that they were related to the Jews, 1 Maccabees, c.

  • The temples, or Petra here mentioned, were Omphalian, or Oracular: hence they were by a common mistake supposed to have been in the centre of the habitable globe.

  • The ravagers understood that only he would escape with his life who could batter his way through; hence they fell to defending themselves with rage and despair, though without order and each for himself independently.

  • It remained to the living to perish; for the besieged would not take prisoners, hence they began to defend themselves desperately.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hence they" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    call themselves; death and; deceitful phantom; four battalions; heard footsteps; hence called; hence they; late date; little flour; makes them; might serve; minute after; morning paper; national property; only apparent; other folk; profound peace; properly made; see anything; separate state; social welfare; thin white; wild bull