Gauss attributed post-partum hemorrhages in the women and asphyxia in infants to these decomposition products, but he avoided these untoward effects somewhat by cutting down the morphine dose.
Her child was delivered in asphyxia pallida and resuscitated with difficulty.
He tried it first in 1903, but he found that if sufficient morphine is given to abolish pain there is danger of hemorrhage in the mother and of asphyxia in the child.
In fact, two dangers were to be feared when Dick Sand should be going over the cataract: asphyxia by the water, and asphyxia by the air.
Asphyxia was threatening in this narrow space, reduced every moment, in a medium already saturated with carbonic acid.
The victim was struck in such a way that it could easily have been mistaken for simple asphyxia or the kind of asphyxia that you would find in a body that has been hung by the neck.
It wasasphyxia due to a poison that really killed him, though the wound might have done so, but not quite so quickly.
Threatened mechanical asphyxia is especially dangerous on account of the risk of blood poisoning after an operation of tracheotomy.
When mechanical asphyxia is threatened tracheotomy may be demanded.
The blood is unaltered, though it is rich in fibrin, and if the animal has died of asphyxia it is found dark colored and uncoagulated when the body is first opened.
Since this asphyxia from submersion interests you, you can overlook her attendants, my dear Saint Remy, and I will come and see her every day.
Patient may die within a few hours from asphyxia or from exhaustion.
Taylor relates the history of a case of asphyxia in which he produced a successful issue by extracting one gallon of blood from his patient during twelve hours.
Schenck details the history of a case in which the pulse ceased for three days and asphyxiawas almost total, but the patient eventually recovered.
Raynaud suggested that the local syncope was produced by contraction of the vessels; the asphyxia is probably caused by a dilatation of the capillaries and venules, with persistence of the spasm of the arterioles.
This man died in 1802 at the age of fifty, asphyxia being the precursor of death.
Hippocrates speaks of asphyxia from a serpent which had crawled into the mouth.
Instances of recovery after asphyxia from hanging are to be found, particularly among the older references of a time when hanging was more common than it is to-day.
Terror-struck by the idea of sudden death, he immediately sent in search of a doctor, who suspected a case of asphyxia by mephitism.
It is syncope where the heart fails first; asphyxia where the lungs are first to cease; coma when the brain is first at fault.
Tracheotomy may be needed to prevent asphyxia or exhaustion from loss of sleep; but very few cases require anything but attention to nutrition and hygiene.
Asphyxia from the pressure of the foreign body, or the foreign body plus the esophagoscope, is a possibility (Fig.
Cyanosis is seen at first, later giving place to pallid asphyxia when cardiac failure occurs.
During asphyxia by submersion the higher consciousness enters into a minute study of the life now running to its close.
Asphyxia is from the Greek, and means an "absence of pulse.
A thick foam was dropping from the half-open mouth, and asphyxia seemed imminent.
The application of volta-faradic currents from the nape to the diaphragm produces no respiratory movement when asphyxia begins to manifest itself.
In cases in which the phenomena of serious intoxication have already appeared, and when asphyxia threatens, one must not hesitate to inject 10 or even 20 c.
Asphyxia then ensues, and the heart continues to beat for nearly a quarter of an hour after respiratory movements have entirely ceased.
The same applies to birds; but in the latter the period of asphyxia is much longer, probably on account of the reserves of air accumulated in their air-sacs and pneumatic bones.
Two or three drops, introduced into the marginal vein of the ear of a rabbit, cause death from asphyxia in from four to ten minutes.
The visit took place, and was a formidable campaign,--a nocturnal battle against asphyxia and plague.
Add asphyxia by miasmas, interment by slips and sudden breaking in of the soil; add typhus, too, with which the workmen are slowly impregnated.
What treatment should be adopted in asphyxia from electricity?
What should be the treatment inasphyxia from inhaling carbonic acid gas?
What diseases usually follow asphyxia by carbonic acid, water, strangling, &c.
In this, as in asphyxia from other causes, immediately resort to artificial respiration.
The diminution of movement upon the whole is progressive, but this progression is interrupted, because the blood is becoming more and more venous, and, therefore, the phenomena of asphyxia are mixed up with the toxical effects.
Animals when poisoned die in asphyxia from paralysis of the respiratory centre.
When death occurs from asphyxia, the ordinary signs of asphyxia will be found in the lungs, &c.
The blood corpuscles, therefore, lose their power of conveying oxygen to all parts of the system, and the phenomena of asphyxia are produced.
If it is found all around the neck once or more, you must slip finger down neck and loosen cord to let blood pass through the cord till next pain comes, in order to ward off asphyxia of child.
This observation may explain in part the remarkable success of the method of resuscitation devised by me, in which animals "killed" by anesthetics and asphyxia are revived by the use of adrenalin.
Again, one of the most peremptory causes of the discharge of energy is that due to an attempt to obstruct forcibly the mouth and the nose so that asphyxia is threatened.
For instance, a drowning may occur from pharyngeal shock--a spasmodic throat contraction that causes asphyxia before much water is inhaled.
But the actual immediate cause of death was, in my opinion, asphyxia due to immersion, in other words drowning.
If the glottis is completely blocked, rapidly fatal asphyxia ensues.
Shock, loss of blood, asphyxia from blood entering the air-passages, and Ĺ“dema of the glottis are the most frequent causes of death soon after the injury.
It may sometimes be due to an excessive degree of asphyxia during birth.
If the larger portion of the lung tissue is inflamed, death from asphyxia may occur in the second stage.
Death results from asphyxiabrought on by the distended paunch pushing forward and interfering with the movement of the lungs and the absorption of the poisonous gases.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "asphyxia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: asphyxiation; choke; choking; garrote; strangling; strangulation; suffocation; throttling