Mrs. Somerville relates that she once witnessed the ascertainment of the date of a Papyrus by means of astronomy.
Though difficult, this ascertainment is not impossible.
It necessarily follows that, for him, the attainment of faith, not the ascertainment of truth, is the highest aim of mental life.
But these facts have their causes; and the ascertainment of these causes is the doctrine of Ætiology.
The question of questions for mankind--the problem which underlies all others, and is more deeply interesting than any other--is the ascertainment of the place which Man occupies in nature and of his relations to the universe of things.
Partly it takes the form of ascertainment of the facts with reference to the legal result desired in view of the legal rule or of choice between competing rules in effect covering the same ground, although nominally for distinct situations.
The judicial and the legislative functions run together also in judicial ascertainment of the common law by analogical application of decided cases.
We may now by these facts and reflections give this inquiry a right direction, to wit, to the ascertainment of the north boundary of Nova Scotia, which is the southern boundary of Canada.
But what we ought to aim at is less the ascertainmentof resemblances and differences than the recognition of likenesses hidden under apparent divergences.
But though the laws of number and space are important elements in the ascertainment of uniformities of succession, they can do nothing towards it when taken by themselves.
And only when the induction which furnished the premisses to the Deductive Method rested on such instances, has the application of such a method to the ascertainment of the laws of a complex effect, been attended with brilliant results.
For myself, I have never directed my attempt to write history otherwise than for the ascertainment of the matter of fact.
And on account of the procedure, on the ascertainment of the non- being of that.
Among these is the ascertainmentof the solidity of the globe.
They soon found that they move with planetary velocities in the most elevated regions of our atmosphere, and by the ascertainment of this fact laid a foundation of distinct knowledge regarding them.
The ascertainment of this latter quantity with exactness could not be made in advance of the completion of the surveys thereof by the States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia.
These disputes related chiefly to an adjustment of boundaries within the Territory of Alabama, rendered necessary for the definite ascertainment of the limits of the Creek cession of 1814.
The exhaustive ascertainment of stellar parallaxes, combined with the visible facts of stellar distribution, would enable us to build a perfect plan of the universe in three dimensions.
The first factor in the ascertainment of the value of wages is their purchasing power, or how much can be bought with them.
If adopted it still leaves all laws necessary to the ascertainment of the will of the people, and all restrictions on the return to power of the leaders of the rebellion, wholly unprovided for.
It has but one object: The ascertainment of truth.
This foolish chapter has been the foundation of all appeals to God for the ascertainment of facts, such as the corsned, trial by battle, by water, and by fire, the last of which is our judicial oath.
The ascertainmentof longitude at sea by means of the moon affords a good illustration.
Man's capacity to measure exactly is indicated in his ascertainment of the length of waves of light.
Of course, the ascertainment of the truth of this belongs--as the ascertainment of all the truths of nature belongs--to scientific investigation itself.
But "ascertainment and verification" are purely intellectual processes, which must be conducted according to the strict rules of scientific investigation, or be self-convicted of worthlessness.
A brief mention of some of the evils that afflict her may help toward the ascertainmentand application of adequate remedies.
These statements can be much emphasized by an ascertainment of the proportion of Federal legislation which either bears upon its face its private character or which upon examination develops such a motive power.
Ascertainment of plaintiff's demand being properly by action at law, however, the fact that the equity court had power to summon a jury on occasion did not afford an equivalent of the right of trial by jury secured by the Seventh Amendment.
When the public faith and credit are pledged to a reasonably prompt ascertainment and payment, and there is adequate provision for enforcing the pledge, * * * the requirement of just compensation is satisfied.