The hinder end of the vomer articulates with the end of the descending process of the prefrontal.
It articulates with the anterior end of the vertical plate of the pterygoid, while the straight inferior edge articulates throughout with the palatine plate of the palatine bone.
The Radius, so called from its resemblance to a spoke, is on the outer side of the fore-arm, and articulates with the bones of the wrist, forming a joint.
The Tibia, or shin bone, is enlarged at each extremity and articulates with the femur above and the astragalus, the upper bone of the tarsus, below.
It is light and spongy in texture, and the upper surface articulates with the lowest vertebra, while it is united at its inferior margin to the coccyx.
Some articulates have no bony skeleton, their muscles being attached to the skin which constitutes a soft contracting envelope.
The muscles of the articulates are situated within the solid framework, unlike the vertebrates, whose muscles are external to the bony skeleton.
The posterior third of the squamosal forms a broad base by means of which the squamosal articulates with the quadrate.
Toward the middle of its length, the trans-palatine narrows considerably; then it broadens again and articulates with the pterygoid.
The trans-palatine articulatesin a broad line at about one-third of the distance along the lateral margin of the pterygoid.
The anterolateral part of the trans-palatine articulates with the dorsal surface of the posterior knob of the maxillary.
The palatine extends posteriorly to the trans-palatine process of the maxilla, where the palatine articulates with the pterygoid.
Just posterior to the level of the last prediastemal tooth is the median trans-palatine process that articulates with the anteromedian part of the trans-palatine.
The prefrontal articulates with the anterolateral process of the frontal.
A dorsomedian process begins at about one-third of its distance from the anterior end; the prefrontal articulates with this process.
In an articulated skull the trans-palatine articulates with the ventrolateral articulating surface of the postfrontal.
Where the quadrate articulates with the dorsolateral surface of the posterior portion of the squamosal, the former is broad and has a high mid-lateral crest, which extends about one-third of the distance down the quadrate before disappearing.
The antero- lateral piece which articulates the sternum of birds.
In reptiles and birds it articulates the lower jaw with the skull; in mammals it is represented by the malleus or incus.
The lower jaw possesses a deep fossa at its posterior end, or on its posterodorsal surface, which articulates with the body of the quadrate bone.
The first of these cartilagesarticulates with a nodule situated a little above the middle of the first bone of the sternum.
Taken as a whole, the bones of the carpus form a mass which, by its superior border, articulates with the bones of the forearm, and by its inferior border is in relation with the metacarpal region.
The radius articulates with the trochlea and the condyle, having appropriated a portion of the ulna, as is proved by the presence of the coronoid process, which belongs to the former.
The cuneiforms articulate with the internal half of the superior extremity of the principal metatarsal; the external half of this metatarsal articulates with the portion of bone which represents the cuboid.
The shaft of the bone, prismatic and triangular, diminishes in thickness as it approaches the lower extremity, which articulates with the corresponding extremity of the radius.
Its superior extremity, or head, articulates with the external tuberosity of the tibia.
It is covered by the common extensor of the toes and the tibialis anticus, and passes, accompanied by the tendon of this latter muscle, to terminate on the second metatarsal, or the phalanx, which articulates with it.
But by far the most characteristic class of Articulatesin ancient times were the Crustaceans.
Of Articulateswe find only two classes, Worms and Crustacea.
Its slender, upper end articulates with the ulna and humerus; its lower end is enlarged and gives attachment in part to the bones of the wrist.
The large bone above the heel bone, the astragalus, articulates with the tibia, forming a hinge joint, and receives the weight of the body.
It articulates with the lower end of the thigh bone, forming with it a hinge joint.
The only difference is that in Articulates the central space is very great and contains all the organs of the body, whereas in the higher Vertebrates the body of the vertebra becomes completely filled up.
The first memoir dealt with the mouth-parts of insects; the second with the anterior appendages of Articulates generally.
Bateson broke completely with the Dohrn-Semper view that the metamerism of Articulatesand Vertebrates must be put down to inheritance from a common ancestor.
The idea upon which is based the comparison of Articulates with Vertebrates is that each skeletal segment of Articulates is a vertebra.
If the skeleton of the segment inArticulates corresponds to the body of a vertebra and is here external, then the appendages of the Articulate must correspond to ribs (p.
The appendages ofArticulates and Vertebrates were thought of as the members of as many separate organisms.
Thus he does not prove or attempt to prove that Articulates are in all points like Vertebrates, but simply that their skeleton is built upon the same plan as that of Vertebrates.
Vertebrates and Molluscs have blood-vessels, but Articulates show a functional transition from the blood-vessel to the tracheal system.
On its outer border it articulateswith a series of cartilaginous fin-rays.
It articulates with adjacent vertebrae by a convex face in front and a concave face behind, being thus, according to Owen's nomenclature, opisthocoelous.
The anterior fin-ray of the pelvic fin, which is broader than the other rays, articulates directly with the pelvic girdle, instead of with the basipterygium.
The bone or cartilage of the carpus which articulates with the radius and corresponds to the scaphoid bone in man.
The bone or cartilage of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia and corresponds to a part of the astragalus in man and most mammals.
One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, which articulates with the ulna and corresponds to the cuneiform in man.
The bone or cartilage of the tarsus, which articulates with the fibula, and corresponds to the calcaneum in man and most mammals.
The antero-lateral piece which articulates the sternum of birds.
The proximal end which articulates with the humerus is flat or slightly concave, the distal end which articulates with the carpus is slightly convex.
It is terminated posteriorly by an elongated slightly convex surface, coated with cartilage in the fresh skull, by which the mandible articulates with the cranium.
Behind, it articulates dorsally with the basi-occipital and dorsolaterally with the pro-otics and opisthotics, in front it articulates dorsally with the lateral ethmoid and ventrally with the vomer.
The distal end of the tibia articulates with the astragalus by an irregular, somewhat square surface.
The carpus resembles that of the Ungulata vera, in that the bones interlock and the magnum articulates with the scaphoid.
In the carpus the os magnum articulates freely with the scaphoid, and is separated from the cuneiform by the lunar and unciform.
In Man, the Gorilla, Chimpanzee, and Orang, the carpus articulates only with the radius, in most Primates itarticulates also with the ulna.
It articulateswith the fibula, the tibiale-centrale, and distally with a bone representing the fourth and fifth tarsalia, and with the fifth metatarsal.
The other shoulder girdle element is an irregular bone, which articulateswith the humerus and presternum, and is connected by ligaments with the scapula.
It articulates with the fourth and fifth metatarsals and with the calcaneum.
In the mollusca there are usually a pair of comb-shaped gills near the heart; in the articulates there are several pairs, repeated in the different segments of the body.
In most of the articulates this work is done by side-jaws, which consist of hard rods and represent modified bones.
Of the three great classes of the articulates the annelids are developed directly from the vermalia, of which both the nematoda and nemertinae approach very closely to them.
The other two chief classes of the articulates develop long and jointed feet of very varied forms, and at the same time assume different shapes of limbs in the division of labor.
That is particularly the case in many of the platodes (trematodes) and articulates (crustacea and insects).
In the echinoderms the calcareous skeleton is formed from chalky deposits in the corium, in the articulates from chitine secretions of the epidermis, and in the vertebrates from cartilage of an internal chord-sheath (cf.
In the articulates the metamerism is chiefly external--an articulation of the body wall.
The mollusks and echinoderms show the least disposition for it, and the platodes, vermalia, and articulates the most.
The two stems of the articulates and vertebrates rise above all the other metazoa by the perfection of their organism and the variety of their functions.
In his poetry, where he articulates his meaning with far greater unrestraint than in his prose, we find without any difficulty full corroboration of his spiritual kinship with Nietzsche.
The injunction, trite though it sound, articulates a moral very far from philistine.
In these the central marrow has been prolonged down the dorsal side; in the Articulates down the ventral side.
Lubbock (Lord Avebury), and August Forel, have put the astonishing degree of intelligence of these tiny Articulates beyond question.
THE WRIST, or carpus, consists of two rows of very irregular bones, one of which articulates with the forearm; the other, with the hand.
The shin bone, or tibia, the large, triangular bone on the inner side of the leg, articulates both with the femur and the foot by hinge joints.
It articulates with the hip bone by a ball-and-socket joint.
The arm bone, or humerus, articulates with the shoulder blade by a ball-and-socket joint.
Five ribs are connected with the sternum, of which the anterior articulates with the seventh cervical by its inferior head.
The fifth thoracic vertebra has no facet on the centrum for the head of the sixth rib, but the latter articulates with a small facet on the side of the centrum of the sixth thoracic vertebra.
The vertebrates are strikingly and profoundly different from the articulates in these respects also.
The internal articulation of the vertebrates is just as profoundly different from the external metamerism of the articulates as are their skeletal structure, nervous system, vascular system, and so on.
The fibula articulates with both the calcaneum and the astragalus, which is not the case with Phenacodus.
The fibula no longer articulates with the calcaneum, but both that bone and the ulna are well developed.
The femur has three trochanters, and the fibula articulates with the astragalus.
In these more recent forms the fibula articulates with the astragalus instead of with the calcaneum.
With this may be possibly compared the double articulation of the single rib (which articulates with the sternum) in the Rorquals.
There is in the Articulates an extraordinary tendency toward outward expression, singularly in contrast to the soft, contractile bodies of the Mollusks.
But is there a transition from Radiates to Mollusks, or from Articulates to Vertebrates, or from any one of these divisions into any other?
The Articulates are the respiratory animals in this classification: they represent respiration.
But while all admit that Vertebrates are highest and Radiates lowest, how do the Articulates and Mollusks stand to these and to each other?
Vertebrates, then, were derived from a primal vertebrate, articulates from a primal articulate, and so for other departments.
Some find the origin of vertebrates among the molluscoids (ascidians); some find the origins of both vertebrates and articulates among marine worms (annelids).
In taurinus the zygomatic ramus extends nearly to, or articulates with, the maxillary.
The internal face of the opposite angle articulates with the sacrum, to which it is firmly attached by ligaments.
The radius articulates with the upper row of knee bones.
It articulates superiorly with the first, and inferiorly with the third bone of the digit.
The latter facearticulates with the third and navicular bones.
The pair of condyles articulates with the superior extremity of the leg bone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "articulates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.