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Example sentences for "articulate speech"

  • But the evidence of all such cases of the voluntary use of articulate speech by young children is qualified by the fact that it has been inherited from very many generations, if not quite so long as the faculty of gesture.

  • Even a fable may be related from many points of view; from that of expression as well as gesture, from that of inflection as well as articulate speech.

  • Man says what he feels by inflections of the voice, what he loves by gesture, what he thinks by articulate speech.

  • The buccal machinery, or articulate speech, is the language of the mind.

  • Perhaps the greatest single step ever made in the history of man’s upward progress was taken when the practice of articulate speech began.

  • No one perhaps ever epitomised the value of articulate speech in a single phrase more tellingly than does Herder when he says: “The lyre of Amphion has not built cities.

  • These mixed states represent articulate speech in its primordial state; they represent the stage of transition from pure pantomime to articulate speech.

  • I carried two sets of experiments along together; the one looking toward a system of multiple telegraphy and the other the transmission of articulate speech.

  • My first conceptions of an articulate speech-transmitter were somewhat complicated.

  • The commencement of articulate speech belongs to this period.

  • Gesture or sign language seems to have been primitive, the elder sister of articulate speech.

  • One of my students repaired to the distant telephone to observe the effects of articulate speech, while I uttered the sentence, "Do you understand what I say?

  • Still, however, poetry can only act through the intervention of articulate speech, which is so peculiarly human, that in all languages it constitutes the ordinary phrase by which man and nature are contradistinguished.

  • As soon as the human mind is intelligibly addressed by an outward image exclusively of articulate speech, so soon does art commence.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "articulate speech" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    articulate language; articulate sounds; articulate speech; but having; closed system; domestic industry; expressed thus; feared that; felt more; great weakness; hearted girl; mere chance; more detailed; must necessarily; pecuniary interest; polite literature; psychic phenomena; rapid pulse; relieve the; royal decrees; sacred place; save for; strange light; white field