America the Roman apricot endures "cold and unfavourable situations, where no other sort, except the Masculine, will succeed; and its blossoms bear quite a severe frost without injury.
The best monograph on the apricot is by Mr. Thompson (10/67.
And mind to say there's chocolate shape as well, and there's a kind of apricot souffley thing too.
After they are baked fill the center with pineapple, with any preserves, or with apple puree covered with apricot jam.
When the omelet is ready to turn, place in the center two tablespoonfuls of any jam (apricot is particularly good) and fold.
Maraschino jelly, center Bavarian cream mixed with crushed peaches or with apricot jam.
Serve with a hard, a plain pudding, or an apricot sauce.
Or, cut the paste three and a half inches long and two inches wide, and when baked place two pieces together with a thin layer of apricotjam between them, and cover the top with meringue.
Spread each slice with apricot jam, and sprinkle with chopped almonds.
When ready to serve, unmold, spread the whole outside with apricot jam, and sprinkle with chopped almonds.
A little apricot jam can be put in the center if desired; chopped almonds also may be added.
Lay vine or apricot leaves at the bottom of the pan, then fruit and leaves alternately till full, the upper layer being thick with leaves.
Let it simmer very gently till it becomes clear; then take out the pieces of apricot singly as they are done, put them into small pots, and pour the syrup and kernels over them.
Blanch two ounces of peach and apricot kernels, bruise and put them into a bottle, and fill it nearly up with brandy.
Add sugar to the tapioca, pour this over the apricots, add apricot juice, and bake in a moderate oven for about 20 minutes.
Dry sherry is a good substitute for cherry bounce, likewise apricot brandy, while vermouth or chartreuse will answer for peach liqueur, which is unlikely to be in hand unless you are a very old-fashioned housekeeper.
Put a whole cherry in the apricot cup at the top, and four green leaves of angelica round it.
These are made exactly similar to apricot fritters, bearing in mind that if they are made from tinned peaches only the firm pieces, and not pulpy ones, must be used for the purpose.
Most good judges consider that apricot jam is the best, and if the sweet omelet itself be flavoured with a little essence of vanilla, the result is generally considered one of the nicest sweets that can be sent to table.
Pile the apricots up, with the convex side uppermost, in a glass dish, reserving one cup apricot to go on the top, with the concave side uppermost.
Accompanying him is the officer who received me from Kiftan Sahib in the apricot garden, and whose suspicions of my being a Russian spy are anything but allayed.
Pomegranate, almond, and apricot trees abound, and produce a charming contrast to the prevailing crenellated mud walls.
On the evening of May 8th, the officer who first interviewed me in the apricot orchard comes to my bungalow, and brings salaams from Faramorz Khan.
These cakes are sometimes served hot with apricot sauce.
It may be filled with the custard made with chocolate, and so be brown charlotte, or the filling may have apricot or currant jelly whipped into it with the gelatine; this is an admirable change.
When the pudding is turned out of the mould, cover with the macaroon cream, and decorate the dish with cubes of peach or apricot jelly.
When the apples are done, fill the centre with orange marmalade or apricot preserve.
Mix with this a gill ofapricot jam, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and half a pint of whipped cream; freeze; when well frozen, pack in a mould and bury in ice and salt.
Half a small jar of apricot jam or marmalade; dissolve it in three quarters of a gill of water with the juice of a lemon; stir in three quarters of a gill of rum.
His head ached and he could not stop thinking about the pig's feet and the apricot preserve, much as he tried to do so.
He had eaten heartily of pig's feet and apricot preserve, presents to the seed shopman and his family from the market gardener's wife.
It was Evelyn, looking like some wonderful fairy vision in a gown ofapricot satin and chiffon, embroidered with exquisite little sprays of tiny rosebuds.
Her gown was apricot satin and--" Grace came to an abrupt stop.
When they had been led away by Miss Turner, each biting an apricot and casting longing backward looks at their friend, Rachel and Dick wandered to the north side of the abbey and sat down there in the shade.
Mrs. Lee held up one of the apricot rolls between her brown thumb and forefinger and weighed it critically.
Marie came back with a branch she had broken from an apricot tree, laden with pale yellow, pink-cheeked fruit.
South of the apricot trees, cornering on the wheatfield, was Frank's alfalfa, where myriads of white and yellow butterflies were always fluttering above the purple blossoms.
This winter of extreme cold did very little damage to trees, and an apricot on which I had taken out a plant patent, subsequently called the Harriet apricot, went through this winter without any damage and bore fruit the next year.
Something has been said in the accompanying text regarding the yellowish cast given to Chinese reds, and the manner in which the peach and apricot shades are produced by dyeing loose red over fast yellow.
But they have just brought your servants' livery; it is superb--dark green, with apricottrousers and orange trimmings.
I say nothing of our apricot pies; you don't seem to care for sweetmeats.
Spread each half with jam--apricot is very good; put halves together.
There under a thin-leaved apricot tree sat Mistress White, very pretty, with her long fair fingers clasped over a book which lay face down on her lap.
Against an apricot tree leaned Mr. Wholesome, watching with gleams of amusement the cat and the man, and now and then filliping at her a bit of plaster which he pulled from the wall.
And in it peach and pomegranate were shown and pear, apricot and pomegranate were grown and fruits with and without stone hanging in clusters or alone,--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
Apricot drying can be seen upon all the roofs at Damascus where, however, the season for each fruit is unpleasantly short, ending almost as soon as it begins.
In the closing years of the seventeenth century, there were few plantations in Virginia which did not possess orchards of apple and peach trees, pear, plum, apricot and quince.
The top is thick, with rather slender ramifying branches bearing small, green, smooth, glossy leaves, which resemble those of the apricotmore than they do the leaves of either species of orchard cherries.
The stones of cherries and plums are smooth, or nearly so, while those of the other fruits are sculptured and pitted, though those of the apricot are often somewhat plum-like.
The quince was greater in size, but less acidulated than the English quince; on the other hand, the apricot and plum were inferior in quality to the English, not ripening in the same perfection.
It has been said that this plant processes all of the English walnut and apricotpit shells and 80 percent of the peach pit shells available in California.
In some areas fruit pits, such as apricot and peach pits, accumulate at canneries or freezing plants.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apricot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: berry; color; ebony; fruit; oak; orange; peach; pigment; tree