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Example sentences for "legends"

Lexicographically close words:
legein; legem; legend; legendary; legended; legerdemain; legere; leges; legged; legges
  1. A place is far more interesting if you have associations with it, and I intend to be versed in all the stories and legends of the region.

  2. When Rome took up the legends of Greece, she did so in no chivalrous spirit.

  3. This version of the end of Helen's history we have adopted, but many other legends were known in Greece.

  4. All these and hundreds of others have legends of their formation which are very long and one or two generally occupy an evening to relate.

  5. Again Kurz wrote: “He talks to me continually about Indian legends and usages.

  6. Condemnation of Bull-fighting; Animals in the Lives and Legends of Saints; A Cloud of Witnesses.

  7. Should be photographed and mapped, and their legends ascertained, subject to the cautions given above under the head of Sanctuaries.

  8. Most tales of the martyrs were written long after the event, and came to be nothing more than legends laden with details often utterly puerile or devoid of proof.

  9. One feature of these old time legends is very noticeable, that is, how each ends with a moral usually of virtue overcoming vice.

  10. From the inn also, the great ravine we have been describing appears as an enormous trench cut through the heathery plateau, and we are led to wonder how it was that no legends as to its origin have survived until the present time.

  11. Two hundred years ago--as near as we can estimate the time from the dim and shadowy legends that have come down to us--the confederacy of the Wauna or Columbia was one of the most powerful the New World has ever seen.

  12. All of these legends point to the not infrequent occurrence of such a wreck as our story describes.

  13. Mingled with much of fable, overlaid with myth and superstition, it is nevertheless one of the historic legends of the Columbia, and as such will never be forgotten.

  14. In the legends of the Bakairi, the mystical twin heroes Keri and Kame brought the first animals from the hollow trunk of a tree, which they connect with the Milky Way.

  15. Legends told how he led the Aztec tribes from their home of origin into the valley of Mexico in the shape of a humming-bird.

  16. After taking my degree in 1868, I had leisure to read a good deal of mythology in the legends of all races, and found my distrust of Mr Max Mueller's reasoning increase upon me.

  17. Like Zeus, he attracted to himself the legends of a great many lesser divinities of the same type.

  18. It is not, however, sun legends alone which have found their way into the epic.

  19. Graves of gods are shown in many lands, and probably portions of legends relating to real men have been attracted into the myths of certain gods.

  20. Behind these legends lies the domain of the unattached and primitive folk-tale.

  21. He then becomes among the Indians a mighty hunter who follows a female, our Pleiades, as Orion in the Greek legends pursues the daughters of Pleion, with whom he had fallen in love, until they are changed by Zeus into a swarm of doves.

  22. In front of the legends attaching to persons and places is the history of these persons and places.

  23. By means of them, the lower class have an opportunity of picking up a few Káwi terms, and of becoming acquainted with the ancient legends of the country.

  24. Concerning the origin of the Parava fishing community of the south-east coast, the following legends are current.

  25. He was a hero of legends as soon as he took the field.

  26. The boy was in care of a woman who was successively his nurse and governess, and who taught him to read and stirred his interest in the legends and history of the neighboring countryside.

  27. Other family legends of uncomfortable eccentricity and general worrisomeness she utterly disproved, for never was there a kindlier or more placid soul than she.

  28. That was all, but impressive legends have been handed down, from one generation to another, on less foundation than the cave furnished to our valley romanticists.

  29. Legends of Old Honolulu," collected and translated by W.

  30. The weeks and the months came, so the legends say, and still Kamalo waited in patience.

  31. Many chiefs throughout the centuries of Hawaiian legends were said to have had this rainbow around them all their lives.

  32. Legends of Old Honolulu" is an interesting summary of what is known about the Hawaiian Islands, their people, and the origin of their race.

  33. Westervelt's book of the legends of Honolulu is especially timely, although such a work always has value.

  34. A lover of legends should now read "The Deceiving of Kewa" in the Appendix, a legend which shows conclusively the connection some centuries ago between the Hawaiians and the Maoris of New Zealand.

  35. Some of the legends say that Laka, the hula-god, was dancing before the two.

  36. The legends of old Honolulu proper have been compiled from stories told by old Hawaiians still living; others, furnished by the pioneer American missionaries, who began their work on the islands early in the last century.

  37. These legends will prove of unusual interest to the general reader and especially to the scholar, thinker, and poet.

  38. All these legends have their own particular appeal, and this book may be classed among the rare offerings of the year.

  39. It is not strange that legends have developed through the mists of the centuries around this rude old temple.

  40. For some reason not mentioned in the legends he sent woodcutters to cut down these trees, or at least to cut gods out of them with their stone axes.

  41. They are also valuable for comparison with the legends of the other Pacific islands, and they are exceedingly interesting when contrasted with the folk-lore of other nations.

  42. During his residence in Honolulu this writer has collected and translated from the Hawaiian all the available legends of the region, retelling them with singular success.

  43. Now my own people, the Irish, have far more ancient legends and traditions than any other nation west of Athens; and you find in their myth of the Milesian invasion and conquest two principal leaders called Heber and Ith, or Heth.

  44. But no matter how comic the exaggeration, these legends were invariably amiable.

  45. Indeed a vast number of legends and lays about the Trojan War bloomed into epics, which were in later times joined together and called the Epic Cycle.

  46. Herein we may catch another faint reflection of Homer, the organizer, the transfigurer of old legends into his two poems.

  47. Legends about Piskey-led people are as plentiful as blackberries.

  48. The author writes concerning them: 'Many of the legends were told me by very old people long since dead.

  49. The Tregeagle legends are still believed in.

  50. If this be so, the older stories are legends of the little Stone Men.

  51. She was represented as an ogre: the undergraduates, always fond of making up stories, amused themselves by inventing legends about her home life and her autocratic rule.

  52. Coming, as he did, before the invention of printing, when the spirit of tradition was more rife and dominating than it has been since, it is almost needless to say that there are many curious legends associated with his name.

  53. The story told with regard to the Caliph Omar and the great library of Alexandria, seems to have a foundation in reality, though such legends usually are not to be taken literally.

  54. Unfortunately for most of the good stories of history, modern criticism has nearly always failed to find any authentic basis for them, and they have had to go the way of the legends of Washington's hatchet and Tell's apple.

  55. The way then was free, and it seemed at first easy enough to plan it out, but to extract the charm of the legends needed the simple language of bygone centuries, the ingenuous phrases of the days that are dead.

  56. In their legends they have always regarded marital unfaithfulness as a prolific source of sorrow and punishment.

  57. As the Wallapais and Havasupais are cousins, one would naturally expect their legends to have some things in common.

  58. I again demanded if he was acquainted with any old legends told in connection with the Laird of Lag, thinking there must be a good many extant which treated of his wild doings.

  59. Legends inherited from their ancestors made them greatly fear it.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legends" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.