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Example sentences for "apsidal"

Lexicographically close words:
aproned; aprons; apropos; apse; apses; apsides; apsis; apt; apta; apte
  1. A fine chancel-arch shows nearly the whole of the apsidal chancel, the walls of which are well-covered with a tessalace of tiles.

  2. Indeed, if it had been possible to open the apsidal chancel a little more, it would have been an improvement.

  3. The chancel is apsidal and has a groined ceiling, and is lighted by a very plain window on each side of the apse.

  4. The plan of the church consists of a nave and aisles, with an apsidal chancel, the tower forming an excrescent on the south side, about the middle of the nave.

  5. The plan of the church is slightly cruciform, and consists of a nave and aisles, east and west transept, a doubly-recessed apsidal chancel, and aisles.

  6. The eastern transepts and chapels still have their apsidal chapels almost as they were built by Conrad.

  7. It consisted of four bays, with north and south aisles at the end of which were rectangular chapels, an apse about which the aisles ran as an ambulatory, and beyond the apse an eastern apsidal chapel.

  8. The crypt consists of an apse, three small apsidal chapels--i.

  9. In the middle of the west side of the cloister-court is the oratory, whose five-sided apsidal sanctuary projects into the court.

  10. Traces recently discovered seem to prove that it had an apsidal termination.

  11. When the apsidal chapels were pulled down at the time the apse was destroyed, Marshall built the present chapels of St. James and St. Andrew.

  12. It was Marshall's work originally, like its fellow chapel, being a substitute for one of the old apsidal chapels of the Norman choir.

  13. The two principal chapels are of early English architecture with porches and apsidal terminations.

  14. It is a large building in the decorated style, and consists of nave, transepts, and apsidal chancel, with a tower containing one bell, and surmounted by a slated spire 120 feet high.

  15. It consists of a nave, transepts, and apsidal chancel, and is a unique structure.

  16. Elsewhere in Belgium are several flat-roofed churches of basilican plan, some with ambulatories in the French style but no apsidal chapels.

  17. Marco, Venice, whilst in the later Cathedral of Angouleme of cruciform plan with apsidal chapels, that of Le Puy with a triple entrance porch, the church of S.

  18. The whole arrangement may be compared to the system of three apsidal chapels which is so common at the east end of European cathedrals.

  19. Some of its chambers, however, were consecrated to particular divinities and seem to have had somewhat of the same character as the apsidal chapels of a Roman Catholic Church.

  20. At Bari and Bitonto the whole apsidal arrangement is masked by a flat wall.

  21. Only here the mid window has over it a rich wheel, the favourite form of the country, a form which the apsidal east end would not allow.

  22. The sixteenth-century builders thought differently, however, and so the aisles were prolonged into an apsidal ambulatory behind the high altar.

  23. In the chapter-room are to be seen some well-preserved Flemish tapestries, and in an apsidal chapel is one of Zurbaran's mystic subjects: a praying nun.

  24. The form of the apse has been completely changed by the introduction of an ambulatory or circular apsidal aisle dating at least from the fifteenth century, as shown by the presence of the late Gothic and Renaissance elements.

  25. Beneath the tenth stands the parish chapel or ex-high altar, behind which runs the ambulatory, on the off-side of which are situated the five apsidal chapels.

  26. The Holy Door--a peculiarly placed apsidal portal on the eastern front--is built up of decorative elements saved from the northern and western facades when they were torn down.

  27. Sometimes an oval window pierces the wall of the trasaltar and lets the light from the apsidal windows enter the high altar; this arrangement is called a transparente.

  28. Hardly; and yet the crypt is a nude copy of the ground floor above, with the corresponding naves and aisles and apsidal chapels.

  29. Of the chapels, but one deserves special mention, both as seen from without and from within, namely, the high altar, or central apsidal chapel.

  30. On the opposite side of the same part of the transept a square-ended chapel with a vestry attached was added in place of the original shallow apsidal chapel.

  31. But the almost entire renewal of the eastern part of the cathedral was made possible by the destruction and total removal of the apsidal terminations of the earlier work.

  32. Projecting eastwards from the transept is the square chapel (now a vestry), which took the place of the early apsidal one.

  33. The transept also had a small apsidal chapel on the east side of both its north and south arms.

  34. The apsidal chapels on the east side of each arm of the transept had disappeared to make room for others of a different shape and size.

  35. Small chancel and no apsidal chapels, but generally an altar on the right and left of the high altar, one of the two usually being to “Maria sine labe concepta.

  36. The apse with its two apsidal chapels and part of the adjoining wall are probably the only parts of the church which date from the time of Charlemagne.

  37. The roofs of the three apsidal chapels are semispherical.

  38. The east end, or apsidal termination, is in the form of an equilateral triangle, with an attached fluted Corinthian column at the apex, and also at each of the angles of the base.

  39. Eastward to the left we pass the apsidal portion of St. Saturnin, supported by narrow buttresses, faced with pillars and pilasters.

  40. The church is lighted by long narrow pointed windows, one between each two columns, excepting at the apsidal termination, where a triangular projection affords space for three windows.

  41. Under them are 92 stalls in 4 rows; at one end is the rood-loft, and at the other the high altar against the apsidal wall.

  42. The fresco paintings in the apsidal chapels are by H.

  43. The transepts are just sufficiently developed to give expression to the edifice; while the elegant projection of the five apsidal chapels illustrates one of the characteristic beauties of the style.

  44. As the choir contracts towards the apsidal termination the piers become less massive and the arches â…“ narrower.

  45. The best and oldest part, excepting the foundations, is the apsidal termination, which is semicircular, with 4 pilasters and a small window in the centre to give light to the officiating priest.

  46. The omnibus for Avignon starts every hour at the hour, from the apsidal end of the parish church of Villeneuve.

  47. The flat east end gives the church an English look, and the flat east end with an apsidal chapel beyond it especially suggests Wells.

  48. The choir was of some length, and its length was broken by an apsidal chapel on each side, pointing north and south, so as to form a kind of small eastern transept.

  49. The peculiar excellence of the chapel is that it gives that apsidal ending to the church which adds so much to its beauty both within and without, and yet does not interfere with the square end of the presbytery.

  50. The transepts of the choir are very happily carried far enough east to be internally subordinate to this chapel, which arrangement, with the apsidal form of the chapel itself, adds much to the beautiful proportions of the church.

  51. There are north and south transepts, the former having one, and the latter two eastern apsidal chapels; and the choir is also finished with an apse.

  52. It consists of a nave and aisles of ten bays in length, transepts, and a short apsidal choir, with aisle and chapels round it.

  53. In their later works we find, at any rate, a development beyond that point at which Spaniards had before arrived, and noticeably an affection for the French chevet or apsidal choir surrounded by a procession-path and group of chapels.

  54. It has a western tower, a nave of three bays of quadripartite groining carried on very bold piers and shafts in the side walls, a chancel, and apsidal sanctuary.

  55. This is a Romanesque church, divided into nave, chancel, and apsidal sanctuary, in the way we so often see in works of similar date in England.

  56. There is, too, a small apsidal recess for an altar in the north wall of the north transept.

  57. The octagonal steeple is built above the north transept, and has in the eastern wall of its first stage two apsidal recesses, which seem to have been intended for altars, and are roofed with semi-domes.

  58. San Lesmes is one of the largest, consisting of a nave with aisles, transepts, apsidal choir, and chapels added in the usual fashion.

  59. The little church of San Daniel,[406] at Gerona, not much later probably in date than those first mentioned, is mainly remarkable for the apsidal north and south ends of its transepts.

  60. There is a lantern at the Crossing, and a very short apsidal choir.

  61. Like Lincoln, it had an eastern as well as a western transept, each furnished with apsidal chapels to the east.

  62. It consists of a vast nave of eleven bays, entered by a narthex, with a transept and short apsidal choir.

  63. Both originally had an apsidal chapel on the eastern wall, but only that on the north arm remains, and access to this now is not possible from the transept.

  64. From the west end of the nave, as a dark silhouette against the eastern apsidal windows, or as an object in the middle distance, it helps the spectator to realise the length of the cathedral.

  65. The lower apsidal arches, in the beginning of the century, were completely filled with imitation Norman work; this has been cleared away to the original height of the screen wall, with much improvement to the general effect.

  66. Similar apsidal terminations, of slightly later date, once existed at Ely, and still remain in a modified form at Peterborough.

  67. At Gloucester the apsidal formation has been destroyed, traces only of it being left under the present reredos, but there the actual removal of Norman work stopped.

  68. The westernmost chapel is the Norman apsidal chapel, and here the original Norman work comes to an end as far as the exterior is concerned.

  69. Formerly the old font, of which portions remain in the church, stood in the apsidal chapel in the south transept, and the choice of position for the new one is not quite happy.

  70. It seems probable that this was erected on the site of the apsidal Norman chapel, and the space (6 feet) between it and the Early English chapel.

  71. At the same time the beautiful series of apsidal chapels was added; stone vaulting took the place of the earlier wooden roofing and the space between the four piers that support the tower was vaulted.

  72. The eastern wall of the present chancel contains the arch (now blocked up) which formed the entrance to the apsidal sanctuary.

  73. There were stairs giving access to a room built over the apsidal chapel in the south transept, and also to the transept itself.

  74. By obtaining entrance to the farmyard upon which the east end abuts, traces of the original apsidal termination may be seen.

  75. The choir at Tewkesbury has lost its distinctively Norman character, as nearly all the original outside wall of the church to the east of the tower was removed, but it has retained its apsidal formation.

  76. It is more than probable that the wall which separated the choir from the nave was in character like the present eastern wall, with a spacious and lofty arch spanning the opening, which gave access to the apsidal eastern end.

  77. It is impossible to say with certainty whether Wilfrid's presbytery was apsidal or square; and whether his church had aisles or not.

  78. East of the above window a square-headed doorway opens into the apsidal chamber enclosed by the corner buttress.

  79. Traces of some external means of access to this apsidal chamber from below may be seen at the west side.

  80. It will be noticed that at the south-east corner there is no apsidal chamber to correspond to that in the storey above.

  81. Above the windows the eaves of the original roofs remain, supported on a corbel-table which is carried round the apsidal chamber at the corner and round the eastern apse.

  82. From the roof of this apse and of the apsidal chamber at the corner, and from the eaves that project along the south wall, it would seem that the whole structure was roofed with stone at a steep inclination.

  83. The apsidal end of the Choir, however, with its fine modern stained glass, forms a very pleasing feature in the general coup d’œil.

  84. This Aisle terminates in an apsidal chapel (of the Holy Cross) containing inferior pictures of the 17th century, representing the history of a relic of the True Cross preserved here.

  85. The latter has the characteristic rounded or apsidal termination of Continental Gothic, whereas English Gothic has usually a square end.

  86. It had an apsidal termination which did not extend so far towards the east as the present construction.

  87. George's in the Castle shows that it had, in accordance with the general rule of eleventh-century work in this country, an apsidal termination.

  88. The plan shows a nave and aisles of five bays, large transeptal chapels, and an apsidal chancel projecting beyond the two square chapels by which it is flanked.

  89. On the north side projects the lavatory, an apsidal building with two stories of windows and with what in France would be regarded as details of the thirteenth century and not, as is really the case, of the fourteenth.

  90. The chancel, which is rather deeper than usual, is entered by a wide foliated arch, and like the apsidal chapels is vaulted.

  91. The church consists of an aisleless nave with good groined vaulting and a five-sided apsidal chancel.

  92. Like the others, the plan shows a nave and rather narrow aisles of five bays, and two square vaulted chapels with an apsidal chancel between to the east.

  93. The semicircular aisle is said to have existed in the Anglo-Norman cathedral of Winchester, but the eastern end being square, two chapels were arranged filling the north and south ends, and an apsidal chapel projecting beyond the east wall.

  94. In Rouen cathedral, east of the transept aisles, there are apsidal chapels, which with the three chapels in the chevet make up the usual number.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apsidal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.