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Example sentences for "approched"

Lexicographically close words:
approbation; approbations; approbative; approch; approche; approching; approoued; appropriate; appropriated; appropriately
  1. Herevpon king Richard, not minding to be so mocked at their hands, approched one daie to the wals and gates with his armie in good araie of battell to giue the assault, [Sidenote: K.

  2. Whilest diuerse of the capteins within were talking with the king on the one side of the towne towards the meadowes, the lord Philip Bassett approched the walles neere vnto the monasterie of S.

  3. The castell of Remorentine being thus woone and defaced with fire, the prince left it void, and marched foorth with his armie as before, destroieng the countrie, and approched to Aniou and Touraine.

  4. The duke of Burgognie came still forward, till he approched verie neere to the duke of Lancasters campe, and pight downe his field aloft vpon the hill of Turneham, so that the fronts of both hosts were within lesse than a mile either of other.

  5. They approched neare where Cortes was, and saluted eche other according to the vse of their countrey.

  6. The next daie the king diuided his whole power into three battels, and after in good arraie approched nigh to the towne of Stoke.

  7. And thus sharplie pursuing the rebels, he approched néere vnto the sea side, which lieth ouer against Ireland.

  8. We with our boats approched neere vnto it, and did direct it to another Port one league more toward the West than the said riuer of S.

  9. As they approched vnto our Barke, there was one of them which being in some misdoubt of vs, went backe againe on land, and fled his way with as much speede as he could possibly.

  10. Two of them had bowes and arrowes, and other two 2 bastonadoes much thicker then the wrist of a mans hand, and other two with 2 long staues like iauelins with very sharpe points, and approched very neere vs being nowe come on shore.

  11. But yer they approched to Wales, at the Ile of Sillie both the brother & sister were taken by foure ships of Bristow, the owners whereof that so tooke them, sent them vnto king Edward.

  12. So huge and infinite their numbers were, That all the land they vnder them did hide; 8 So fowle and vgly, that exceeding feare Their visages imprest, when they approched neare.

  13. But as he approched to the enimies campe, he vnderstood how the mater went; for he found nothing there but [Sidenote: Cnute had the Englishmen in estimation for their good service.

  14. And secretlie he gaue charge to the earle of Penbroke, which was the leader and conductor of his companie, that when they approched the marches and limits of Britaine, they should diuert and take the next waie into France.

  15. And as he approched and marched toward him, he perfectlie knew his personage; by certeine demonstrations and tokens, which he had learned and knowen of others that were able to giue him full information.

  16. Bullongne who should haue béene his heire, was shot into the knée with an arrow, as he approched to the wals, and died of the hurt within a few daies after.

  17. Hearie approched with his power, he sent a bishop & an abbat vnto him to vnderstand if he meant to giue battell in deed.

  18. This roiall armie approched within two miles of Yurie.

  19. But before he approched néere the place, he left his power behind him, hid closelie in two ambushes, behind a craggie mounteine, beside the high waie that leadeth from Flint to Conwaie.

  20. And yet in priuate he was so affable and pleasant, that he approched neere the degree of leuitie: much giuen to scoffing, and passing ouer many of his euill actions with a ieast.

  21. When they approched neere their enemies, they saluted them first with a storme of Arrowes: Robert Fitz Beaumonte a yong Gentleman of Normandie, beginning the fight from the right Wing.

  22. But Harold with vndaunted countenance and heart, conducted his Armie into Sussex, and encamped within seuen miles of the Normans: who thereupon approched so neere to the English, that the one Armie was within view of the other.

  23. For the Duke approched so neere the Citie, that many preferring their safetie before other respects, withdrew themselues and went vnto him.

  24. I will not defile my writing with memory of some lasciuious behauiour which she is reported to haue vsed, at such time as the Duke approched to embrace her.

  25. About noone some of our men ran into the castle without any reencounter: the enemy had vndermined the gate, but as we approched the wall, it tooke fire, but not one of our people was therewith hurt.

  26. Howbeit, when he heard that Robert approched with his armie towards him, he retired into Scotland.

  27. But when Alfred approched to the reskue, the enimies fled to their ships, and passed ouer the sea againe.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "approched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.