Richard began to despaire of the matter, insomuch that he durst not approch néere his father, but kept aloofe, doubting to be entrapped.
The Falisques vppon the approch of the Romaines, were constrayned to retire within their citie, thinking the same to be their most assured refuge.
But seeing the Courage, and the approch of theym that came agaynste him, began to feare, his heart almost fayling him, and repented him that he had required his Enimy to that which he thought neuer to haue obtayned.
The Frenchmen coasted them, but durst not approch to giue them battell.
The pope sent two bishops towards the prince, to treat with him of peace, but bicause the prince would not hearken to anie treatie without commission from his father, they could not get anie safe conduct to approch neerer.
But vpon the approch of the Englishmen, they slipt awaie, and got them to a strong castell that stood neere at hand.
But the castell was woone before he could approch it.
But vpon our approch they tooke them all in, and combined themselues in generall to the Cardinall.
The enemy being fiue companies of Spaniards vnder the commandement of the Conde de Fuentes, sallied out of the towne against vs, and in our landing made their approchclose by the water side.
For which cause they marueled much how the English men in their small ships durst approch within musket shot of the Spaniards mightie wooden castles, gathering the wind of them with many other such like attempts.
The Spanish Fleet hauing shrouded their approch by reason of the Island; were now so soone at hand, as our shippes had scarce time to way their anchors, but some of them were driuen to let slippe their Cables and set saile.
But the people of that towne, being many, fledde when they saw the Spaniardes approch neare vnto thë.
For the Britains hearing that Cesar ment verie shortlie to come against them, were assembled in armour to resist him: and now being aduertised of his approch to the land, they prepared themselues to withstand him.
They fought with the Britains at Beandune, where at the first approch of the battels togither, the Britains fled, but too late, for there died of them that were ouertaken 2062.
Brocmale, or Broemael at the first approch of the enimies, turning his backe with his companie, left them (whom he should haue defended) to be murthered through the enimies swoord.
Hollanders, and beat downe the Britains where they might approch to them: manie were ouerrun and left halfe dead, and some not once touched with anie weapon, were likewise ouerpressed, such hast the Romans made to follow vpon the Britains.
At their first approch togither, Cassibellane sent foorth his horssemen and charets called Esseda, by the which he thought to disorder the araie of the enimies.
Approch the Chamber, and destroy your sight With a new Gorgon.
Whereupon, by reason also that Winter was come vpon them, and foule weather increased with fogs and mists that so couered the land, as without danger of perishing they could not approch it: Sir Humfrey Gilbert and M.
Edward Hays: and the little Frigat where the Generall himselfe did goe seeming to him most fit to discouer and approch the shore.
But when they came where that dead Dragon lay, Stretcht on the ground in monstrous large extent, The sight with idle feare did them dismay, 80 Ne durst approch him nigh, to touch, or once assay.
Albons with his armie, he determined to march foorth to incounter him before he should approch neere the citie.
Beandune, where at the first approch of the battels togither, the Britains fled, but too late, for there died of them that were ouertaken 2062.
So the King hauing both enlarged and assured his state in Normandie, by reason of the approch of winter, departed into England: but this was like the recuiling of Rammes, to returne againe with the greater strength.
Theodorick vpon his first approch tooke Bruges, Ipres and Gandt; either willingly yeelding, or with small resistance: and vpon the necke thereof Arnoldus tooke the strong towne of S.
Or the boye's wings, which when he did approch The sunne's hot beames, did melt and let him fall?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "approch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.