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Example sentences for "roiall"

Lexicographically close words:
roguery; rogues; roguish; roguishly; roguishness; roight; roiled; roily; rois; roisterers
  1. There was such a feast holden, so sumptuous seruice, so rich furniture, and roiall banketting kept the day before hir departure from London towards the sea side, that more could not be imagined.

  2. Clements day, Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother married the said ladie Sanctia, which marriage was solemnized in most roiall wise, and with such sumptuous feasts and banketings, as greater could not be deuised.

  3. Moreouer, in Tuthill field roiall iustes were holden by the space of eight daies togither.

  4. All haile to this roiall companie,[1431] That sit to heare and see this strange dispute!

  5. The king caused a sumptuous scaffold or theater, and roiall listes there to be erected and prepared.

  6. Sidenote: A roiall iusts holden in Smithfield at London.

  7. The Trabeae were roiall robes, and I find that kings and princes only ware them.

  8. So glory doth remaine, sometyme my state on high, was sette in Princelie throne, my porte and traine ful roiall was, a kyng my father also was, my housband scepter held.

  9. Priamus deare mur- dered was, my children also slain, who roiall were, and prin- ces mates.

  10. Manie notable monuments are remaining there till this day, testifieng the great magnificence and roiall buildings of that citie in old time.

  11. The earles sute was easilie agréed vnto, and an armie roiall appointed with all speed, to inuade England.

  12. At the daie of the coronation, to the end he should not séeme to take vpon him the crowne and scepter roiall by plaine extorted power, [Sidenote: Edmund erle of Lancaster vntrullie feined to be surnamed Crookebacke.

  13. Doncaster, when he first entred the realme after his exile) he had taken vpon him the crowne and roiall dignitie, imprisoned king Richard, caused him to resigne his title, and finallie to be murthered.

  14. This yeare about Midsummer, were roiall iusts holden at London in Smithfield betwixt the seneschall of Heinault, and certeine Henewers challengers, [Sidenote: Owen Glendouer endeth his life in great miserie.

  15. And the cause is only, for doyng our duetie in the sending of the Kings parte & portiö to his Roiall person & not vnto him.

  16. A rodde lyke vnto a roiall Scepter, with twoo rings of golde hangyng thereat, garnished with pearle.

  17. This yeare the king with his queene kept a roiall Christmas at Windsor.

  18. In whose person died the verie surname of Plantagenet, which from Geffrie Plantagenet so long in the bloud roiall of this realme had florished and continued.

  19. She was shipped in the new Ellen of London, and in hir nauie the Iohn of Newcastell, the Marie of Salisburie, and manie other roiall ships, and on the morrow landed at Sluis in Flanders.

  20. Wherevpon the king being moued exceedinglie against them, demanded whether they would obserue his roiall lawes and customes, which the archbishops and bishops in the time of his grandfather did hold and obeie or not?

  21. September arriued at Messina with great noise of trumpets and other instruments, to the woonder of the French king and others that beheld his great puissance and roiall behauiour now at this comming.

  22. King Edward being thus departed this life, the péeres of the land were in great doubt & perplexitie to whome they might best commit the roiall gouernement of the realme.

  23. They are made either by the king himselfe, or by his commission and roiall authoritie giuen for the same purpose: or by his lieutenant in the warres.

  24. From hence to the beginning of the quarell betwéene the houses of Yorke and Lancaster (wherein foure score and od persons of the blood roiall were slaine and made awaie first and last, and which warres begunne in the 1448.

  25. Gods vicar in your owne realme, as the roiall prophet saith; The earth is the Lords and all that is therein, the compasse of the [Sidenote: Psal.

  26. Whether he tooke vpon him of his owne accord to vsurpe the kinglie title and roiall authoritie, or whether that the same was giuen to him by consent of other, the certeintie appeareth not.

  27. The roiall and most rich iewels which he & his wife quéene Emma gaue vnto the church of Winchester, might make the beholders to woonder at such their exceeding and bountifull munificence.

  28. When masse was ended, the king and queene repaired to the palace roiall of Alhambra, the which was woonderfull, both in qualitie & sumptuous building, which house was adorned with rich arras and tapestrie in euerie chamber.

  29. This pardon was so freelie granted that no offense was excepted, no not so much as high treason committed against the kings roiall person.

  30. Then, when he had sitten still a while, thus he began: What were they worthie to haue that compasse and imagine the destruction of me, being so neere of bloud vnto the king, and protector of his roiall person and his realme?

  31. Why not as easilie as they haue doone some other alreadie, as neere of his roiall bloud as we?

  32. As though they were not to be trusted with the kings brother, that by the assent of the nobles of the land, were appointed as the kings neerest freends, to the tuition of his owne roiall person.

  33. And through all the realme of England, as well in that part which belongeth to the duke, as in that which belongeth to me, I shall see that roiall iustice be executed.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roiall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.