Single records of the kite-anemometer differ much, for sometimes the wind velocity diminished with altitude, and at other times it increased so rapidly that the kites were unable to rise higher.
We hear that the Meteorological Office is about to place at a high elevation an anemometer which will indicate its work to the observer below by telegraph.
Amateur meteorologists would do well to remember that the trustworthiness of the anemometer as a measurer of the force of the wind is seriously affected by the presence of trees; even a single tree will exert a disturbing influence.
With the savagery of the elements at their worst, the registering-pen of the anemometerin our office began to write its message.
The force of the wind on the open cup-shaped sides was so much stronger than on the convex or rounded sides that the anemometer whirled around quite rapidly.
Tom ran up the short ladder to the dial of his Robinson anemometer or wind-measurer.
Just at this time, the anemometer in the Weather Bureau office registered one hundred miles an hour and blew away soon after.
When the storm was at its height, our anemometer blew away.
I had my hand on the rail and was reaching up with the other hand towards the anemometer when I noticed from my third and little fingers two blue flames burning.
But the anemometer can only record for you how often it has been driven round, not at all whether it went round steadily, or went round trembling.
One cup and crossanemometer of Professor Mohn's construction, with spare cross.
He has evidently been out taking the meteorological observations, as he holds the anemometer in one hand.
As to anemometer pressures, it should be observed that the recorded pressure is made up of a positive front and negative (vacuum) back pressure, but in structures the latter must be absent or only partially developed.
And Jode, he quit his anemometer and said, 'I make no doubt, sir, that your despatch is genuwine.
This anemometer should be fixed in an exposed situation, as high above ground as may be convenient for reading.
We had a "Richards" hand anemometer with which we measured the velocity of the wind.
A stop watch took the time; an anemometer measured the air traveled through; and a counter took the number of revolutions made by the propellers.
The watch, anemometer and revolution counter were all automatically started and stopped simultaneously.
The anemometer should be exposed on top of a building where there is as little obstruction as possible by tall chimneys, higher buildings, and the like.
By means of an electrical attachment the anemometer may be arranged so as to record continuously on a cylinder rotating by clock-work, a pen making a mark on the paper for every mile traveled by the wind.
As the anemometer revolved, centrifugal force sent the air-ships out as far as the basswood strips would allow.
These were now fastened at the ends of the arms of the anemometer by attaching two strips of basswood to each ship by wires.
The highest wind velocity by the anemometer was ninety-six miles from the northeast at 5:15 p.
Lind’s Anemometer or Wind Gauge ranks among the earliest forms of instruments designed to estimate the force of the wind.
The anemometer cups were stationary, the wind vane stood absolutely parallel to the launching apparatus and everything promised a most successful experiment.
First take the reading of the discs on the anemometer and note the time.
The electrically recording anemometer Cam device with contact on wheel; slowing arrangement, inertia of wheel.
The vane of our anemometer is somewhat sheltered: Simpson finds the hill readings 20 per cent.
To clear the anemometer vane it is necessary to go to the other end of the hut and climb a ladder.
Here in this camp as usual we do not feel it much, but we see the anemometer racing on the hill and the snow clouds sweeping past the ship.
The anemometer gave the greatest trouble, and, before Correll had finished with it, most of the working parts had been replaced in stronger metal.
The mileages registered by our anemometer were the mean for a whole hour, neglecting individual gusts, whose velocity much exceeded the average and which were always the potent factors in destructive work.
On December 11 we had a hard gale all day, the anemometer recording "bursts" of over fifty miles an hour frequently, while the average exceeded forty miles an hour throughout.
The Robinson anemometer was perhaps the greatest source of worry.
The maximum wind-velocity recorded at this time by the anemometer on shore was approximately eighty miles an hour.
Some thermometers and a Robinson anemometer had also been overcarried and, when they came to light, the latter was immediately placed in commission.
This oil was used to lubricate the anemometer and other instruments exposed outside.
From results obtained in the English experiments it was concluded that the very widely used Robinson anemometer is not as satisfactory and reliable an instrument as a different form of anemometer devised by Mr. Dines.
These wires should be weather-proof, insulated, attached as shown, and running to and connecting the indicator with the anemometer at NN, Fig.
Illustration: The Anemometer as It is Mounted on a Standard Similar to a Small Windmill Weather Vane (Fig.
The insulation of the standard upon which the anemometer turns is shown in Fig.
The Anemometer The anemometer resembles a miniature windmill and is mounted on top of a building or support where it is fully exposed to the air currents.
Illustration: The Indicator Box with Coil, Needle and Scale, as It is Used in Connection with the Anemometer (Fig.
Very early in his investigations Langley thought he received through watching the anemometer a clue to the mystery of flight.
The wind at the time of the flights had a velocity of twenty-seven miles an hour at 10 o'clock, and 24 miles an hour at noon, as recorded by the anemometer at the Kitty Hawk weather bureau station.
In the Robinson anemometer the axis of rotation is vertical, but with this subdivision the axis of rotation must be parallel to the direction of the wind and therefore horizontal.
The pressure differences on which the action depends are very small, and special means are required to register them, but in the ordinary form of recording anemometer (fig.
In the tube anemometer also it is really the pressure that is measured, although the scale is usually graduated as a velocity scale.
The other forms of velocity anemometer may be described as belonging to the windmill type.
The velocity of the wind was ascertained by an anemometer of the best London make.
In my experiments, I also employed a very well made and delicate anemometer by Negretti & Zambra.
In addition there was an instrument called a Dines anemometer which supplied interesting tracings of the force, duration, and direction of the wind.
On top of the screen a Robinson's anemometer was screwed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anemometer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: anemometer; cock; equipment; instrument; log; weathercock