I was just thinking what a different creature a Massachusetts man is from a Virginian, And yet I suppose they're both as pure English stock as you'll get anywhere in America.
I suppose they've got thoroughly settled in their apartment by this time.
By the way, major, suppose they don't come along, what will you do for breakfast and dinner?
I didn't suppose they'd be home till long after midnight," said Katty, as she scurried away.
It was my own letter; but I didn't suppose they had it when--when we sought to have him released as not of legal age.
I suppose they'll say we did wrong to come here, and run so many risks," went on Andy.
Oh, I suppose they could, ordinarily," he answered.
I suppose they ought to be sent away school," said Mr. Racer reflectively.
I suppose they would be all right if we only got used to them," suggested Louis.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suppose they" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.