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Example sentences for "enthralled"

Lexicographically close words:
entertayned; entertaynment; enth; enthral; enthrall; enthralling; enthralls; enthrone; enthroned; enthronement
  1. The greatest tribute that can be paid to the genius of these two orators is that compositions, wordy, loose, abounding in repetitions, in their mouths enthralled multitudes.

  2. The secret power that somewhere lay enthralled you.

  3. These international matches enthralled him, and he was a spectator whenever possible of those that were played in the vicinity of London.

  4. He was always enthralled at the British Museum by the Rosetta Stone--that key by means of which Champollion unlocked for the modern world the long-hidden secret of Egypt's ancient civilisation.

  5. It was the beauty of Rachel which first captivated the eye, and then enthralled the heart of Jacob; and the wisest of men, thus ensnared, are still led into sin and folly.

  6. Youthful beauty still attracts the eye and wins the heart, and the best and wisest of men are too often enthralled by mere personal attraction.

  7. The victories they had achieved and the riches they had acquired, inclined them to sensual pleasures, and they were easily enthralled by the goddess, and induced to serve and worship her.

  8. It is better for us to remain enthralled as bondmen to the Egyptians than to die in the desert.

  9. Patriotic poets are arousing the nations from the lethargy that enthralled them during so many years; they make them hear the gospel of liberty, and awaken them from their indifference.

  10. Enthralled in long and timid gloom we lay; When Heaven recalled thee, and thy fetters broke Which bound thee to thy times' unworthy sway, Thy dying eyes of future vengeance spoke.

  11. Until then I was a man enthralled by worldly doubts, relying upon my own strength, and rejoicing, not without vanity, in my earthly greatness.

  12. His vanity was gratified with the almost religious devotion with which she unaffectedly regarded her sovereign, while at the same time she addressed him with a bold simplicity of utterance which astounded the courtiers and enthralled the king.

  13. An indescribable thrill, never before known, rose in my breast and she held me enthralled under a spell which I had not the least desire to break.

  14. It would be sad to think of a great spirit so enthralled by the scrupulosity of his time and his party, if these minute restrictions had been a source of annoyance to him.

  15. In all the region of petty scrupulosity the time-spirit had enthralled him; but in the higher region of moral decision he was utterly emancipated from it.

  16. While I now waited alone in my room, the most ordinary sounds and events in the house, which I never remembered noticing before, absolutely enthralled me.

  17. Where was the fascination which had enthralled alike the youthful Rosalie and the impassioned Therésa?

  18. At the sound of that voice, my paralyzed senses burst the fetters that enthralled them, and awoke to life so keen, there was agony in the awakening.

  19. Her eyes were shining darkly with a happy gleam, and there was a glow on her cheeks that made her a thousand times more attractive to the enthralled soul before her.

  20. There was no more applause from any in that assemblage, for they were all so enthralled that they hung upon each word uttered, riveted their eyes upon each gesture, and remained motionless like a painted throng.

  21. Carew was devoted to his spouse for a whole twelvemonth--a longer time than youth and beauty combined have ever enthralled him since.

  22. The perpetual brooding in which he indulged had, in fact, already postponed the accomplishment of the very object which enthralled his thoughts.

  23. They hold it weakness that we should become excited by incident, or enthralled by mystery, and prophesy a future when intelligence shall reign supreme, to the extinction of the vulgar passion for sensation.

  24. All three became silent as they picked their way gingerly; their advance required a nicety and precision of step which permitted of no talking or examination of the scene which enthralled them.

  25. Margaret's eyes had caught sight of a clock over the gateway as they entered; she had noticed how her two hours were flying, even while her conscious self was enthralled with her lover's story.

  26. I was too young to understand much of Mayne Reid, excepting the adventure part and the natural history part--these enthralled me.

  27. The men were so enthralled with these festive proceedings that they failed to notice Last Time sneak up from behind, where he was taking it all in.

  28. Enthralled in this that had dominated his senses, for the moment, he had unconsciously ascended the skeleton iron stairs.

  29. The power of his will had enthralled her, and she felt strangely submissive.

  30. That physical force which he had so long held enthralled had at last asserted its supremacy, and for the time his mind was under the sway of bodily weakness.

  31. Boiardo and Ariosto had painted the seductions of enchanted gardens, where valor was enthralled by beauty, and virtue dulled by voluptuous delights.

  32. Much that is obsolete in his writings must be referred to the polemical necessities of an age enthralled by peripatetic conceptions, and saturated with the ecclesiastical divinity of the schoolmen.

  33. His prediction of the outpouring of the Spirit in the conversion of sinners, when the church shall be no longer enthralled and persecuted by the state, is remarkable.

  34. Never was a strong man more enthralled than was Antony by this bewitching woman, who exhausted every art to please him.

  35. But I do so because most Americans are entirely enthralled by doctors, and this doctor-god worship kills a lot of them.

  36. In our country most people are enslaved by their debts, incurred because they had been enthralled by the illusion of happiness secured by the possession of material things.

  37. This taste enthralled him for years, and, indeed, may be said never to have left him.

  38. He had been always enthralled by the methods of natural science, but the ordinary subject-matter of that science had seemed to him trivial and of no import.

  39. For some two hours he sat enthralled by an able summary of the chief Tübingen positions; then suddenly threw himself back with a stretch and a laugh.

  40. Venus for this in pride began to frown That Cupid, born a god, enthralled should be.

  41. XXI Ye heralds of my heart, mine ardent groans, O tears which gladly would burst out to brooks, Oh spent on fruitless sand my surging moans, Oh thoughts enthralled unto care-boding looks!

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enthralled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    agape; aghast; agog; amazed; arrested; astounded; awestruck; beguiled; bewildered; bewitched; breathless; captivated; captive; caught; charmed; confounded; dumbfounded; enchanted; enraptured; enthralled; entranced; fascinated; fixed; flabbergasted; gaping; gripped; held; hypnotized; mesmerized; oppressed; overwhelmed; puzzled; rapt; smitten; spellbound; staggered; staring; stupefied; subjugated; suppressed; surprised; thunderstruck; wondering