Dumbfounded was a colorless word to describe her state of mind.
The commander did not notice that the individual he referred to stood directly behind, and was gazing completely dumbfounded at him.
The Indians stood completely dumbfounded for a moment, totally unable to realize that such was the case.
With these words, the ranger opened the door of the block-house and entered, leaving Jenkins completely dumbfounded at what he had said.
Then, seeing that the old lady was utterly dumbfounded by the announcement, he leant his elbows on the table and looked at her over his empty plate.
But Paris was dumbfounded that a very prominent and beautiful comtesse should leave her husband and her children in broad daylight, and go visiting the most famous pianist in the world.
Okie was dumbfounded to find the machine still in one piece and doubly dumbfounded to discover it was behaving in a most unconventional manner.
They seemed to have sprung from the ground, so abruptly did they appear before the eyes of the dumbfounded strangers in this strange land.
The Kurds stood for a moment dumbfounded with fright, but they soon recovered and made a simultaneous rush upon the Englishman.
I seized him by the hand, and was so dumbfounded that I could find nothing to say.
He remained dumbfoundedunder this downpour of filthy abuse.
I was so dumbfounded by the harangue our pseudo-cleverness had released that I could scarcely speak.
I stood there quitedumbfounded by his virility, as the air vibrated with his force and feeling.
Within a month after Una's visit to the school he called at Stoneleigh, where he was received with a cordiality that quite dumbfounded him.
Even in the Wixinockee County Clarion, it dumbfounded him and gave him a strange feeling that it must mean somebody else, but this sudden blaze of metropolitan fame made him almost giddy.
Dumbfounded for a time, between astonishment and suspicion, between wonder what this travesty was and wonder why it was assumed, he had at length discerned its full scope and meaning, and where it touched him.
The ponderous gate was closing before the dumbfounded watcher could collect his wits.
Over her shoulder the dumbfounded girl saw Lady Jane Oldham, Saxondale, happy faced Dickey Savage and--Philip Quentin!
I could not have been more dumbfounded had an angel asked me to step into heaven; but Dawson was quick enough to say something.
He stood quitedumbfounded like a thief surprised by sergeants.
At this question it was the priest who scratched his ear, quite dumbfounded by the lamentations, profound wisdom, controversies and intelligence that this virginity secreted.
For a moment I was dumbfounded by this exhibition of brutality, and then instantly every drop of blood in my body was set boiling at the sight.
I was dumbfounded at this extraordinary command and felt that I was placed in an extremely awkward position.
The dumbfounded Spanish crew ran below, Don Anton looked overside to port; and there was the English pinnace, from which forty English boarders were nimbly climbing up his own ship's side.
But now Fletcher ran out his epoch-making vessel, with sails trimmed fore and aft, and dumbfounded all the shipping in the Channel by beating his way to windward against a good stiff breeze.
So dumbfounded was Tom that involuntarily he uttered an ejaculation of surprise and fairly jumped when, faint but clear, he heard Frank ask, "What's that you said?
As we stood there dumbfounded at the disappearance of the body, the Highlander's quick glance caught something, and stooping he picked it up and examined the little object by the aid of his lantern.
Dave choked out with forced dumbfounded amazement, though his heart was actually sliding down into his boots.
Just about six minutes later the major, who said he was Major Alden, of the 41st Armored Division, was probably the most amazed and dumbfounded person in all Libya, and Egypt as well.
He succeeded before long, with an effectuality that perfectly dumbfounded his slow sense of expedition.
The parent and Uncle Joe, returning on the edge of evening, were dumbfounded at finding only a great hole in the ground where the dwelling had been.
I cried in utter amazement--dumbfounded by his impudence.
I was dumbfounded for the instant, and scarce knew how to act.
I stood dumbfounded for about a minute, and before I had time to give my thoughts to deciding what we should do, two big, brawny Scottish policemen had come up from behind and seized Delaney tightly by the arms and deprived him of his sword.
What brought him up to a dead stop, and caused him to gasp in dumbfounded amazement was the sight of ten Vultee attack bombers pulled in in line under the trees.