Be neyther in your dumpes, nor alwayes on your mery pinnes go nether to homely nor to nycely.
We nede neyther wytchraft nor enchauntment, ther is non of them al, so sure as honest condicions accompayned with good feloshyp.
He slew hem down without mercy, Ther astarte neyther free ne thrall; 1350 On him they cast a rufull cry When the Griffon down was fall.
Intencion of god was, that rightfully and blissed shulde resonable nature ben maked, 110 himselfe for to kepe; but neyther blisful ne rightful might it not be, withouten wil in them bothe.
For clerkes saye, we shullen be fayn For hir lyvelod [to] swete and swinke, And they right nought us give agayn, 35 Neyther to ete ne yet to drinke.
In unresonable beestes neyther ben they yvel ne unrightful; for there is their kynde being.
Any thing commende of only wil, that wil neyther is constrayned ne defended thorow any other thing.
Sche wende he wold han slayen it right tho; believed, then But natheles sche neyther weep ne sikede, nevertheless, sighed Conformyng hir to that the marquis likede.
Tuo woful wrecches ben we, tuo kaytyves wretches, captives That ben encombred of oure owne lyves, encumbered by And as thou art a rightful lord and juge Ne yeve us neyther mercy ne refuge.
These gentlemen and ladyes sate on the neyther part of the rock, and out of a cave in the same rock came ten knightes armed at all poyntes, and faughte together a fayre tournay.
Since they began to be shepe maysters and feders of cattell, weneyther had vyttayle nor cloth of any reasonable pryce.
For of all thinge thou arte aferde, Yet arte thoᶙ neyther hurte ner take.
This was no Damosell neyther sir, shee was a Virgin Fer.
Our Tongue is rough, Coze, and my Condition is not smooth: so that hauing neyther the Voyce nor the Heart of Flatterie about me, I cannot so coniure vp the Spirit of Loue in her, that hee will appeare in his true likenesse Burg.
Sir, the People must haue their Voyces, Neyther will they bate one iot of Ceremonie Menen.
But thou art neyther like thy Sire nor Damme, But like a foule mishapen Stygmaticke, Mark'd by the Destinies to be auoided, As venome Toades, or Lizards dreadfull stings Rich.
Nay, whats more, The beast he rydds on is not usuall, Tys neyther horsse nor asse, and yet a beast Nymble & fytt for burthen.
Sir glutton, your paunch is full, and little care you for the glory of God, honor of youre Prince, neyther the neede and necessitie of youre poore neyboures.
Cortes commaunded that they shoulde kill neyther woman nor childe: they foughte welnéere fyue houres: they sette fire on all the houses and Towers that made resistance, and draue all the inhabitantes out of the Towne.
And if this countrey were lyke vnto India, the inhabitants whereof eate neyther henne, beefe, nor porke, but keepe that onely for the Portugalles and Moores, they would be solde here for nothing.
He can not exceed his limit nor iurisdiction, neyther can anie other haue to doo in his charge.
It's a good thing to mak' Brass, and a good thing to be in possession on it, but Brass is neyther here nor theer unless ye ware it on yer friends.
Aske ye what I hunt for here, and yet ye se me haueneyther dogges, dart, Jauelyn, nor huntyng staffe.
There is as they say neyther barrell better hearing, but that in my iudgement he is the falser knaue of the twayne whiche robbes a man that puttes his confidence and trust in hym.
Is it not more honourable for mee to settle my mind vpon a place so high, than vppon some simple wench by whom I shall neyther attayne profit, or aduancement?
And hauing made an ende of those hir wordes, hir heart was so grieuously strayned, as shee coulde neyther weepe nor speake, and stoode so immoueable, as if she had bene in a traunce.
Suffiseth it Sir, for so mutch as there is neyther time nor cause of further discourse, what neede we to decide the matter, whych of it selfe is euident?
In this deede neyther the thing, nor yet the doer hath any colour of excuse, the trespasse and cause for which it is don being considered.
And continuing this order the space of three yeares neyther of them within that terme were with chylde.
She that was of Spirite, and Wit subtle, marked the lookes and maner of Anselmo, who neyther for loue, ne other cause did render like lookes on him, but to see to what ende his louing cheere and Countenaunce would tend.
Salust was no soch man, neyther for will to goodnes, nor skill by learning: but ill geuen by nature, and made worse by bringing vp, spent the most part of his yougth very misorderly in ryot and lechery.
For, in double translating a perfite peece of Tullie or Cæsar, neyther the scholer in learning, nor y^e Master in teaching can erre.
They make Christ and his Gospell, onelie serue Ciuill pollicie: Than neyther Religion cummeth amisse to them: In tyme they be Promoters of both openlie: in place againe mockers of both priuilie, as I wrote once in a rude ryme.
Neyther went those siluer pipes straight, but by many edged vnsundred writhings, & crankled wandrings aside strayed from bough to bough into an hundred throates.
Besyde also he shewed, that they the whiche, while they mynistre the common welthe, absteyne not from takyng of gyftes, neytherbe nor ought not to be taken for good men.
Thus the man of lawe, neyther for fayre nor foule, coulde gette any other thinge of his client but Bea: wherfore all angerly he departed, and went his waye.
No more doe I (quod he); that same man bargayned with me for the hey, and hym haue I payed: I neyther bought nor sold with you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neyther" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.