The byers haue the greatest gayne; yea, yf they haue nether money nor ware, they wylbe trusted; theircredite is much.
He neither loued much speech, nor gaue credite to faire; but trusted truely to himselfe, to others so farre as he might not be abused by credulitie.
And albeit few of them were at that time in any great place, either of credite or of charge, but were all wounded by his fathers wrongs; yet for that they were the greatest part, he made the greatest reckoning of them.
Obey our commandement, and giuecredite to this our Seale.
So (if we may giue credite to authors) drops of the Gothes fountain being dispersed abroad, become stones.
Furthermore that I may make good the credite of our Countreymen, I wil impart with strangers a fewe things which I found in our most ancient records of the conuersion of Island vnto Christ, and of the succession of Bishops in our Churches.
This fable, like all the rest, was bred of an old, ridiculous and vaine tale, the credite and trueth whereof is not woorth a strawe.
That likewise deserueth no better credite which another Author writeth: That there is a certaine great stone in Island which runneth vp and downe the crags and clifs of mountaines by no outward force, but by the owne proper and natural motion.
She likewise beheld him sometimes, not for any knowledge she had of hym, for his great beard and straunge attire, the firme credite and generall opinion also that hee was deade, chiefly hindred it.
The Princesse determined to creditethe counsayle of her gentlewoman, slepte with so great ioye as the poore gentleman waked with sorrow.
You do much abuse the credite which I repose in youre greate wisedome.
Countesse imparted vnto him all her affaires, commaunding her sonne and daughter to intertayne him, and to credite all thinges wherein hee gaue counsell.
The Indians gaue credite to his talke seyng so many bearded men and horses, and therevpon began to attende and serue him, leauyng their olde friendes in Vera Crux.
Yea they not knowing that they were Diuels, and hearing of them many things before the had hapned, gaue great credite and beliefe to their illusions and deceites.
This was a policie whereby he gatte muche credite among his vassals, yea and gaue them greate courage to play the valiant men.
Cortes forthwith published the hurte and daunger of life of Mutezuma: some gaue credite to his tale, and othersome woulde not, but rather fought very stoutly.
When the Mexicans hearde these newes, they required the Spanyardes not tocredite that Cazike, saying, that he was an euill and a cruell man, and would surely kill them.
Sherley & y^e rest have it, and will not deliver it, that being y^e ground of our agents credite to procure shuch great sumes.
They gave litle credite to his supplie, but pitied his case, and remembered former curtesies.
Divers perticulers wherof we leave to their faithfull reporte; having carried them selves heere with that good discretion, as is both to their owne and their credite from whence they came.
These things I hear inserte for honour sake of y^e authors memorie, which this gentle-man doth thus ingeniusly acknowledg; and him selfe after his returne did this poore-plantation much credite amongst those of no mean ranck.
Whereupon greater credite was giuen vnto that we spake of concerning such matters.
I have hearde grave men of credite report, more candles light in it everie winter morning before foure of the clocke than the foure of clocke bell gave stroakes.
He made no account of winning credite by his workes .
Demand of him my condition: and what credite I haue with the Duke Int.
Nay he will do it, 'tis a goodly creditefor you Ford.
There's no composition in this Newes, That giues them Credite 1.
I haue seru'd your Worshippe truely sir, these eight yeares: and if I cannot once or twice in a Quarter beare out a knaue, against an honest man, I haue but a very litle credite with your Worshippe.
And so he wrait unto her, and send for credite a ryng, whiche the said Quene our Soverane knew well yneuch.
The Caciques did giue such creditevnto his words, that in a few houres they had ioyned together so much people, that they made a fort according as the Spaniardes did request, and that with an incredible breuitie.
To gather feathers like to a hopper crowe, And loose them in the height of all my pompe: Accursed man now is my credite lost: Where is my vowes I made vnto the king?
This answer receaved, credite heard, preconceaved malice sufficientlie espyed, consultatioun was tacken what was expedient to be done.
But nocredite was geavin to any that wold say, "Thei mynd to land.
The fourth and the last, that for the better and more sure performance and maintenance of peace, and of all the conditions, there might twelue gentlemen of credite bee deliuered of either part as hostages.
But I could not perceiue it, nor gaue no credite to it, till it pleased God to send vs the remedie and deliuered vs from the rage of the same, His Name be praised therefore.
And when he bring in Christ vttering these words, he sheweth howe he woulde haue the holy scriptures more worthy of credite than any raised from the dead.
But in case we must not beleeue them being aliue, much lesse ought we to credite them when they are dead.
Some of our men of good credite that were in this last voiage to Guinea, affirme earnestly that in the night season they felt a sensible heat to come from the beames of the moone.
As men of "great gravitie, credite and reputation" were not likely to know the facts in this case, some of the immorality with which Stubbes charges the young people may have been as fanciful as the heathenism attributed to them.
Therefore we would you should credite his sayings both in quantitie of wares and goodnes, as also wherin is most our profit.
Which credite if you may by his means obtaine, or otherwise haue, we would you bought as much Wexe principally as you may get.
They were then driuen to credite vs and compound in value vntill the next returne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "credite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.