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Example sentences for "aestheticism"

Lexicographically close words:
aesthetes; aesthetic; aesthetical; aesthetically; aestheticians; aesthetics; aestivation; aetas; aetate; aetatem
  1. But we shall resolutely reject AEstheticism as a veiling of the real condition of things and a too facile solution of the great problems of life.

  2. This AEstheticism has its definite conditions.

  3. The craze for aestheticism against which it was directed must have placed a strain on the patience of so brilliant an exponent of British commonsense as Sir William Gilbert.

  4. It will be interesting to note in what ritualistic harbor the aestheticism of our day will finally moor.

  5. Manet expended his aestheticism on his canvases, and not upon tapestries and inlaid cabinets.

  6. The aestheticism of the Glasgow school, of which we have heard so much lately, is identical with that of the New English Art Club, and the two societies are in a measure affiliated.

  7. There was an efflorescence of aestheticism on all sides, even in the schools, where lectures on literature were delivered.

  8. His imagination was set in motion and his memory refused to work; the reality of cauterisations and flowing blood was ugly; aestheticism had laid hold of him, and actual life seemed to him tedious and repulsive.

  9. Pseudo-intellectualism and preciosity were a safer target, and towards the end of this period aestheticism in its earlier stages comes in for a certain amount of satirical notice.

  10. A new form of aestheticism has lately appeared which pretends to combine morality and culture.

  11. Individual aestheticism largely animated the Romantic movement of Germany at the beginning of last century.

  12. It will make, no doubt, that satire more piquant by knowing something about the subject of it, but you must not judge of aestheticism by the satire of Mr. Gilbert.

  13. Aestheticism may be only a love of sensational effects, with no glimpse of the ideal.

  14. There's plenty of aestheticism about you and your people--plenty of good intentions--but not an ounce of real business!

  15. It's like a disease, this aestheticism of yours--it's the Culture Ptomaine.

  16. Was she really having some effect on their terrible aestheticism at last?

  17. He never threw off from himself that disproportionate accumulation of aestheticism which is the burden of the amateur.

  18. It is when it calls itself aristocracy or aestheticism or a superiority to the bourgeoisie that its inherent weakness has in justice to be pointed out.

  19. That is the danger of aestheticism for the artist.

  20. So while he was working away in his corner of Provence, shut off completely from the aestheticism of Paris, from Baudelairism and Whistlerism, Cézanne was always looking for something to replace the bad science of Claude Monet.

  21. The Philosophy of Tea is not mere aestheticism in the ordinary acceptance of the term, for it expresses conjointly with ethics and religion our whole point of view about man and nature.

  22. The roji was intended to break connection with the outside world, and produce a fresh sensation conducive to the full enjoyment of aestheticism in the tea-room itself.

  23. The prevalence of such a sensualism or aestheticism would alone suffice to explain the impotence of the arts.

  24. There is a kind of sensualism or aestheticism that has decreed in our day that theory is not poetical; as if all the images and emotions that enter a cultivated mind were not saturated with theory.

  25. I shall still be aesthetic; but my aestheticism will be of the most pastoral kind.

  26. It means that Archibald the All-Right cannot be all- wrong; and if the All-Right chooses to discard aestheticism, it proves that aestheticism ought to be discarded.

  27. Whether commercialism or aestheticism will win in the end, it remains for the legislators of the future to decide.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aestheticism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.