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Example sentences for "client"

Lexicographically close words:
click; clicked; clicking; clickings; clicks; clientage; clientele; clients; clientship; cliff
  1. The question whether my client here has done anything to justify her being consigned to a felon's prison or not, is one that interests her very essentially, and that interests the people also essentially.

  2. This proposition appears to me so obvious, that were it not for the severity to my client of the consequences which may follow a conviction, I should not deem it necessary to discuss it.

  3. Any malpractice or unprofessional conduct towards her client would be punishable by fine, imprisonment, or expulsion from the bar, or by all three.

  4. The inequalities of sex will undoubtedly have their influence, and be considered by every client desiring to employ counsel.

  5. Selden, whose sense of gallantry made him feel it a disgrace to allow his client to go to jail.

  6. Before the solicitor can recover from his client the amount of his charges, he must deliver a signed bill of costs and wait a month before suing.

  7. The client can, as a matter of course, get an order for taxation within a month of the delivery of the solicitor's bill, and either client or solicitor can get such an order as of course within twelve months of delivery.

  8. Costs as between solicitor and client are taxed in the same office as litigious costs, and objections to the decisions of the taxing officer, if properly made, can be taken for review to a judge of the High Court and to the Court of Appeal.

  9. If this position was at first one of dependence, similar to that in which in earlier times the client stood to his patron, it soon changed into one of mutual esteem and admiration.

  10. Besides, who knows but what some day I might have a wealthy client who would want me to design him a mushroom cellar, combining practicability with the decorative.

  11. That vigilant barrister, Mr. Sublette, brought them in person to the courthouse before nine o'clock, he having the interests of his client at heart and perhaps also visions of a large contingent fee in his mind.

  12. It was for him to begin the day's sport by making a speech, not so much in defence of his client as in accusation of the prosecutors.

  13. It will be my business to show to you, not only that my client is guiltless, but to what temptations to be guilty he has been purposely and wickedly subjected.

  14. Mr. Gitemthruet, turning round upon his client with a sharp, angry look.

  15. Here Mr. Gitemthruet was quite at home; he hustled and jostled, elbowed and ordered, as though he were the second great man of the place, and the client whom he was to defend was the first.

  16. Mr. M'Ruen looked very sharply at his young client from head to foot.

  17. Then the client would go to the river to work as a porter, smiling the while over the Captain's long and wise speeches.

  18. It very often happened that a former client of his would appear, not in rags, but in something more respectable and with a slightly happier face.

  19. Such farewell speeches often served as a preface to the continuation of their acquaintance, which again began with drinking and went so far that the client would spend his last farthing.

  20. More than one client had been disconcerted by Malcolm Sage's restless hands, which they interpreted as a lack of interest in their affairs.

  21. He hoped, however, to communicate further with his client soon after the 23rd of that month.

  22. Never did a prospective client enter the Malcolm Sage Bureau without automatically setting into operation William Johnson's mental induction-coil.

  23. This is about the figure at which my client estimated it.

  24. A simple citizen has waited on his lawyer with a document; the client is seated, very ill at ease; we can see that he is the person who will suffer; his face expresses perplexity and suspense.

  25. Rankin then represented to the police magistrate that his client was too ill to give him any instructions in the matter.

  26. A client of mine came in to-day--" "Great Scott!

  27. By the way, Margaret, I forgot to tell you Mr. Bean actually brought in a client the other day.

  28. Well, it was a fine experiment his client was trying; he could but hope it would not end in disappointment.

  29. Yet still with a grand flourish of manner the lawyer pushed a chair before a littered desk, rummaged till he found paper, ink, and pen, and waved his small client toward it.

  30. His client had left the building when he said he did, and knew no more of what happened there afterward than circumstances showed, or his own imagination conceived.

  31. I hear as though he were now speaking, the attack which he will make upon my client when he comes to review this matter with you.

  32. Nothing will be introduced which will not ultimately be seen to have a direct bearing upon the attitude of my client towards the crime for which he stands here arraigned.

  33. True, it involved this interesting witness in a way that would be unpleasant to the brother; but he was not the man to sacrifice a client to any sentimental scruple--certainly not this client, whose worth he was just beginning to realise.

  34. That inscrutable lawyer and not-easily-to-be-understood man seemed determined to mar every good impression his unfortunate client managed to make.

  35. Where there is a reasonable doubt, no high-minded jury will convict; and I claim that my client has made it plain that there is such a reasonable doubt.

  36. My client has denied that he dropped anything into his sister's casket, much less the ring missing from that sister's finger.

  37. When the vicar had signed the document, Monsieur Caron took it and asked where his client was to send the things left by the abbe in her house and belonging to him.

  38. Mr. Leavenworth was an old client of our firm, to say nothing of his being the particular friend of Mr. Veeley.

  39. His client had fought down the temptation, the almost irresistible temptation, of appropriating the gold.

  40. He was also notary to Charles de Vandenesse; and one evening, at the home of the marquis, he made some awkward allusions which undoubtedly recalled unpleasant memories to his client and Mme.

  41. Have we got another client like him now--will you answer me that?

  42. Our client prefers to take him now,' said Mr Abel, drily.

  43. Our relations are those of client and counsel.

  44. Perhaps he felt no amusement; she was his client and very sweet.

  45. No, these were no common walls, yet unfitting to gaze on while you told a client you loved her.

  46. The lawyer praises the farmer's state when the client knocks at his door by cock-crow.

  47. Do you write word, what number you would be; and setting aside business, through the back-door give the slip to your client who keeps guard in your court.

  48. Middleton attended the summonses, gave his name and address, and informed the magistrate that his client was a large landed proprietor, and it looked like a case of mistaken identity.

  49. The £50 shall be paid to you immediately; but we must request you to consider that our client is your friend, and acts by our advice, and that it will not be either graceful or delicate to interpret her conduct to her discredit.

  50. The lawyer endeavored to soften him, and hinted that he would advance money himself sooner than his client should be tormented.

  51. His client was actually dying of his injuries, but his wife hoped for justice.

  52. If a client impertinently wanted him to sell a house which had a cesspool, Babbitt always spoke about it--before accepting the house and selling it.

  53. So my client got a deed for a farm which, had another lawyer been in Mr. Lincoln's place, would have been consumed by the costs of litigation for years, with the result probably the same in the end.

  54. I insisted that our position was justifiable, and that our client must have time or be ruined.

  55. His client was acquitted, and he had swept the field.

  56. His client was a pretty, refined, and interesting little woman, and in court.

  57. Stuart and Edwards once brought a suit against a client of ours which involved the title to considerable property.

  58. If a client would not pay on request he never sought to enforce collection.

  59. He would show his client that he could be punctual and painstaking.

  60. The lawyer looked his best client squarely in the face.

  61. I am not a child at all," she interrupted warmly, "and you can just sit down and write to your silly client and tell him so.

  62. He was more afraid of his client than of anything else in the world.

  63. If my client ever needs it, and you can afford it, he will ask for it.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "client" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    charge; customer; dependent; encumbrance; feudal; inferior; liege; mark; patron; pensioner; prospect; regular; servile; subject; subordinate; subservient; sucker; tributary; vassal; ward