After this, the townes of Burgh and Liborne, after fiue weekes siege, were likewise yeelded to the Frenchmen.
This siege continued the space of three weeks; at the end whereof the Frenchmen withinyeelded the towne, and departed with their horsse and harnesse onelie to them saued.
Sidenote: Caen besieged and yeelded to the French.
After this, he came to the citie of Arques, tooke a bulworke by force, and had the towne yeelded to him by composition.
Wherevpon Bruckburge wasyeelded vnto them, the liues and goods of them within saued.
Thou should’st haue had them too, and me vnarm’de Yeelded to Cæsar naked of defence.
And although it yeelded salt water still of it selfe, yet it was spoiled at the last and filled vp with filth.
Herevpon the king came thither with a great hoast, and anon the towne was yeelded vp without anie resistance.
This victorie doone, the king returned to Berwike, & then the towne with the castell were yeelded vp vnto him.
Adda, that yeelded vp all his portion, which lay betweene Humber and [Sidenote: Ella.
The rosie bowers that heate of Sunne did saue, And yeelded to thy sence a pleasant smile?
About the beginning of September was Lisle yeelded vnto the French king, and after that they of Doway, Curtray, and Bruges, did likewise submit themselues to the same king.
After the winning of Dunbar the king went to the castell of Rockesborough, which incontinentlie was yeelded by the lord Steward of Scotland, the liues and members of all such as were within it at the time of the surrender.
So when Ptolemie[33] the first King of Egypt commended the State to his yongest sonne, he yeelded a reason for that which he did.
So pledges being giuen on both sides, they conducted him to Rochester, and yeelded the Countie of Kent and the Castle of Douer into his power.
April; strange for the strong trembling of the earth, but more strange for the dolefull and hideous roaring which it yeelded foorth.
This hee yeelded at his first entrance, partly not knowing of what importance it was, and partly being in necessitie to promise any thing.
The earth in diuers places yeelded foorth a hideous noyse; It cast foorth flames at certaine rifts diuers dayes together, which neither by water nor by any other meanes could be suppressed.
The Pope vpon promise that the King should ayd him against his enemies, yeelded to these demands: and required againe of the King, to permit Thurstine to returne with his fauour into England.
Finallie about the 20 day of December, they yet yeelded the place vnto Lewes, bicause they were no longer able to keepe it; their liues, goods, horsse and armour saued.
He kept also the souldiers that had yeeldedit into his hands, togither with the hostages as prisoners, and doubting to cope with his enimie, went awaie in the night with as still noise as was possible.
The Gouernour yeelded him thankes, and requested him to come on shore, that they might the better communicate together.
Hauing yeelded vnto him and being come to the place where it was set vp, wee found the same crowned with crownes of Bay, and at the foote thereof many little baskets full of Mill which they call in their language Tapaga Tapola.
Woad: a thing of so great vent and vses amongst English Diers, which can not be yeelded sufficiently in our owne countrey for spare of ground, may be planted in Virginia, there being ground enough.
A thing of so great vent and vse amongst English Diers, which cannot bee yeelded sufficiently in our owne countrey for spare of ground; may bee planted in Virginia, there being ground enough.
Yet, when they saw that the hogges wanted it not, and that they had yeelded themselues to serue them, and considering their miserie and wretchednes, hauing pity of them, they gaue them part of the Maiz which they had.
But it pleased God that the Indians yeelded themselues vnto vs, and that this citie was taken: and such store of Maiz was found there in, as our necessitie required.
That euening the winde came to the South, which on that coast is a crosse winde, and draue the brigandines against the shore, because it blew very hard, and the anchors weake, that they yeelded and began to bend.
Our General made a breach, entred, and valiantly tooke the towne, wherein we found fiue Portugals which yeelded themselues to his mercie, and hee saued their liues: we tooke and caried thence for traffique to the West Indies 500.
On safegard he came to me, and did curse Against the Volces, for they had so vildly Yeelded the Towne: he is retyred to Antium Corio.
Hee'l neuer yeeld to that Caes Nor must not then be yeelded to in this.
All is lost: This fowle Egyptian hath betrayed me: My Fleete hath yeelded to the Foe, and yonder They cast their Caps vp, and Carowse together Like Friends long lost.
It was not long since, that the neighbour-ministers successiuely bestowed their paines in preaching there, on the market daies, and the bordering gentlemen yeelded their presence.
Whose yeelded pride and proud submission, Still dreading death, when she had marked long, 8 Her hart gan melt in great compassion, And drizling teares did shed for pure affection.
Her faithfull gard remou'd, her hope dismaid, 4 Her selfe a yeelded pray to saue or spill.
Then returned he with all his host, and tooke from the Nauarrois the castell of Thilliers, and also the castell of Bretueill, which was yeelded to him after two moneths siege.
Sidenote: The citie of Eureux yeeldedto the Frenchmen.
The soldiers defended the castell two daies, and then yeelded it vp into the Englishmens hands, who burnt the same, and caused the burgesses to enter into their ships.
Yee shall therefore vnderstand, that diuerse of those, against whome exigents were awarded, came in, and yeelded their bodies to the shiriffes prison, before they were called on the fift countie daie.
Then were the Frenchmen greatlie abashed, in such wise, that perceiuing how no defense might aduance them, they yeelded themselues without any great shew of resistance.
Thus was the strong towne of Calis yeelded vp into the hands of king Edward, the third of August, in the yeare 1347.
From thence the earle of Derbie went and laid siege to saint Iohn Dangelie, which was yeelded to him by composition.
Beinge ask’d the cause, before he yeelded ghoste: Quoth hee, my shielde, wherein I trusted moste.
Thus haue I yeelded vp into your hand The Circle of my glory Pan.
But on no side was there any way made by reason of a great calme which yeelded no breath to spread a saile.
Anone the fire grew so strong, that I saw it beyond all helpe, although she had bene already yeelded to vs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeelded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.