Spaine, and out of the bay of Mexico: for the countrey it selfe doeth yeelde no kinde of bread to make graine withall.
Not while her eyes be open will I yeelde A word, a letter, a sillables valew, But equall and make even her wrongs to me To her againe.
Oliues being once planted, will yeelde the like Oyle as Spaine, Prouince and Italie.
And if in respect of all the commodities they can yeelde vs (were they many moe) that they should but receiue this onely benefit of Christianity, they were more then fully recompenced.
All that you haue sent in times past lie here vnsold, and will yeelde no money.
Furres:' All along the Sea coast there are great store of Otters, which beeying taken by weares and other engines made for the purpose, will yeelde good profite.
The same earth doth also yeelde White Copresse, Nitrum, and Alumen Plumeum, but nothing so plentifully as the common Allum; which be also of price and profitable.
All of them yeelde a very white and sweete flowre: beeing vsed according to his kinde it maketh a very good bread.
There are those kindes of trees which yeelde them abundantly and great store.
There are also three seuerall kindes of Berries in the forme of Oke akornes, which also by the experience and vse of the inhabitantes, wee finde to yeelde very good and sweete oyle.
And by trade of marchandise they can not liue, except the Sea or the Land there may yeelde comoditie.
They doo sowe wheate, barlie, rye, and oates, and manie other kindes of graine; and the one and the other doo yeelde great increase.
Besides the fertilitie of this countrie beforesaide, all the fields be verie faire to behold, and yeelde maruelous odoriferous smelles, by reason of the great quantitie of sweete flowers of diuers sorts.
Whereof he that hath least, hath to yeelde him twentie rubbles or markes by the yeare.
My father bid I should obey your will, And yeeldemy selfe to your discretion: Besides my cozen gave me yesternight, A prettie nag to ride to Padua.
His love dooth not estrange me from my selfe, But doth confirme my strength with multitudes Of benefits his love will yeelde to me.
Noe, Douglas, quoth Erle Percy then, Thy proffer I doe scorne; 150 I will not yeelde to any Scott, That ever yett was borne.
But yette he will appease his wrath Thy daughters love to winne: And but thouyeelde him that fayre mayd, Thy halls and towers must brenne.
Relent sweet Hermia, and Lysander, yeelde Thy crazed title to my certaine right Lys.
Graues yawne and yeeldeyour dead, Till death be vttered, Heauenly, heauenly Lo.
But that thy strange mutations make vs hate thee, Life would not yeelde to age Oldm.
My Lord, Ile yeelde my selfe to prison willingly, Or vnto death, to do my Countrey good King.
As good a man as he sir, who ere I am: doe yee yeelde sir, or shall I sweate for you?
And these boyling together, they did yeelde a most pleasant and fragrant smell.
And to please the eye, the faire fruite was in no place wanting, where it should yeelde content.
This picture was put before him at the point that hee should yeelde vp the ghost, strengthening him that he should put great trust thereon.
For that the best of their people from tender yeares trayned vp in precepts of justice, it could not chose but yeelde forth a profitable people to a wise commonweale.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeelde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.