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Example sentences for "hymself"

Lexicographically close words:
hymning; hymnist; hymnody; hymnology; hymns; hymselfe; hynder; hyne; hynt; hyoid
  1. Me thoght I shewed man luf when I made hym to be All angels abuf, like to the Trynyt'e; And now in grete reprufe full low ligis he, In erth hymself to stuf with syn that displeases Me 85 Most of all.

  2. Hymself loued for to harpe, And layde [th]eron his wittes scharpe.

  3. Ner'les I bad hym that he shuld sey to the seyd Thomas therin as it wer of hymself with owte your avys or any others; and he seyd he shuld so, and that it shuld be purveyd for this next weke at the ferthest.

  4. He seide ons hymself To that sory puple: 'Who worthe you, wyghtes, Wel lerned of the lawe!

  5. It semeth, bi so Hymself hadde his wille, That he reccheth right noght Of al the remenaunt.

  6. Christ calde hem hymself Kynd ipocrites; How often he cursed hem, Wel can I tellen.

  7. So is the Holi Goost God, And grace withouten mercy To alle unkynde creatures, {363} Crist hymself witnesseth.

  8. Judas jangled ther ayein; Ac Jhesus hym tolde, It was hymself soothly, And seide tu dicis.

  9. For Christ seyde hymselfe To swiche as him folwede: 'Y-blissed mot they ben That mene ben in soule;' And alle power in gost God hymself blisseth.

  10. Here xal Annas shewyn hymself in his stage, be seyn after a busshop of the hoold lawe, in a skarlet gowne, and over that a blew tabbard furryd with whyte.

  11. In this yere came Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke out of Walis, over Kyngston brige to the Blak heth, withe grete power, to clere hymself ageynst kyng Herry of such things as his adversaries had shewed ageynst hym.

  12. Yea and the lord Iesus hymself in the boke of the Reuelacion doth greuusly accuse and condemne them which do eate meate offered vnto Idols.

  13. And if he withdrawe hymself my soule shall haue no pleasure in hym.

  14. But he hearith euẽ of the lord hymself / which sayeth / I haue lefte me seuen thousand in Israel / of which neuer mã bowed his knee vnto Baal nor Kyssed hym with his mouthe.

  15. Iesus our Sauiour in his own parson made of hymself vppon the crosse.

  16. Euen so truly our lorde hymself doth saye in the gospell / that no man can serue two masters.

  17. So moche he enforced hym, that he came to the fote of a montayne nygh to the port of Cesarye, and brought hymself nygh to a rocke ryght by Roncyval, under a tree in a fayr medowe.

  18. Wherfore he concluded in hymself to breke it, and toke it, and smote upon a rocke wyth all hys myght iii tymes wythout hurtynge ony thynge the swerde, and clefte the rocke to therthe, and colde in no wyse breke the swerde.

  19. And notwithstondyng these grevous hurtes and woundes yet maulgre al the sarasyns he sprange out of the bataylle, and sauved hymself the best wyse he myght.

  20. Hall states that "he hymself with his nobilitie warlikely accompaigned passed over betwene Dover and Caleys the iiij daye of July," his army, horses, and ammunitions of war having in their transport occupied twenty days.

  21. Itt is sayd she is a woman of goode wealthe, so as nowe the man wyll be able to lyve and mayntayne hymself in pryson, for hether unto he hath byne in poor estate.

  22. Hymself the cobill dyd with hys bolm furth schow, 15 And, quhen hym lyst, halit vp salys fow.

  23. I dowt not thoughe he be Sumwhat Symple in Aparence yet he shall discharge hymself yf ye put hym in trust and A lityll auctoryte.

  24. And bad hy{m} awake and make hymself strong ¶ For he was lyke to endure that daye.

  25. Which Cryist hymself sayd: to great rebuke and shame Unto them that sclandreth a man of Innocence.

  26. In lyke fourme who comyth vnto confessyon There to declare howe he his lyfe hath spent And shewyth nat his synne lyke wyse as he hath done Hymself he disceyuyth, as blynde of his entent.

  27. I sent zow an answer of zowr letter of Sir Jon Fastolf comyng hom, as he told me hem self; neverthe lesse he bode longer than he sayd hymself he schull a do.

  28. I suppose, he hath put hymself in daunger to the same Karoll.

  29. For sith he hath the power That Peter hymself hadde, He hath the pot with the salve, Soothly as me thynketh.

  30. His body was to-bollen for wrathe, That he boot hise lippes; And wryngynge he yede with the fust, To wreke hymself he thoughte With werkes or with wordes, Whan he seyghe his tyme.

  31. Austyn the olde Herof made bokes, And hymself ordeyned To sadde us in bileve.

  32. Ac yet I cryde on my confessour, That heeld hymself so konnyng; "By my feith!

  33. Alle the foure euvangelistes, And Crist cleped hymself so, The euvangelistes bereth witnesse.

  34. And loven hem that lyen on us, And lene hem whan hem nedeth, And do good ayein yvel, God hymself it hoteth.

  35. Othere werkmen ther were That wroghten ful yerne; Ech man in his manere Made hymself to doone, And somme to plese Perkyn Piked up the wedes.

  36. For he that yeveth, yeldeth, And yarketh hym to reste; And he that biddeth, borweth, And bryngeth hymself in dette.

  37. Ac thanne swoor Symonye, 1220 And Cyvylle bothe, That somonours sholde be sadeled And serven hem echone, And late apparaille thise provisours In palfreyes wise, Sire Symonye hymself Shal sitte upon hir bakkes.

  38. And thus was wedlok y-wroght, And God hymself it made In erthe and in hevene, Hymself bereth witnesse.

  39. There myghtow sen ensample In hymself oone, That he was myghtful and meke, And mercy gan graunte To hem that hengen hym on heigh And his herte thirled.

  40. Ech man to pleye with a plow, Pykoise or spade, Spynne or sprede donge, Or spille hymself with sleuthe.

  41. And sithe the lawe is of hymself vniuersall, with equitée, giuing and tempering to all states.

  42. This one sentence will discou- rage any Usurer, knowyng hymself a murtherer.

  43. Their owne will is their Lawe: there luste setteth order, no Magistrate, but euery one to hymself a Magistrate.

  44. Nature moueth euery manne to loue hymself and his, so thy care and paine be to a godlie purpose.

  45. Is it good for a man to exercise hymself in wrastlyng, or [Fol.

  46. He defiled hymself with his owne mother, whom he killed immediatlie.

  47. Xerxes hymself would be laste in battaile to fight, and the firste to retire, and runne awaie.

  48. Alexander the greate, alwaies did inure hymself to doe thynges, and manfullie to assaie that he enterprised.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hymself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.