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Example sentences for "manne"

Lexicographically close words:
manly; manmade; manna; mannage; mannan; manned; mannequin; mannequins; manner; mannered
  1. Nature moueth euery manne to loue hymself and his, so thy care and paine be to a godlie purpose.

  2. By this lawe it was not lefull, any manne to be put [Sidenote: A godly law.

  3. Reason wanteth in beastes, manne then indued with reason, whiche is a guide to all excellencie how is it that he is not ruled by reason.

  4. THe dronkarde in his state is beastlie, the proude and arrogante persone odious, the riotous and prodigall persone to be contempned, the couei- tous and nigardlie manne to bee reiected.

  5. Eidolopoeia, when a dedde manne talketh, is set forthe of Euripides, vpon the persone of Polidorus dedde, whose spi- rite entereth at the Prologue of the tragedie.

  6. Manne needeth no better example, or paterne of a common wealthe, to frame hymself, to serue in his state and callyng, then to ponder his owne bodie.

  7. In vaine were the creacion of the worlde, if there were not as manne so excellente a creature, to beholde the creatour, and his meruailous creacion.

  8. For whanne theyr untruth and falshede was espyede than no manne wolde buye theyre clothes untylle they were enforsede and unfoldede, regardynge nothynge the seale.

  9. I knowe when a servynge manne was content to goo in a Kendall cote in sommer and a frysecote in winter, and with playne white hose made meete for his bodye.

  10. The sap of the Larch produces the Venice turpentine; and in some parts of France a kind of gum, called the Manne de Briancon, which is used medicinally, is collected from the leaves.

  11. Whan I was fyrste in Almaine, Uncle, it happed me to be somewhat favoured with a great manne of the churche, and a great state, one of the greatest in all that country there.

  12. The manne even swette with the laboure, so that he was faine in the while now and than to wipe his face.

  13. Every manne was fallen in so depe a studye, for the fyndynge of some exquisite prayse.

  14. Ones I sawe a manne whyche used a brasar on his cheke, or elles he had scratched all the skynne of the one syde of his face with his drawynge hand.

  15. Another maketh a wrynching with hys back as though a manne pynched hym behynde.

  16. Though deathe with neverre faylinge blowe, Doth manne and babe alyke bringe lowe; Yet doth he take naught butte hys due And strikes not Willy’s heart still treue.

  17. O Manne whatte arte thou whye consideres thou thyselfe thus gratelye, where are thye great, thye boasted attrybutes; buryed, loste forre everre in colde Death.

  18. The conversation turning upon the said Cardinal, this lady asked Monsieur de Manne if he (the Cardinal) had ever said and confessed to him that he had been married.

  19. It was Monsieur de Manne who was astonished at such a question.

  20. It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.

  21. A litel whyle after when the yong manne was forced of his father that was come to him, to returne agayne to his old vertue, he brake his necke out of a garret.

  22. Thys kynde of teachynge howe so euer other menne alowe it, by my counsell no manne shall vse it, who soeuer entendeth to haue hys child well brought vp.

  23. Nor wythout cause dothe the olde manne in the comedie thynke that there is greate difference betwixte a master and a father.

  24. And what liuyng thynge, or what plante wyll bee as the owener or housebande manne wolde haue it to serue for, excepte oure dylygence helpe nature?

  25. Shulde not euerye manne as wel loue hys chylde as if he wer a kynges sonne?

  26. For beastes folowe onely the affectes of nature, a manne except he be fashioned wyth learning, and preceptes of philosophy, is rawght into affeccions more thẽ beastlike.

  27. But sithe no manne hath yet attempted the like, as far as I canne learne, I truste all suche as bee not exercised in the studie of Geometrye, shall finde greate ease and furtheraunce by this simple, plaine, and easie forme of writinge.

  28. Yea but tell vs what good cheere yee had there (I praye you) for a manne cannot fill his bellye with pleasaunte talke you knowe well inoughe.

  29. The full style and titles of the present Maharaja of Travancore are His Highness the Maharaja Sir Sri Padmanabha Dasa Vanchi Bala Rama Varma, Kulasekhara Kiritapati Sultan Manne Maharaja Raja Ramaraja Bahadur Samsher Jung, G.

  30. Manne Sultan is a title of the Maharaja of Travancore and the Raja of Vizianagram.

  31. He's notte thee manne to doe you wronge, Nor wyth false speeeches bubble you.

  32. Serche Englonde round, naye all the Erthe, Itte myghtelie would trouble you To find a manne so ryche in worthe, As honest Matthewe W.

  33. But I will passe over all those matters scito pede, and leave euerye manne to his owne iudgemente therein for this tyme.

  34. Ryche manne a thefe ys another, That of covetyse woll not slake, What he with wronge begyle his brother, In blysse ful sone shall he forsake.

  35. Meanyng that the selfe same parte of a manne bryngeth most utilitie yf it be with ryght reason gouverned, and agayne is most perylouse and hurtfull yf otherwyse.

  36. But whan it began to be skant well kepte vppon the Sonday neither: then was it commaunded that euery manne should receiue it thrise in the yere, or ones at the leaste, at euery Easter.

  37. Apostles would euery manne not onely to confesse with mouthe, but to beleue also in harte, are these.

  38. Seuenthly that in so smalle a syse of breade and wine, the infinite, and incomprehensible Christe, God and manne shoulde be comprehended.

  39. Ye Yonge Manne is born, and his parents hasten with him to ye abode of ye BROWN, praying that he may be christened among ye upper tenne.

  40. Ye BROWN demands if ye parents put in their coal in ye Summer time; and, being told that they do, he has ye Yonge Manne christened in his church, and when he grows up ye BROWN introduces him into Society.

  41. And when ye Yonge Manne he dies, ye BROWN arranges with all ye gardeners and black-goods men.

  42. And when ye Yonge Manne takes a daughter of ye upper tenne to wife, ye BROWN sees that he is married in ye BROWN his church.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    manner aforesaid; manner following; manner similar; manner that; manner worthy; manners and