The letter ran as follows: ‘Dearesste Anna,—As thou haste alwaye founde mee toe my worde moste treue, so thou shalt see I have stryctlye kept mye promyse.
And thus I beseche the Lord to have you in his moste gratious tuition.
Furnivall; with A Supplication to our Moste Soueraigne Lorde; A Supplication of the Poore Commons; and The Decaye of England by the Great Multitude of Sheep, ed.
The fowrthe artycul thys moste be, That the mayster hym wel be-se That he no bondemon prentys make, Ny for no covetyse do hym take; For the lord that he ys bond to, May fache the prentes whersever he go.
He asketh what cheere is with vs: by & by some stronger wine is brought, and they caste a great loue to him that drinketh lustely: wheras he payes no more money that drinketh moste then he, that drinketh least.
And surely the moste of th[~e] haue the spanishe scabbe, or as some terme it the frenche pockes: thoughe now adaies one nation hathe it commonlye asmuche as an other.
By drapynge of our wolle in substaunce Lyvene here comons, this is here governaunce; Wythought whyche they may not leve at ease, Thus moste hem sterve, or wyth us most have peasse.
Finally in all thy possessions thou regardest nothing lesse then that, that is moste precious, & for whose sake al other thynges be gotten.
And what a profite shuld it haue bene to lernynge, if in stede of these moste vaine garringes, not only folyshe, but also hurtfull, wee had lerned those thynges that we rehearsed a litle before.
To suche tutors do honest citizens committe their chyldren whome they moste loue, and suche do complayne that they be not wel rewarded for their paynes.
But moste of all shall profite, if the chylde accustume to loue and reuerence hys master, to loue and make muche of learnyng, to feare rebuke, and delyght in prayse.
The master shall be diligent in chosynge them oute, and what he shall iudge moste pleasaunt to chyldren, most mete for them, what they loue best, and is most floryshyng, that inespecially let hym set before them.
And still in dauncing moste parte inclineth she To one muche viler and more abject then he.
And the estate of shepherdes and countrie people he accompted moste happie and sure.
And an olde proverb is sayde by men moste sage, That oft yonge courters be beggars in their age.
Sith kinges for mostepart passe not their regions, Thou seest nowe cities of foreyn nations.
As to his purpos, of no swich matere, But-if that Ianuarie moste it here, That hadde an hand up-on hir evermo.
So buxom and so vertuous is she, They moste nedes live in unitee.
And therfore, if ye wole that men do yow obeisance, ye moste demen more curteisly; /3045 this is to seyn, ye moste yeven more esy sentences and Iugements.
I broghte it so aboute by my wit, That they mosteyeve it up, as for the beste; Or elles hadde we never been in reste.
But nathelees, yet hadde he greet pitee, 1755 That thilke night offenden hir moste he; And thoughte, 'allas!
But evermore hir moste wonder was, How that it coude goon, and was of bras; 200 It was of Fairye, as the peple semed.
Afterward, in getinge of your richesses, and in usinge of hem, / yow mostehave greet bisinesse and greet diligence, that your goode name be alwey kept and conserved.
This marchant, whan that ended was the faire, 1515 To Seint Denys he gan for to repaire, And with his wyf he maketh feste and chere, And telleth hir that chaffare is so dere, That nedes moste he make a chevisaunce.
This orisoun moste eek been seyd with greet humblesse and ful pure; honestly, and nat to the anoyaunce of any man or womman.
And yet he was at alle tymes one of the best and moste worthy in armes that liuyd.
Whanne lyf ys moste louyd, And dethe ys most hatyd, Dethe drawyth hys drawghte And maketh a man ful naked.
Bi al hwat hja dedon, ther nas nawet to fara hjara selva, men ellamoste thjanja vmbe tha forsta and prestera jeta riker and weldiger to makjane hjara selva to sadene.
Men hja niston navt god, that-et fon et jol makad was and that-et therumbe altid skreven wrde moste mith son om.
Thv hest al thin leva en gruwel had an tha manniska, ut frese thatste awet jeva jeftha dva moste to fara hjam.
Another waye of drawing the Oyle of Waxe moste noble, and doth maruelously help the cold Goute, the Sciaticke, the swelling of the legs, and al other griefes proceeding of a colde cause.
Whiche then is moste pleasaunt of sauoure, and so swéete, that nothing maye be compared like to it, in flagrantnesse of smell.
And so in al thynges, he praieth vnto the infinite power, deuine wisedome, & goodnes of the maker, wherof he perceiueth moste euident tokens in thynges that bee here created.
Ye nece myn, that ring moste han a stoon That mighte dede men alyve maken; And swich a ring trowe I that ye have noon.
And though so be that pees ther may be noon, Yet hider, though ther never pees ne were, 1360 I moste come; for whider sholde I goon, Or how mischaunce sholde I dwelle there Among tho men of armes ever in fere?
The wardein of the yates gan to calle The folk which that with-oute the yates were, And bad hem dryven in hir bestes alle, Or al the night they moste bleven there.
For he bicom the frendlyeste wight, The gentileste, and eek the moste free, 1080 The thriftieste and oon the beste knight, That in his tyme was, or mighte be.
But nedes day departe moste hem sone, And whanne hir speche doon was and hir chere, 1710 They twinne anoon as they were wont to done, And setten tyme of meting eft y-fere; And many a night they wroughte in this manere.
Myhellmas next comyng; and it is solde ryth well aftyr that the wole was, for the moste part was ryte febyll.
I lete you wete the moste parte of alle the tenaunts have bene here with me for to see me, and they have tolde me all the demenyng as it is undrewrete.
It is faire, and we can ghete it on Fulthorp is dette by grete labor for agrement, for I drede it wole be moste agayn us that it is of recorde soo longe unpaied.
She toke witħ hire maidyns two, To Britomayne she wente hir waye 1584 Floripas asks And saide to him, she moste go Bretomayn to let her To viseten̄ the prisoneris that daye, see the prisoners.
He cleped Brenlande to aske counsaile, What was beste to done, 2120 And what thinge myght him̄ moste avayle, To wynne the Cite sone.
Ye moste make offrynge for youre offence, For drede of grete vengeaunce, 2448 With oyle, mylke and ffranken̄cense By youre prestis ordynaunce.
Ther is none helpe, but in this wyse, 1948 Then moste ye shewen̄ youre prowes, And wynne this Castel in this guyse.
Al thinge moste haue an̄ ende, The nyghte come on ful sone, 892 At night the Pagans Every wighte retourned to wende; quit the field.
Make him naked as a Childe, He moste plunge ther-inne.
On these Frenche dogges, that bene here, to increase their Ye moste avenge me nowe.
O moste lovynge Lord, forgyve us our unthankfulnes, and all our synnes, for Jesus Christ's sake.
O Lord God Almightie, and Father moste mcrcifull, there is none lyke thee in heaven nor in earthe, which workest all thinges for the glorie of thy name and the comfort of thyne elect.
For the which negligence, and many other grevous synnes whereof we now accuse our selves before thee, thow mightest moste justly have gyven us up to reprobate mynds and induration of our hartes, as thow haste done others.
Whether he or his ministers by his sufferance do take in suche as they reken moste clene of the poore, and repell theym that they reken most sore or deseased, for auoydyng of their owne lothesomenes or contagion.
A wish is expressed that all almoners and houses of alms might be stirred up to do likewise “at this tyme namely, when the mysery of the poore moste busily semeth to awake.
Not with standdyng my modyr thynkks that he was grownd of that matier; wherfor ther is no remedy but he moste a voyde.
Ryght wurschypfull and welebelovyd Volentyne, in my moste umble wyse, I recommande me un to yowe, &c.
The Gouerauce of good helthe, by the moste excellent phylosopher Plutarche, the moste eloquent Erasmus being interpretoure.
With the arguments aswel before the chapters, as for every Boke and Epistle, also diversities of readings, and moste proffitable annotations of all harde places; whereunto is added a copious Table.
With moste profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.