In which how many fatall strokes I gaue, So many woundes her tender brest receiu'd.
XLV The false Duessa leaving noyous Night, Returnd to stately pallace of Dame Pride; Where when she came, she found the Faery knight Departed thence, albe his woundes wide 400 Not throughly heald, unreadie were to ride.
CANTO VIII Faire virgin, to redeeme her deare brings Arthur to the fight: Who slayes that Gyant, woundes the beast, and strips Duessa quight.
In wine and oyle they wash hiswoundes wide, And softly can embalme on every side.
Berney, and my maisteris your sonys and my maister your brother arn heyle and mery, and recommend hem to yow.
It was evidently written soon after the taking of the inquisition on the death of William Paston, the Judge, the date of which is given in the extract as 2nd November 23 Henry VI.
They give him over, saying everie wound, Of sixe, whereof theres seav'n in his head, Are mortall woundes and all incurable.
Be therefore comforted" sayd he, "for these woundes are signes of your fighting.
There is seen a cloud of pitche and heapes of ashes at this daye, their woundes are not skinned ouer, they appeare for ever.
The knight Mendozza stale secretly awaye, and after that he had in the next village dressed certaine small woundes that he had receiued in the combat, he toke his way into Spain.
There was he painted full of burning darts, And many wide woundes launched through his +inner+ +parts.
The false Duessa leauing noyous Night, 2 Returnd to stately pallace of dame Pride; Where when she came, she found the Faery knight 4 Departed thence, albe his woundes wide Not throughly heald, vnreadie were to ride.
In wine and oyle they wash his woundes wide, And softly +can+ embalme on euery side.
And as these holi bokes sein, 1010 The houndes comen fro the halle, Wher that this sike man was falle, And as he lay ther forto die, The woundes of his maladie Thei licken forto don him ese.
The cause material been the fyve woundesof thy doghter.
Charmes for woundes or maladye of men, or of bestes, if they taken any effect, it may be peraventure that god suffreth it, for folk sholden yeve the more feith and reverence to his name.
And every gras that groweth up-on rote She shal eek knowe, and whom it wol do bote, Al be his woundes never so depe and wyde.
Lat us thanne speken of chydinge and reproche, whiche been ful gretewoundes in mannes herte; for they unsowen the semes of frendshipe in mannes herte.
I wylle awaie to Birtha bie thys nyghte: Albeytte fro mie woundes mie soul doe blede, I wylle awaie, & die wythynne her syghte.
And now the battail closde on everych syde, And face to face appeard the knyghts full brave; They lifted up theire bylles with myckle pryde, And manie woundes unto the Normans gave.
Many a man is killed with knyf, To wete which of hem have lordship shall; For such, Christ suffred woundes fyve; For all such falshed will foul fall.
Now may I playn to Venus all above, That rewthles ye me +give these woundes wyde!
But well wot I, my lady graunted me, Truly to be my woundes remedy; Her gentilness may not infected be With dobleness, thus trust I till I dy.
And yit sich sorwe dide I fele, That al-day I chaunged hewe, Of my woundes fresshe and newe, As men might see in my visage.
But ay the oynement wente abrood; Throughout my woundes large and wyde It spredde aboute in every syde; 1900 Through whos vertu and whos might Myn herte Ioyful was and light.
For ous he spradde is herte blod, { His woundes were so wyde.
I speake not of their woundes and wearinesse, things sufficient to haue made an ende of lyfe.
And then the Indians began to faynt, seyng so many dead on theyr side, and the greate woundes they had, and that they coulde kill none of the Christians: yet the battayle ceased not till it drewe neare night and then they retyred.
And likewise the brightnesse of youre weapons dyd blynde vs, and the woundes you made were incurable.
He sende to him his surgyne and ordered a surgeon To hele his woundes wyde.
Tho he saugħ, he was alyve; 1448 He lay walowynge vppon the sonde With blody woundes fyve.
After they tooke a burning water made by Necromancie, by the which they taking away his senses, made foure other woundes in his bodie.
And notwithstondyng these grevous hurtes and woundes yet maulgre al the sarasyns he sprange out of the bataylle, and sauved hymself the best wyse he myght.
Nevertheles Rolland beynge in thys sorowe, he peased hys woundes al so wel as he myght, and stratched himself on the grasse to the fressheness for to forget hys thurst, whych was over grete.
Jhesu Christe, mi lemman swete, That for me deyedis on rood tree With al myn herte I the biseke For thi woundes two and thre: That so fast in mi herte Thi love rooted might be, As was the spere in thi side When thou suffredst deth for me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "woundes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.