Many a man did they to blede, [2361] Such woundis they wrought.
The Scottis all on to the barress yeid, Stanchit woundis that couth full braithly bleid.
Woundis he had in mony diuerss place, Bot fayr and weill kepyt was his face.
The brygandis than thai bykerit wondyr fast, Amang the Scottis with schot and gownnys cast; And thai agayn with speris hedyt weill, Feill woundis maid throuch plattis off fyne steill.
Bot the folk off the tothir party Fawcht with axys sa felounly 20 For thai on fute war evir-ilkane, That thai feile off thar hors has slayne; And till sum gaiff thai woundis wid.
The Kingis men, that worthy war, With thair speris that scharply schar, 320 Stekit men and stedis bath, Till red blud ran of woundis rath.
C has woundis wyde (S), but there is no hint of the King's wounds; cf.
And thai with speris woundis wyde Gaf to the hors that com thame neir: And thai that rydand on thame weir, That doune war born, lossit the lyvis.
Than mycht men heir the speris brast, And men dyng apon othir fast, 480 And blude brist out at woundis wyde.
But whan a whyle I had be thar, The God of Love, which al to-shar Myn herte with his arwis kene, Caste him to yeve me woundis grene.
I was bothe anguissous and trouble 1755 For the peril that I saw double; I niste what to seye or do, Ne gete a leche my woundis to; For neithir thurgh gras ne rote, Ne hadde I help of hope ne bote.
Bot Nysus than ruschit amyd the rowt, Amangis thame all sekand Volscens the stowt, 30 And on Volscens alanerly arestis; Thocht rownd about with ennemys he prest is, Quhilk heir and thar onon at euery syde Hym ombeset with warkand woundis wyde.
Hys fax and berd was fadyt quhar he stude, And all hys hayr was glotnyt ful of blude; Full mony woundis on his body bayr he, Quhilk, in defens of hys natyve cuntre, 30 About the wallys of Troy ressavyt he had.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "woundis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.