Yesterday the good lord bishop of Sarum arrived att hispallace in the Close.
There stouping, like an arrowe from a bowe, He soft arrived on the grassie plaine, And fairly paced forth with easie paine, Till that unto the pallace nigh he came.
Night like a Princes pallace full of light, Illumin'd all the earth with golden starres, Here Art crost Nature, making day of night: And Mahomet prepares him for loues warres.
These souldiers made a lane from the gate of the hall there whereas the viceroy was, vnto the principal gate of the pallace wheras they did first enter.
Their letter being written, they found great difficulty in the sending the same, for that there was none that would carrie it, neyther would they consent that our men should enter into the pallace to deliuer it.
At their comming vnto the pallace there came foorth a great number of gentlemen, seruantes vnto the viceroy, to bid them welcome, with great store of musicke and tokens of mirth.
Straightwayes the gate of the pallace was open with great noyse of artilerie and musicall instruments, as trumpets, bagpipes, sackebuttes and hoybukes, with such a noyse that it seemed the whole citie would sincke.
They had no leasure to tell the souldiers; but they sawe that from the gate vntil they came vnto the vizroye's pallace on both sides, which was a good way, to be full of them, and all richly apparelled and of one colour.
So when they came to the pallace of the viceroy, he was not stirring, neither was the gate open, for as it hath beene tolde you, it is open but once a day.
Cease your contention for Eurymine, Nor word nor vowes can helpe her miserie; But he it is, that did her first transform, Must calme the gloomy rigor of this storme, Great Phoebus whose pallace we are neere.
Last time you sat by me within my bower I told you of a Pallace wall'd with gold.
Capytall, And Nero, having there his tables hung And Garlands up, is to the Pallace gone.
Or scalle we menne of mennys sprytes appere, 1110 Doeynge hym favoure for hys favoure donne, Swefte to hys pallace thys damoiselle bere, Bewrynne oure case, and to oure waie be gonne?
Accordingly, off I pelted hot-foot for the meadow, but on reaching the slope above it could see no lanterns either about the pallace or on the beach.
Sweet Duke of Yorke our prop to leane vpon, ·ead045· Now thou art gone there is no hope for vs: Now my soules pallace is become a prison.
And it please your grace, Henry your foe is [eaj097] Taken, and brought as prisoner to your pallace gates.
This is thepallace of that fearefull king, And that the regall chaire?
Given under our privye Seale at our Pallace of St. John's in Oxen, the seventh of December in the first yeare of our rayne, 1607.
The false Duessa leauing noyous Night, 2 Returnd to statelypallace of dame Pride; Where when she came, she found the Faery knight 4 Departed thence, albe his woundes wide Not throughly heald, vnreadie were to ride.
With this field dew consecrate, Euery Fairy take his gate, And each seuerall chamber blesse, Through this Pallace with sweet peace, Euer shall in safety rest.
This is the Pallace of the fearefull King, And this the Regall Seat: possesse it Yorke, For this is thine, and not King Henries Heires Plant.
You forget, That we are those which chas'd you from the field, And slew your Fathers, and with Colours spread Marcht through the Citie to the Pallace Gates Northumb.
My gracious Lord, Henry your Foe is taken, And brought your Prisoner to your Pallace Gate King.
So nere the Emperours Pallace dare you draw, And maintaine such a quarrell openly?
Almost a mile: but he does vsually, So all men doe, from hence toth' Pallace Gate Make it their Walke.
From our royall Pallace of Whitehall the foureteenth day of Ianuarie, Anno Domini 1591.
Giuen at ourpallace of Greenewich the fourth day of Iune, in the yeere of our Lord 1583, and of our reigne the fiue and twentieth.
XLV The false Duessa leaving noyous Night, Returnd to stately pallace of Dame Pride; Where when she came, she found the Faery knight Departed thence, albe his woundes wide 400 Not throughly heald, unreadie were to ride.
Amidst this quadrangle standeth the pallace where that Nobleman lyeth, doubtlesse worth the sight, although we came not in to see it.
Furthermore in the citie Meaco is the pallace of the high Priest, whom that nation honoureth as a God, he hath in his house 306 Idoles, one whereof by course is euery night set by his side for a watchman.
He came to the gate of his Pallace (where beyng knowne that it was Montanine) his sister by any meanes coulde not bee made to beleue the same: so impossible seeme thynges vnto vs, which we most desyre.
The Captaine at that tyme was gone to thepallace at San.
Iulietta departed from frier Laurence, and returned home to hir father's Pallace about II.
Mansor when he was arrived at the dore of that great pallace couered and thacked with Reede, called to them wythin, who at the first would make no answer to the Prynce that taried there comming at the Gate.
However this may be, he published his Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure, which so exactly anticipates the style of Euphues, in 1576, only two years before the later book.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pallace" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.