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Example sentences for "woodsman"

Lexicographically close words:
woodpigeon; woodpile; woodrat; woods; woodshed; woodsmen; woodsy; woodthrush; woodwork; woodworker
  1. But the seasoned woodsman does not hesitate to travel the winter trail.

  2. To the uninitiated the feats of the woodsman seem like a sixth sense--instinct, they call it.

  3. The woodsman cannot take a grindstone into the woods and the best substitute is a file.

  4. Of course the woodsman will carry with him on his sojourns from camp only a small quantity of matches and at least a few of them should either be so treated as to render them impervious to water, or be carried in a watertight box.

  5. A dry surface on which to strike a match is essential and the woodsman must use his knowledge of suitable surfaces to help him out of his trouble.

  6. Therefore the woodsman should not attempt to live wholly on fresh meat or to make so much allowance for game that he will suffer from hunger if the game is not procurable.

  7. Fire is as useful to the modern woodsman as it was to the prehistoric man and in the far north it stands between him and death when King Boreas reigns.

  8. While the woodsman invariably carries an axe with which to cut firewood, there may come a time when he has no axe and is obliged to camp out over night.

  9. The woodsman told me that I could not travel in that country without a compass, and I soon found that such was the case.

  10. By these experiences I learned that the most practical form of compass for a woodsman was an open-face, watch-shaped instrument, without a stop, and with a ring by which it could be fastened to the coat or vest like a watch.

  11. But with the outdoor man, by which I mean woodsman and others who are employed outdoors and do their own cooking far from a base of supplies, the conditions are altogether different.

  12. Even the seasoned woodsman should not trifle with anything of so serious a nature, for even to him chronic constipation may come as the result of a steady diet of white flour and other constipating foods.

  13. Often, too, the woodsman comes in from a tramp long after dark.

  14. The woodsman should have a perfect gun, perfect traps, perfect camp equipment, the best food he can buy, but above all a perfect ax.

  15. With all the simplicity of a woodsman I asked the bearer where the odd fish was, when M.

  16. Prayer is always consolatory to man in every difficulty or danger, and the woodsman fervently prayed to his Maker, wished his family a happier night than it was his lot to experience, and with a feverish anxiety waited the return of day.

  17. In a few hours our cart arrived at a road, by following which we at length got to the main one, and parted from our woodsman with the greater regret that he would accept nothing from any of us.

  18. The hunter's sons attacked those on the tree, while the woodsman and I, preceded by Toby, made after the other; and busy enough we all were.

  19. In wet weather it takes a practiced woodsman to find tinder and dry wood, and to select a natural shelter where fire can be kept going during a storm or rain or snow, when a fire is most needed.

  20. So it is up to the woodsman to learn how to get the most nourishment out of the least weight and bulk in materials that 'keep' well.

  21. One glance at a camper's fire tells what kind of a woodsman he is.

  22. The jumper and the woodsman had had their day.

  23. The town had begun to ruin the woodsman as well as the woods.

  24. The woodsman stopped and put his hand on the shoulder of Gordon.

  25. When he sat on his heels and held his pan over the fire, the long woodsman used to shut up, as one might say, somewhat in the fashion of a jack-knife.

  26. Another burly woodsman had lifted little Sue in his arms.

  27. The simple mind of the woodsman was looking deep into the darkness that surrounded the throne of the great king.

  28. My father and my grandfather travelled that trail before he was born," the angry woodsman declared.

  29. The young woodsman rubbed his eyes to convince himself that it was a reality, and that it was not a vivid dream.

  30. He held his men inexorably and firmly to their work on the indisputably comfortable days; but gave in often when an able-bodied woodsman should have seen in the weather no inconvenience, even.

  31. Ten to one that brought him, for the woodsman is above all things proud and jealous of his craft.

  32. Old man Heath was a veteran woodsman who had come to swamping in his old age.

  33. The woodsman stepped forward past the carousers to the baggage compartment, where he disappeared.

  34. The woodsman nodded curtly to the young man, his cordiality quite gone.

  35. The craft of the woodsman means incidentally such a free swing of the shoulders and hips, such a directness of stroke as the blade of one sinks accurately in the gash made by the other, that one never tires of watching the grace of it.

  36. Not that there is any danger to a hardened old woodsman like you.

  37. But the woodsman rose, nodded his head awkwardly, and made his escape.

  38. The American woodsman is afraid of nothing human.

  39. But in spite of the naivete of the remark, the woodsman had seen something in Thorpe he liked.

  40. Now, in it and a half dozen others conducted on the same principles, the woodsman receives the best of medicines, nursing, and medical attendance.

  41. The outfit had not meant much to Wallace Carpenter, for he had bought it in the city, where such things are abundant and excite no remark; but to the woodsman each article possessed a separate and particular value.

  42. The second tent, devoted to the two men, was not quite so luxurious; but still boasted of little conveniences the true woodsman would never consider worth the bother of transporting.

  43. The woodsman turned slowly and looked Thorpe over with a quizzical eye.

  44. He was only well started then; he's woodsman enough to turn around and come back if there's danger.

  45. Then she aroused the woodsman from his half-sleep to give him coffee, cup after cup of it that used up the last of their meager supply.

  46. They had chosen the easiest pathway over the hills, and Bill was enough of a woodsman to follow where they led.

  47. He was taking a shorter step with his left than with his right--the same tendency that often makes a tried woodsman walk in a great circle--and he thus bore constantly to the left.

  48. She had already learned that this winter forest was a bleak and fearful place when her woodsman was away.

  49. He wondered if Bill was afraid--some way it didn't fit into the stories that he had heard of him that this woodsman should be afraid.

  50. But the woodsman could not have made himself any clearer.

  51. This fact meant to the woodsman that great storms were raging at sea, and they themselves would soon feel the lash of them.

  52. The first instinct of the woodsman was to march toward him and inflict physical violence for such an insult to his queen, but he caught himself in time.

  53. I suppose you're woodsman enough to know that a wounded animal doesn't always show blood.

  54. In her thoughts she could see this stalwart woodsman of hers camping somewhere in the snowdrifts, blanketless, staying awake through the bitter night to mend the fire, and perhaps in trouble.

  55. He was a woodsman, but he did not inherit, straight from a thousand woodsman ancestors, perceptions almost as keen as those of the animals themselves.

  56. It would have been a simple way out of his difficulties for the woodsman to fall and die in the snow wastes of Clearwater.

  57. He had sensed Bill's contempt for him, and the absolute fairness with which the woodsman had always treated him brought no remorse.

  58. A modest outfit--barely enough to sustain life, yet all a woodsman carries when a long canoe journey with many carries must be taken.

  59. But Levi, shrewd woodsman that he was, fared better.

  60. This oasis in the wilderness was fully forty miles above here, its only connection with civilization was a seldom-used log road which only an experienced woodsman could follow, and how this mere child had dared it, was a marvel.

  61. Larry was an utter greenhorn, and apt many times to display his gross ignorance concerning the habits of game; as well as the thousand and one things a woodsman is supposed to be acquainted with.

  62. Phil was too experienced a woodsman to easily get lost.

  63. The sailor to his sea, the woodsman to his woods, and the boulevardier to his beloved avenues!

  64. Thompson did not cleave to the North as a woodsman might.

  65. He followed her, and to her profound amazement she discovered that a woodsman could be as temperamental as a prima donna.

  66. Even though his smile seemed to be meant as an assurance of amity, Mern flinched; he remembered that the woodsman had begun the battle the day before after a remark in a most placid tone.

  67. The woodsman swung the hand which held the money, making a wide sweep to take in all the wreck.

  68. By action alone a woodsman expressed his feelings, he told himself, and he was only a woodsman; the hellions of the world were not allowing him to make anything else of himself!

  69. The old woodsman eyed shrewdly the inimitable spread of the prostrate antlers.

  70. This tribute the old woodsman took as his bare due, and paid it no attention whatever.

  71. Their wild yelping finally died out in the distance, and, turning around, the famous woodsman retraced his steps towards the settlement.

  72. It was too early for the lone woodsman to attempt to make an attack.

  73. No trace of this gallant scout was ever found—no word of him ever came from woodsman or savage.

  74. The sharp claws ripped the hunting-shirt of the bold pioneer and gashed his arms, but the fierce thrusts of the hardened woodsman soon made the beast cease his attack.

  75. The prostrate woodsman was furious with rage.

  76. But, his curiosity too strong for his pity, he raced forward with the woodsman to capture and examine their prize.

  77. As the flying squirrels came aeroplaning from their rudely assaulted citadel, the woodsman had dropped his axe, snatched up a bit of stick about a foot long, and hurled it after one of the gliding figures.

  78. Crafty woodsman though the man was held to be, it never entered his mind that so shy a beast as the panther would take covert thus within the very stronghold of the foe.

  79. He was too sagacious and instructed a woodsman to think that the wild creatures would always act the same way under the same circumstances.

  80. The knife had a keen edge, for David was a born woodsman and every woodsman keeps his tools always in good condition, and the shavings he cut were long and thin.

  81. As a woodsman the very deer could have taught him little.

  82. It is not in the woodsman to be demonstrative at any time, but here was work demanding attention.

  83. Thus to the woodsman the trail over which he has traveled two or three times, and often but once, becomes as familiar to him as streets to the city dweller.

  84. I have heard tell of the beach being strewn for miles with dead pigeons, and I heard an old woodsman tell of the stench arising from dead pigeons in the woods.

  85. After his one remark to her escort, the woodsman turned to the girl, and, in spite of Sammy's persistent attempts to bring the now sullen Ollie into the conversation, ignored the man completely.

  86. In the laugh that followed, Sammy was claimed by a tall woodsman for the next dance, and escaped to take her place on the floor.

  87. In the loss of his stock the woodsman would lose all he had won in years of toil from the mountain wilderness.

  88. The woodsman knew why that thing had come.

  89. Instinctively the woodsman drew back into the thick foliage of the cedars.

  90. But there were still other eyes on Old Dewey that night, and sharp ears heard the big woodsman climbing out of the ravine, if Ollie did not.

  91. But the woodsman returned, "Talk to a nest of rattlers!

  92. Mr. Tom Friant, an old woodsman of wide experience, has often told me with relish of his first try at carrying.

  93. The woodsman had thereupon built him a little fire, made him as comfortable as possible with both coats, and hiked for assistance.

  94. I descanted craftily on the character of the woodsman out of the woods and in the right frame of mind for deviltry.

  95. Deuce was a true woodsman in that respect.

  96. She had nodded and smiled at the patriarchal old gentleman; but her eyes were now on the long and lanky looking woodsman who stood by.

  97. A seasoned woodsman can make fifty miles a day on snowshoes and pull up with no feeling but a huge appetite.

  98. Then you are a worse woodsman than I thought you.

  99. Then he recalled what he had heard an old woodsman say, that to flee from a wolf pack is to invite almost certainly pursuit.

  100. The cold fact is that the northern woodsman stands rather in contempt of wolves.

  101. But for at least once in his life the old woodsman was outmatched.

  102. On a brisk trot they started toward the northwest, and as they hurried along the forest trails that the old woodsman chose, Godfrey briefly told what all were anxious to know.

  103. Parker set himself squarely in front of the old man, elbowing aside a woodsman to whom the colonel was addressing himself.

  104. The woodsman cried the taunt more insolently, and yet with a jeering joviality that irritated Parker more than downright abuse would have done.

  105. A giant whiskered woodsman led the onrush of the attacking force; and the gang interposed itself between the railroad property and its defenders.

  106. When the giant woodsman returned after hastening their departure, he was faced by the young man, still defiant.

  107. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "woodsman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.