Melias said: Then that ye will suffer me to ride with you in this quest of the Sangreal, till that some adventure depart us.
But those who devise lies against our signs, wewill suffer them to fall gradually into ruin, by a method which they knew not:a and I will grant them to enjoy a long and prosperous life; for my stratagem is effectual.
On that day we will suffer some of them to press tumultuously like waves on others:e and the trumpet shall be sounded, and we will gather them in a body together.
And if ye be not in perfect belief of Jesu Christ, enter not in no manner of wise, for then should ye perish in the ship, for he is so perfect he will suffer no sin in him.
Then Melias said, that ye will suffer me to ride with you in this quest of the Sancgreal till that some adventure depart us.
I ask no more, said the dwarf, but that ye will suffer me to do you service, for I will serve no more recreant knights.
Scripture speaks of God Himself as jealous of the fidelity of His creatures, and declares that He will suffer no rival, but must have sole dominion over the heart (Josue, xxiv.
If the sinner does not detest his dishonesty more than the privation he will suffer by being honest, he is not really contrite.
Noirtier; I will suffer, without complaint, the pecuniary deprivation to which he has subjected me; but I shall remain firm in my determination, and the world shall see which party has reason on his side.
Haidee; "he says that through me he will suffer--through me, who would yield my life for his.
So much the better for him,--he will suffer less," said the inspector.
So that I conclude, no man of true valour and true understanding, upon whom this vice has stolen unawares, when he is convinced he is guilty, will suffer it to remain in his breast an hour.
Charlie thinks we have acted shockingly in helping Colonel McMillan, and that we will suffer for it when the Federals leave.
Miriam objected on account of what "our people" will say, and what we will suffer for it if the guerrillas reach town, but we persuaded her we were right.
I don't believe He will suffer us to be turned homeless and naked on the world!
If we stay through the battle, if the Federals are victorious, we will suffer.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will suffer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.