Then, their surprise giving way to their appreciation of his attainment, their commendation for the young Easterner soared to superlatively profane heights.
Germany's triumphs in the opening twelvemonth of Armageddon were the triumphs of the superlatively prepared.
He had been working hard ever since nine o'clock in the morning; but now nobody could have looked more superlatively lazy than Bastian Cautley as he stretched himself on two armchairs in an attitude of reckless ease.
He had never seen a woman so invincibly and superlatively alive.
But pert as the superlatively pert may think me, I thought not myself wiser, because I was older; nor for that poor reason qualified to prescribe to, much less to maltreat, a genius so superior.
The hillsides about these lakes," remarked the Doctor, "must be superlatively beautiful in the fall, when the forest puts on its autumnal foliage.
Rigoletto is unpleasant, but it is a superlatively fine tragedy in the Nemesis.
Guido is superlatively odious in his Christs, in agonized or ecstatic attitudes--much about the level of the accomplished London beggar.
Yet because he threw a new kind of mud on Shelley's earliest biographer, this superlatively inaccurate and stupefying writer has been cried up as a great Shelleyan authority.
Some of Southey's donnish ways to the irrepressible lad were superlatively exasperating.
As the hour drew near for the publication of Zastrozzi, Shelley was urgent with his publisher to spend money in getting favourable reviews of the superlatively foolish book.
This is admitted by his more discreet apologists, who use the mental infirmity to account for circumstances that, but for the infirmity, would prove him superlatively untruthful.
Affording not a single indication of literary taste or wholesome sentiment, the story is badly written, morbid, unnatural, and superlatively foolish, from its first to its last page.
Superlatively trivial to men of the world, the matters that gave Hogg this precedence and superiority over Shelley in University College, are no light affairs in the small world of the University, the still smaller world of a single College.
If he thought his father capable of such barbarity to his own offspring, Shelley must have deemed his father a superlatively cruel and wicked parent.
The man whipped up his horses and made off, and Mr. Haldimands tried in vain to hush up a story which made him appear so superlatively ridiculous.
No discord is so dread as that carried on under the cloak of religion, and religious journalism in the States is on a superlatively bitter footing.
He looked so superlatively elegant and handsome now, the younger women sighed whilst they admired him.
His Majesty seemed in a superlatively good humour, and sat back in his chair, his fat body shaking now and again with bursts of merriment.
His behaviour was superlatively correct even in this terrible emergency, and there was nothing in his deferential attitude to indicate that he thought anything abnormal had occurred.
He was a superlatively great man, but he was as parochial in his politics as he was amateurish in his science, as he was a mixture of the coxcomb and the boor, in his love affairs.
Here, as at Bourges, is the note of dream beauty that haunts the memory, the something mysterious andsuperlatively picturesque.
Your mother is very fond of me and I love her and Dad immensely; I am passionately fond of art; I think you are one of the most charming men whom I have ever met, and I know I can make you superlatively happy!
But after I have fully digested all the unkind criticisms, which are usually written by those who do not fancy me in any serious effort, I am in the end always superlatively happy in knowing that the critic has done his duty.
He distrusted us not at all, but he was superlatively afraid of the unseen powers, and especially of OOO.
He plunged into a long and confused story, to which we listened with the utmost solemnity, of a superlatively beauteous damsel whom he said he had discovered under the Spookâs guidance in one of the back streets of Yozgad.
I think she is just assuperlatively selfish as you do, and I also think she treats her invalid mother shamefully, but you know we can't go around this world telling everyone just what we think of them.
Charles did admire beauty, and thought how charming she would be, were she not so superlatively selfish.
It issuperlatively chaste and reticent, daintily conceived and faultless in technique.
Without pictorial indefinition the work may still remain on the plain of formal decoration even though that be superlatively conceived and executed.
All these gentlemen were superlatively honorable; if one could not believe them, Truth in politics might be ignored as a delusion.