As I did stand my watch vpon the Hill I look'd toward Byrnane, and anon me thought The Wood began to moue Macb.
To giue her the auaunt, it is a pitty Would moue a Monster Old La.
In vaine my loue thou spendst thy fainting breath, If words might moue me I were ouercome.
Quhethir othir Princis na the Emperoure may moue were apon the Sarra[gh]enis.
Bot the Squyere, quhylk maruailit mekle of the efferis of the Knycht, for the grete worthynes that him thocht apperit in his visage, and maneris, he deferrit till him to moue first speche, as to do him reuerence for honour and age.
Gif the Emperoure suld moue were agayne thame, quha suld obey till his mandement.
Be quhat rycht or resoun may Men moue were agaynis the Sarra[gh]enis or othir mistrowaris.
Cassio, walke heere about: If I doe finde him fit, Ile moueyour suite, And seeke to effect it to my vttermost.
Why your Lieutenant Cassio: Good my Lord, If I haue any grace, or power to moue you, His present reconciliation take.
Come, go we to the King, This must be knowne, being kept close might moue More greefe to hide, then hate to vtter loue.
Had'st thou thy wits, and did'st perswade Reuenge, it could not moue thus Ophe.
Then, she said, it desired her to tell us that he was gon, and promised her not to moue or hurt her, and that she should lack nothing.
After that king Ethelfred was informed that the foresaid Redwald had receiued Edwin, he ceased not by his ambassadours to moue Redwald either to deliuer Edwin into his hands, or to make him awaie.
If this Letter moue him not, his legges cannot: Ile giu't him Mar.
Prethee hold thy peace, this is not the way: Doe you not see you moue him?
Yet come againe: for thou perhaps mayst moue That heart which now abhorres, to like his loue.
For this, consorted with the Citizens, Your very Worshipfull and louing friends, And by their vehement instigation, In this iust Cause come I to moue your Grace Rich.
Neuerthelesse shee warned him, after that time, to moue no such matter, which he promised, because he would not lose his pleasure, and the honour that hee conceyued to entertaine her.
Suffer I say, the contempt and forsaking of him, [to] moue you, for whom you haue disdayned al other persons.
His Highnes also woll that ye shall moue the gret maister in that behalf For I assure you his maiestye moche tenderyth the aduauncement & prefferment of this Freer and thus hertelye Fare ye well.
One speciall thing ther is that ye must moue his grace in which is, that he maye not in any wise procede to therrection of his saide colledge in Gipswiche, before the xxj.
Beshrew me but his passions moue me so, As hardlie can I checke mine eies from teares.
But now let one meete him euen in the morne, When euery one will giue the time of day, And he will neither moue nor speake to vs.
Euery one of those considerations, Syr, moue me of right to offer this my late husbands M.
The causes why, amongst other, which be many, that moue me thus to thinke, be these fewe, which I will recken.
And to conclude, the onely proofe of the former taught, shal moue the Reader better to credite these.
Nor did an hope to dandle thy infancy moue mee to desire thee.
If it will please him to moue your heart with his holy Spirit, it will glow and burne with zeale to doe him seruice.
She made a poutingmoue and tapped her little foot, then she laughed.
In delectable thinges or suche thinges that haue ben well done / we moue our au- dience to reioice thereat / and to do lyke.
And finally than by co- mon places to moue the iudge to mercy & pitie vpon hym.
Some Rhetoriciens put no mo places of deprecacion than only this that is here last reherced of Tulli / that is to do our best to moue the iustice to mercy and pity.
For the Second, whether abiding still in his place it may not moue rounde, the question is disputed, and maintained one both sides.
Againe, if the riuer moue directly round, what should bee the cause that begins and continues this motion?
If it runne in a streight line, as is most agreeable to the nature of the water it must moue either by the line (CEB) or by the line (DB.
But although it cannot moue streight, it may moue round.
As if you turne a globe about, it will goe steadyly, and a fly will set fast vpon it, though you moue it apace.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.