Beat six eggs, the yolks to a cream, the whites to a stiff froth, add three tablespoonfuls of warm milk to the yolks and then beat into the whites of eggs.
Prepare in the regular way, lay in wood cookery dish, skin side down, season with bits of butter, add a small cupful of warm milk, put in bag and seal.
Prepare a smooth, white sauce by blending over the fire two tablespoonfuls each butter, and flour, then reducing with a pint of warm milk.
Add one tablespoonful of flour, stir until blended, then pour in one cup of warm milk.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved; pour into the freezing can and freeze.
Take a deep tin pan and fill about one-third full of either snow or pounded ice and into this set another pan that will hold at least four quarts.
One glass of warm milk, a soft boiled, coddled or poached egg; bread very stale or dry, one slice with butter.
In about an hour after treating the ear in this manner, syringe it well with warm castile soap suds or warm milk.
One cup of warm milk, with a cracker or a piece of stale bread and butter.
Grind the almonds in a mill or pound them in a mortar; mix with a half-pint of warm milk or water and allow the mixture to stand two hours after which strain through a cloth, pressing the juice out well.
Rub into the pan of flour a large quarter of a pound of lard, and add, gradually, warm milk enough to make a very stiff dough.
ROLLS--Are made as above, except that they are mixed with warm milkinstead of water, and a little fresh butter rubbed into the dough.
Soak a small loaf of bread in warm milk, squeeze out lightly, and add an equal volume of raisins.
One quart of warm water, one quart of warm milk, two ounces of yeast, one ounce of salt and one-quarter of a pound of melted lard or butter.
Dissolve the yeast in a gill of luke-warm milk, and add to the flour, with the eggs.
In the mean time, soak as many thin slices of bread as will cover the whole in warm milk, over which lay a plate and a weight to keep the bread close on the apples.
This will produce a strong jelly; a little to be dissolved in white wine or warm milk, and to be taken three or four times a day.
Rub butter and flour together, and make into dough with half a cup of warm milk.
One cup of coarse crumbs, soaked over-night in a quart of warm milk, or milk and water.
Take a teacupful of bread-crumbs; soak them soft in warm milk, or, if liked better, in a little broth.
Mrs. Barnes, for her part, would open the kitchen door and surreptitiously coax the Pup in, with the lure of a dish of warm milk, which he loved extravagantly.
But once in a while a qualm of homesickness would come over him, for Toby, and the Captain, and a big tin basin of warm milk.
It was not much, but he had great hopes that, if he acquitted himself well, he might get a pan of warm milk.
Thus adjured, the Pup presently stopped, and stared expectantly at the shack, awaiting the pan of warm milk.
This is mixed with one pint of warm milk, and the mixture, in some convenient vessel, is placed in water kept at a temperature of 100 degrees F.
Laudanum in two to four ounces of warm water or in warm milk or starch-water can be thrown into the rectum, the fluid being allowed to remain.
But there was a fire now, so the room was warm; and soon his lady brought him his breakfast of warm milk and a little piece of sugar cooky.
So of course she cuddled him up against her cheek for a minute, and talked to him, and comforted him, and then gave him another drink of warm milk.
Then she gave him a good supper of warm milk, and put him to bed in his box, and he went fast asleep and slept soundly until the next morning.
In the middle of the afternoon the patient can take a cup of beef tea or a cup of warm milk.
Of this medicine Dietrich threw aside a spoonful every fifteen minutes, and instead of it gave the Prince his own prescription--warm milk.
Regularly every quarter of an hour Dietrich had thrown away a spoonful of medicine, and given the Prince a spoonful of warm milk.
But I am no friend of warm milk, and understand nothing whatever of farming.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warm milk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.