But I wot well that thou desirest to hear some special point of the love of JESUS Christ, and of contemplative life, which thou hast taken to thee in all men's sight.
Quoth the old man, "O my son, thou art young and desirest the joys of the world and I am old and weary and surfeited with the world: I will offer my life as a ransom for thee and for the Wazir and his cousins.
Now this is what occurred in the case of King Sindibad; and I am assured that were I to do as thou desirest I should repent even as the man who killed his parrot.
This is evident from the comparison, 'Thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it, thou delightest not in burnt-offering.
Thou sayest thou desirest, and desirest grace, yea, hast been a thousand times upon thy knees before God for more grace, and yet thou canst not attain.
Thou desirest to be rid of thy present trouble; the Lord shall rid thee out of trouble.
Thou desirest to be delivered from thy body of death; and the Lord shall change this thy vile body, that it may be like to his glorious body.
Thou desirest to be in the presence of God, and among the angels in heaven.
And friend, thou that seekest after this world, and desirest riches, let me ask this question, Wouldst thou be content that God should put thee off with a portion in this life?
If thou desirest me to bear thee company, I will guide thee until thine eyes can discern the black rock, and the poisonous waters surrounding it," he answered.
Sages have long ago relinquished their efforts as futile, yet thou darest to face Malec himself, nay, even to fight Eblis, because thou lovest me and desirest that I should become thy wife.
Whomsoever Thou willest Thou causest to draw nigh unto the Most Great Ocean, and on whomsoever Thou desirest Thou conferrest the honor of recognizing Thy Most Ancient Name.
Suffer us not to rely on aught else besides Thee, and vouchsafe unto us, through Thy bounty, that which Thou lovest and desirest and well beseemeth Thee.
If thou desirest that God may open thine eye, thou must supplicate unto God, pray to and commune with Him at midnight, saying: O Lord, I have turned my face unto Thy kingdom of oneness and am immersed in the sea of Thy mercy.
If thou desirest thy procedure to be good, take thyself from all evil: beware of any covetous aim.
Thou desirest to be established in the mouth of those who hear[310] when thou speakest.
Indeed, I know not how, supposing this thy speech to be soothfast, thou shalt manage to crave such grace of the Sultan or through whom thou desirest to propose it.
Tell me what thou desirest me to grant thee, and doubt not that thou shalt obtain it.
If thou desirest it, I will give thee in exchange for thy son my country-house at Boudjareah; thou knowest that the north breeze is wafted there in the hottest days of summer.
Thou desirest to be filled with the Chief Good, but thou canst not attain it immediately.
So long as it is hard to thee to suffer and thou desirest to escape, so long it will not be well with thee, and tribulations will follow thee everywhere.
O my son,' said the old man, 'thou art young and desirest the things of the world, and I am old and weary of the world.
Quoth she, 'I will not trust to thy word, but will go with thee and help thee to that which thou desirest of this and further thee myself therein.
O my lord," rejoined I, "what story is this that thou desirestof me and of what kind shall it be of the kinds?
But these reasons are of no moment, since thou so earnestly desirest to know the day and hour.
Unless thoudesirest my presence sooner, I shall return to Boston probably on Sunday evening.
How plainly dost Thou declare in this, that Thou desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live.
That is the noble Brunhild, the beautiful lady that thou desirest with thy heart and thy soul.
Knowest Thou what takes place in our treasury, from which in one day Thou takest ten talents and desirest fifteen more?
But if thou desirest to be taught these matters, that thou mayest well know our race (for many men know it), cloud-compelling Jove indeed first begat Dardanus.
Now, however, if thou desirest me to wage war and to fight, cause the other Trojans and all the Greeks to sit down, but match me and Mars-beloved Menelaus to contend in the midst for Helen and all the treasures.
But if thou desirest to have a knowledge of battle, come on, that thou mayest well know how much the better I am; since thou opposest strength to me.
Priam and the sons of Priam work so many wrongs against thee, that thou desirest implacably to overturn the well-built city of Ilion?
But nevertheless, we will desist from war, if thoudesirest it.
But if in truth thou desirest it, and it be agreeable to thy soul, there is a chamber of thine which Vulcan, thy beloved son, formed for thee, and fitted its secure doors to its lintels.
Thou desirest to make God favourable to thee, to appease his anger, to be at peace with thy conscience.
If it be a daughter, I hope my mother Brook (if thou desirest her) will take it among hers, & let them all learne one lesson.
If thou desirest a learned daughter, I pray God giue her a wise and religious heart, that she may vse it to his glory, thy comfort, and her owne saluation.
Yif thou desirest power, thou 10 shalt by awaytes of thy subgits anoyously ben cast under manye periles.
But what desirest thou of Fortune with so grete a noise, and with so grete a fare?
And thou who didst confess thyself unworthy to be called a bishop, hast at length been brought to such a pitch that, despising thy brethren, thou desirest to be named the only bishop.
But now that thou hast attained unto it, thou desirestso to exercise it as if thou hadst run after it with ambitious desire.
And I will give thee camels and camel drivers, and they shall do thy bidding and take thy share of the treasure to whatever part of the world thoudesirest to go.
But if thou desirestto enter into life, keep the commandments.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desirest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.