In the Thornhill basin there is a thin zone of volcanic rocks at the base of this series which are evidently on the horizon of the lavas beneath the Mauchline sandstones in Ayrshire.
Here the terraced features of the volcanic plateau, produced by the denudation of the successive flows is well displayed.
Silurian tableland, the Lower Old Red Sandstone occurs, where it consists of sandstones and conglomerates associated with contemporaneous volcanic rocks.
Along this line these Upper Red sandstones and shales are overlaid by a thin zone of volcanic rocks which point to contemporaneous volcanic action in this region at the beginning of the Carboniferous period.
Its history, when it has once risen above the reach of the tides, is like that of the volcanic islands.
From that fervid earth, warmed from within by volcanic heat, and basking ever beneath the equatorial sun, arose vapours as deadly to human life as the fruits were exciting and delicious to human senses.
The women and children, fearing to be at the mercy of those who had been depicted to them as cannibals, had already made their escape, and were scrambling like squirrels among the volcanic cliffs.
Mr Dolomieu alleges that the volcanic fire operates in the melting of bodies, not by the intensity of its heat, which is the means employed by us in our operations, but in the long continuance of its action.
The Chevalier de Dolomieu, in describing the volcanic productions of Etna, mentions a lava which had flowed from that mountain, and which may be considered as a granite.
But the mental conflict he had just passed through had rent his mind like a volcanic upheaval.
The previous night flame had been seen bursting from the top of Mount Hood and thick black smoke still puffed upward from it, and on Mount Adams rested a heavy cloud of volcanic vapors.
Hood, the great white "Witch Mountain" of the Indians, towered over the prairie, streaking the sky with a long floating wreath of volcanic smoke.
For he suddenly recalled that no volcanic action or earth tremor had disturbed the surface crust for ages.
The daughter of the minister who was the immediate cause of that volcanic eruption was not likely to remain a cool spectator of the national upheaving.
Thus diablerie lay beneath such orderly institutions as, for instance, the national cultus of ancient Rome, like the volcanic fires of Vesuvius under the rich vineyards which they have in part created and for a while sustain.
These were exhumed from a stratum of volcanic tufa, claimed to be of Tertiary age, but perhaps Quaternary, and lay at a depth of some forty feet beneath the surface.
At this depth a skull was found imbedded in the gravel, which, if authentic, must have been overflowed by several successive thick outpours of lava in the ancient volcanic era of that region.
I observed their gestures and the various expressions of their corollas, inquiring how they could be so fresh and beautiful out in this volcanic desert.
The antelope, though not a mountaineer, is occasionally met in winter by the sheep while feeding along the edges of the sage-plains and bare volcanic hills to the east of the Sierra.
Residual masses of volcanic rocks occur throughout most of the granitic southern portion also, and a considerable number of old volcanoes on the flanks, especially along the eastern base of the range near Mono Lake and southward.
The Cinder Cone near marks the most recent volcanic eruption in the Sierra.
But while the great volcanic cones built up along the axis still burned and smoked, the whole Sierra passed under the domain of ice and snow.
On Shasta nearly every feature in the vast view speaks of the old volcanic fires.
Being so favorably situated for the stream of Yosemite travel, the more adventurous tourists cross over through this glorious gateway to the volcanic region around Mono Lake.
Brouillard sat back in his chair, waiting for the volcanic upheaval.
Peperino, a grey-green volcanicstone from the Alban hills, began to take its place, and was used for the construction of the Tabularium in 78 B.
In this hidden and quiet place of the dead there is recorded a revolution parallel to a volcanic upheaval of nature.
The volcanic tufa used by the earliest Roman builders was discarded gradually in favour of better materials.
Rome, and the city of Augustus' inheritance was a city of sober-hued, volcanic rock.
Beneath the surface soil was volcanic rock, which, in a prehistoric age when the campagna was a sea-bed and waves lapped against Monte Cavo, had been poured out in great liquid streams from volcanoes amongst the Alban hills and at Bracciano.
Of these Ischia and Procida, close to the northern headland of the Bay of Naples, are of volcanic origin, as is the case also with the more distant group of the Ponza Islands.
The Apulian volcanic formation consists of the great mass of Monte Volture, which rises at the west end of the plains of Apulia, on the frontier of Basilicata, and is surrounded by the Apennines on its south-west and north-west sides.
The volcanic region of the Terra di Lavoro is separated by the Volscian mountains from the Roman district.
The Aeolian or Lipari Islands, a remarkable volcanic group, belong rather to Sicily than to Italy, though Stromboli, the most easterly of them, is about equidistant from Sicily and from the mainland.
Besides these, and leaving out of account the islands, the Italian peninsula presents four distinct volcanic districts.
In connexion with the volcanic districts we may mention Le Mofete, the pools of Ampsanctus, in a wooded valley S.
It has no crater and no trace of lingering volcanic heat.
Lava is much used for paving-stones in the neighbourhood of volcanic districts, where pozzolana (for cement) and pumice stone are also important.
This volcanictract extends across the Campagna of Rome, till it rises again in the lofty group of the Alban hills, the highest summit of which, the Monte Cavo, is 3160 ft.
The truth still glows too fiercely within him; he feels as if it would stifle him as it strives to gush forth in volcanic eruption.
East of the town rises Mayon, an active volcano, and the rich volcanic soil in this region produces hemp, rice and coco-nuts.
The leucitophyres are rare rocks which have been described from various parts of the volcanic district of the Rhine (Olbruck, Laacher See, &c.
From here, with a superb hand telescope, we gazed up a distant land beyond the volcanic area we had surmounted, occupied by farms and villages.
We made our way to a pleasant house, built of the quarried volcanic rock, alternating with the white stone of the quarry, and covered with an almost flat roof of the blue metal.
There was a sort of volcanic intensity in the atmosphere.
It has shown much adaptation for thevolcanic soils of the Western mountain region, where it has been tried.
It will also grow with great luxuriance in the volcanic ash soils of the irrigated valley lands of the Rocky Mountain States, and in the loam and light loam soils of the Puget Sound country.
Almost equally high in adaptation are the volcanic ash soils of the Rocky Mountain valleys.
With reference to adaptation to soils, medium and mammoth clover grow best on upland clay loam soils, such as have sustained a growth of hardwood timber, and on the volcanic ash soils of the Western mountain valley.
It would also be correct to say that on the volcanic soils of the mountain States in the West, clover will grow equally well when supplied with moisture, and in these it is also very tenacious of life.
Ordinarily black loam soils, sandy loam soils, sandy soils, humus soils and the volcanic ash soils of the West are made sufficiently fine without great labor.
The fragments are all of small size, and consist of angular pieces of transparent quartz, volcanic ashes, and limestone embedded in a matrix of crystalline limestone.
The fishes here seem to have been suddenly destroyed by a volcanic eruption, and are found in vast numbers.
The most famous depot for the fossil fishes of this period is the limestone of Monte Bolca, near Verona, which is interstratified with beds of volcanic ashes, the whole being referable to the Middle Eocene.
So far, however, as danger from direct volcanic contacts is concerned, the Panama route is exempt.
No volcanic eruptions have occurred there since the end of the Miocene epoch, and there are no active volcanoes between Chiriqui and Tolima, a distance of about four hundred miles.
After this has been removed by acids, there remains a residue, which consists partly of the siliceous shells of Radiolaria and Diatoms, and partly of mineral particles identical with the volcanic elements of the red clay.
The mineral components of the red clay are for the most part of volcanic origin, due to the decomposition of pumice, lava, &c.
The chief mass of the red clay consists of volcanic ashes, pumice, fragments of lava, &c.
With this view agrees also the greater or less quantity of pumice dust and other volcanic products.
It is about a league in circumference, and about a fathom in depth at its deepest part; its bottom is muddy and black, like the rest of this volcanic region.
This theory supposes the existence of volcanic craters in the neighbourhood of all the coral islands.
It was coasted up to latitude seventy-eight degrees south, and near to this a magnificent volcanic mountain presented itself, rising twelve thousand feet above the level of the sea, which emitted flame and smoke in splendid profusion.
Analogous reefs surround the Isle of Bourbon; all round this island the polyps construct on the volcanic bottom of the sea detached mammalons, which rise from a fathom to a fathom and a half above the water.
Here he discovered the volcanic islands which he named after his ships, and, farther to the south, a new continent or land, which he called Victoria's Land.
Another savant, however, supposes the island to have been thrown up from the sea by volcanic action; and that the fossils, now imbedded in cliffs a hundred feet high, were once deposited upon the bed of the ocean.