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Example sentences for "great white"

  • The greenhouses of the lower town had been thoroughly searched, but the only inodorous flowers that had been found were the peonies--great white peonies, enormous tufts of which adorned the table, like a shimmering of white lace.

  • When the sun goes down behind the hills we will return from hunting, mounted on great white horses, greeted respectfully by the peasants as they kneel before us.

  • They realised that now they were looking at each other under a great white light.

  • Above the lowness of my brow there towers a great white erection, giving me height and dignity, while high aloft a little cap of ancient lace and soft pink roses daintily perches.

  • He has been helping her to smell the jasmine, and to look down the datura's great white trumpet-throats.

  • There at the end of the long stone table, holding in his skeleton fingers a great white spear, sat Death himself, shaped in the form of a colossal human skeleton, fifteen feet or more in height.

  • They were that most dreaded of Martian creatures--great white apes of Barsoom.

  • Well in the van rode a knight on a great white horse.

  • For there arose from a darkened corner of the cellar a beautiful, great white bird.

  • One day there will come, beating its wings against the shining gates of our city, a great white eagle.

  • They had scarcely started, when the King's eyes fell on a great white cross!

  • Queen, for almost at the same moment she too had seen a door with a great white cross.

  • He took a piece of chalk, and he put a great white cross on every door in the town.

  • And she took a piece of white chalk and made a great white cross on the door.

  • So that it seems most probable, the 'great white throne' will be exalted high above the earth.

  • With a glad cry Martin pulled them out, but the next moment a very important-looking Little Man, with a great white beard, sprang forward and snatched them out of his hand.

  • And still more birds kept coming; and as the morning wore on the crowd of birds increased until they were in hundreds, then in thousands, perpetually wheeling and swooping and rising and hovering over him in a great white cloud.

  • What do we mean by the "Great White Plague"?

  • Even little children can help to fight and kill this "Great White Plague," and I'll tell you how.

  • We sometimes call it the "Great White Plague.

  • Making signs to illustrate his every sentence, he spoke: "My great white brothers, I welcome you to my camp and to my people.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great white" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    burst forth; great capital; great curiosity; great hall; great host; great iron; great majority; great misery; great moral; great ones; great part; great peace; great power; great rejoicing; great secret; great shout; great soldier; great throb; great throng; great tournament; great virtue; great wall; greater extent; greatly increased; greatly surprised; grew pale