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Example sentences for "volcanic mountains"

  • All these phenomena, on which Mr. Hawkins collected very valuable observations during his abode at Santorino, are unfavourable to the idea commonly entertained of the origin of volcanic mountains.

  • Advancing northward we find, between the volcano of Cotopaxi and the town of Honda, two other systems of volcanic mountains, those of los Pastos and of Popayan.

  • Like the others they are ancient volcanic mountains.

  • Krakatoa consists of three groups of volcanic mountains, the southern group giving the name of Krakatoa to the island.

  • Coming now to the Atlantic Ocean we find a number of volcanic mountains in the deep waters near mid-ocean.

  • A portion of the “fire girdle” of the Pacific, showing the relation of the chains of volcanic mountains to the deeps of the neighboring ocean floor.

  • This series of volcanic mountains is much more broken and interrupted than the other two, and a greater proportion of its vents are extinct.

  • The United States, as one result of its recent acquisition of island dominions, has added largely to its wealth in volcanic mountains.

  • In the formation of volcanic mountains there is an extrusion of molten and fragmentary material accompanied by an escape of great volumes of steam at the surface.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "volcanic mountains" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against her; been very; black earth; bourgeois society; copied from; could only have been; different language; good fish; leaving the; light gray; pass judgment; shall hear; small pica; volcanic action; volcanic activity; volcanic agency; volcanic ashes; volcanic eruptions; volcanic formation; volcanic islands; volcanic mountains; volcanic origin; volcanic phenomena; volcanic rocks; what cannot; young chap