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Example sentences for "gallow"

Lexicographically close words:
gallopers; galloping; gallopped; gallopping; gallops; gallowes; gallowglasses; gallows; galls; gallstones
  1. The lazar vnder the gallow tree Was a pretty man and small; The lazar vnder the gallow tree Was made steward in King Henerys hall.

  2. William wrote the poem of the Beggar Woman, taken from a woman whom I had seen in May (now nearly two years ago), when John and he were at Gallow Hill.

  3. William finished Alice Fell, and then wrote the poem of The Beggar Woman, taken from a woman whom I had seen in May (now nearly two years ago) when John and he were at Gallow Hill.

  4. We stayed in London till Wednesday the 22nd of September, and arrived at Gallow Hill on Friday.

  5. A lytle boy stod them amonge, And asked what meaned that gallow tre; 170 They sayde, "to hange a good yeaman, Called Wyllyam of Cloudesle.

  6. Lazar vnder the gallow tree was a pretty man & small, 204 the Lazar vnder the gallow tree was made steward in King Henerys hall.

  7. Wordsworth has not yet settled whether he shall be married from Gallow Hill or at Grasmere.

  8. In the year 1800 the little farm at Gallow Hill near Brompton was taken by one Thomas Hutchinson whose sister Mary kept house for him.

  9. LIII The lazar under the gallow tree [Grew] a pretty man and small: The lazar under the gallow tree Was made steward in King Harry’s hall.

  10. That's Gallow Hill, and I'm rather proud of my view of it, because it is the only hill of any sort in these parts.

  11. More amazed than before, Ruth followed her leader up the western slope of Gallow Hill.

  12. Only this morning Ruth and I were blocked by a notice board just outside the wicket at the far end of the churchyard; we were thinking of going up Gallow Hill, but we had to turn back, as trespassers would be prosecuted.

  13. To the right of that, but farther away, rose Gallow Hill.

  14. The surrounding country was perfectly flat but for Gallow Hill, and not at all green but for the glebe and the riverside meadows, while the only trees of any account were the rectory elms and those in the Mundham grounds.

  15. Oh, I have come from the hall by the forbidden path over Gallow Hill; but it seems that wasn't meant for us, and at any rate I have leave to use it whenever I like.

  16. It is true that on Gallow Hill three wind-crippled beeches brandished their deformities against the sky, as they may do still; but the country around Essingham is no country for trees.

  17. Christina had indeed spoken without thinking of Gallow Hill as a part of the estate, or of the warning to trespassers as Lord Dromard's doing.

  18. On the flags of a London square, some days later, Ruth repeated the sigh that had succeeded on Gallow Hill, and once more Christina asked her what was the matter.

  19. Next time you come here come over Gallow Hill, and through the little green gate you can just see.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gallow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.