In that transaction he became undeniablyprophet and lawgiver to the Nation.
Through all its progress the weight of that one hand was undeniably preponderant.
Here is an interchange of guilt and innocence, in Lincoln's undeniable experience, undeniably resolved and harmonized.
They are shaped and fastened here solely to render aid in indicating, as theyundeniably do, the supreme refinement of Lincoln's friendliness.
In this address four personal qualities stand forth, as distinct and clear to the eye and thought as are the faces of the Parthenon; while, like the Parthenon, the author of that address is indivisibly and undeniably one.
To begin with, this speech is undeniably Lincoln's own.
In Lincoln's public life there was undeniably a close companionship with God.
Undeniably the Castilian strain was running out; not one passer-by in ten seemed really white.
He was undeniably striking in appearance, and might have passed for handsome had it not been for the scowl that distorted his features.
Whatever the motives of Sandwich may have been, his action was undeniably illegal, and was not less ill-advised.
By the time that De Ruyter and Evertszoon were undeniably in retreat, it was almost dark.
Sandars was undeniably right; but what demon could have possessed Sandars to make him say so in as many words?
This angered Ralph, who considered it ridiculous and ill-ordered that a gesture which showed only a hasty temper and ill-regulated mind should be undeniably pretty and pleasant to look upon, just because it was made by a girl's hand.
Nevertheless, now that matters had taken such a strange turn, he recollected with surprise that Gouache was undeniably the one of all their acquaintance who most consistently followed Corona wherever they met.
He was a man who might be disliked, but who could not be despised; and since his claims to consideration were undeniably genuine, it seemed wiser to accept him from the first as a member of the family and unhesitatingly to treat him as such.
And yet he was undeniably in prison, with no immediate prospect of liberty.
Of the cold well-water the latter was undeniably glad, drinking great draughts and presently drawing more and washing luxuriously.
Valerie, who should have been sorry, wasundeniably glad.
But her head was undeniably carried a trifle higher than usual, and a very close observer might have read boredom in her eyes, defiance in her chin, rebellion in her shoulders.
There was undeniably something heady about Fuschia Fleming's glance.
It would seem that there could not be much sympathy between natures so opposed, persons who looked at life from such different points of view, but undeniably Carmen had a certain attraction for Margaret.
Mrs. Laflamme liked to drive near the edge as much as Carmen did, and this piquancy was undeniably an attraction in her case.
Jeannette held up one beautifully modelled but undeniably slender arm and clasped it with her hand.
Here she covered from view with a big pinafore her own undeniably attractive figure and fell upon her task, proceeding to dispatch it with all the speed compatible with quiet.
It was good, undeniably good, to have Jimps by her side again, and hear his voice in his old eagerly devoted tones in her ear.
On this occasion you will probably take extra precautions, making sure that no intruder will interrupt the operations, and that your hawk is undeniably sharp-set.
At the same time, the temper and disposition of the short-winged hawks are undeniably worse at the first than those of the long-winged.
Since, then, the interests of the Chronicler are so undeniably ecclesiastical, the question may be fairly raised how far his narrative is strictly historical.
The gentleman's case was scarce credible in the nineteenth century: years ago, being undeniably cracked, he had done what Dr.
Yet it was undeniably ahead, and gaining at every swing.
He looked as he had looked to Olga that afternoon, undeniably formidable.
They laughed together over this calamity which was becomingundeniably obvious.
One or the other process undeniably occurred; the second poet, who made the changes, introduced the events most favourable to his country, and left out the less favourable.
But in activity Harvard was undeniably the superior, and at last when the game was called, the score still stood 16 to 0 in favor of the crimson.
They contain music, no doubt, that many would like to have composed, but they are altogether lacking in that power which compels, and which these works undeniably possess.
Shafto found the siren undeniably pretty and seductive, but at the same time irrepressible and odious.
Still, it undeniably did, the way the subliminal thought of his dampened socks in the upper tomb still seemed to be aggravating his nose.
Then Gracie, laugh over the peculiar work going on as she might, was undeniably interested in those boys.
She was not the second-girl, yet her fingers were undeniably skilful in the arrangement of rooms and tables.
He thought with some satisfaction how perfectly helpless Mortimer was in the present instance, for he was most undeniably poor.
Personally he had no taste for it; still, he would feel insecure if the suspected man, undeniably guilty, were to remain permanently in the bank.
The one mood is undeniably religious; the other, not so.
But we are warned that philology really has discovered 'some undeniably certain etymologies' of divine names.
At all events, it is right to bear in mind that, as the stone house of the Mincopie heaven is almost undeniably of European origin, the only-begotten mediating son of Puluga and the green shrimp may bear traces of Christian teaching.
The Arcadian myth of Demeter Erinnys is undeniably a blending of the epic tradition [of the ideal war-horse] with the local cult of Demeter.