Many cases of “marsupial development” have been recorded in the species of the Southern seas.
We should thus have both placental and Marsupial mammals in the Mesozoic.
The other group is less numerous and is Marsupial (Allotheria, Marsh).
What a remarkable swarming, for example, there must have been of Marsupial Mammals in the early Mesozoic; and in the Coal formation the only known Pulmonates, four or five in number, belong to as many generic types.
It is enough that the living Monotreme and Marsupial so finely illustrate the transition from a reptilian to a mammalian form.
The real reason for this is that the Marsupialfalls far short of the higher mammals in the structure of the womb, and cannot fully develop its young therein.
On the other hand, the lower jaw of the Marsupial is characterised by a peculiar hooklike process, and this is commonly found in Mesozoic jaws.
In the Monotreme andMarsupial the ear-hole begins to be covered with a shell of cartilage; we have the beginning of the external ear.
The Marsupial retains the egg in its womb until the young is advanced in development, then transfers the young to the pouch, and forces milk into its mouth from its breasts.
The mammals of the Mesozoic had been small and primitive animals, rarely larger than a rat, and never rising above the marsupial stage in organisation.
A whole series of analogous adaptations, as the result of analogous modes of life, are found in the placental mammals of Europe and Asia, on the one hand, and the marsupial forms of Australia on the other hand.
He had discovered the slit-like opening of the marsupial pouch, and took out first one and then another of the young, looked them over carefully, and replaced them without injury.
An extinct Quaternary marsupial from Australia, about as large as the hippopotamus; -- so named because of its two large front teeth.
The most remarkable feature about the marsupial dentition is that, at most, only a single pair of teeth is replaced in each jaw; this pair, on the assumption that there are four premolars, representing the third of that series.
Molar teeth of the simple tritubercular type persist in the golden moles (Chrysochloris) among the Insectivora and also in the marsupial mole (Notoryctes) among the marsupials.
With the exception of this replacing pair of teeth in each jaw, it is considered by many authorities that the marsupial dentition corresponds to the deciduous, or milk, dentition of placentals.
In earlier days marsupial animals lived in almost all parts of the world, for there are very few countries in which their fossil remains have not been discovered.
That is why these creatures are called marsupials, for marsupial means pouched.
The marsupial pouch is almost entirely wanting, so that one might almost be led to suppose that the animal must be a true ant-eater.
But as it possesses a marsupial pouch, there can be no doubt of the order it really belongs to.
Solenostoma, bright colours and marsupial sack of the females of, ii.
Thylacinus, possession of the marsupial sack by the male, i.
If any one knows why four molar teeth and an inflected angle of the jaw are very generally found along with marsupial bones, he has not yet communicated that knowledge to the world.
Now the opossums are unlike most mammals in that they possess two bones attached to the fore part of the pelvis, which are commonly called "marsupial bones.
Besides the liver-fluke, the only marsupial trematodes at present fairly described appear to be Hemistoma alatum, and two species of Rhopalophorus (R.
From the scientific standpoint, it is to be regretted that the naturalists of New South Wales and other colonies have done so little towards defining the various species of marsupial entozoa.
Now, the earliest mammals to appear on earth were creatures of distinctly marsupial type.
They are the last bid for life of the marsupial race in its hopeless struggle against its more developed mammalian cousins.
Almost every main form of higher mammal (except the biggest ones) has, as it were, its analogue or representative among the marsupial fauna of the Australasian region fitted to fill the same niche in nature.
In the trias we get the first remains of mammalian life in the shape of tiny rat-like animals, marsupial in type, and closely related to the banded ant-eaters of New South Wales at the present day.
They are, in fact, the highest and best product of the old dying marsupial stock, specially evolved in the great continents through the fierce competition of the higher mammals then being developed on every side of them.
At last the pouched creatures all disappear utterly from all the world, save only Australia, with the solitary exception of a single advanced marsupial family, the familiar opossum of plantation melodies.
For the opossums form the only members of the marsupial class now living outside Australia; and yet, what is at least equally remarkable, none of the opossums are found per contra in Australia itself.
The sedimentary deposits of these periods contain a great number and variety of marsupial remains, sometimes of a colossal size, in various parts of the earth, and even in Europe.
In this sense the Marsupial class certainly contains some of man's ancestors.
There is now not a single living Marsupial on the mainland of Europe, Asia, or Africa.
The teats pass into the cavity of a pouch or pocket on the ventral side of the mother, and this is supported by a couple of marsupial bones.
As most of the Placentals have not this process, we can, with some probability, recognise the Marsupial from this feature alone.
It may be added that the formula given above shows that the marsupial dentition may comprise more teeth than the 44 which form the normal full placental complement.
There seems to have been a replacement of some of these teeth; and it has been suggested that this was of the marsupial type.
On the other hand, it is noteworthy that this marsupial retains in its lower jaw the so-called mylo-hyoid groove, which is found in the aforesaid Jurassic mammals.
This pouch is supported by two characteristic marsupial bones, also existing in Cloacal animals, but not in Placental animals.
I assumed that all Placental animals were derived from a single form of Marsupial animal, which, for the first time, began to form a placenta.
According to this, about eight orders of Marsupial animals may be distinguished, the one half of the main group or legion of which are herbivorous, the other half carnivorous.
Second Sub-class of Mammalia: Pouched orMarsupial Animals (Marsupialia, or Didelphia).
In any case, numerous Monotrema, with well-developed teeth and cloaca, must have preceded the advent of Marsupial animals.
There are also a few species still living in America, but at the present day not a single marsupial animal lives on the continent of Asia, Africa, or Europe.
The Opossums were the first Marsupial Quadrupeds known to Naturalists.
Many of the Gnawing Quadrupeds have their hind limbs much larger than the front ones, so that they leap rather than walk, giving them the appearance of the Kangaroo and others belonging to the Marsupial family.
A half oviparous, or an oviparous, mammal; a marsupial or monotreme.
For how many thousands of years has thismarsupial been a dweller on the plain, all its best faculties unexercised, its beautiful grasping hands pressed to the ground, and its prehensile tail dragged like an idle rope behind it!
Tschudi met it mountaineering on the Andes at an enormous altitude, and, true to its lawless nature, it confronted me in Patagonia, where the books say no marsupial dwells.
And in the case of the latter species, it adds to the marvel when we find that the vizcacha, according to Water-house, is the lowest of the order in its marsupial affinities.
It is admitted by most evolutionists that mammals are descended from a marsupial form; and if so, the mammary glands will have been at first developed within the marsupial sack.
You--you are the man who denied the existence of the nototherium, of the marsupial lion, in pleistocene deposits!
I tell you that your phascalotherium, amphitherium, and all the rest of them, including the marsupial lion, are degenerate developments of the age following the pleistocene.
He justly remarks that it must be regarded as by far the most formidable of all the marsupial animals, as it certainly is the most savage indigenous quadruped belonging to the Australian continent.
Footnote]: "The marsupial flying phalanger is so called by the Australians.
An Act known as the Marsupial Act was accordingly passed to encourage their destruction, a reward of so much a scalp being offered by the Government.
The flying squirrel, another of the opossum species of the marsupial order, is a beautiful little creature, and disposed over the whole of the interior of New South Wales: its fur is of a finer texture than that of the opossum.
The marsupial mole] was fed on the `witchetty' (a kind of grub) .
Some of the squatters have gone to a vast expense in fencing-in their runs with marsupial fencing, but it never pays.
Australia is the great head-quarters of the marsupial tribe.
The so-called native cat is not a cat at all, but a marsupialwhich resembles a very large rat or weasel, with rather a bushy tail.