The jetty which sheltered them on their entrance into the harbour of Carthage has left a trace marked by large blocks, which at certain points reach the level of the sea.
Large blocks of coal, representing the different veins of Kentucky, several full lines of broken coals, and a very complete display of coke were also displayed.
The exhibit of coal consisted of a series of large blocks intended to show the character and thickness of the veins; the largest block, weighing 15 tons, is the largest single piece ever hoisted from a mine.
The lower part of the mound, upon which the building stood, was constructed of large blocks of limestone mortared together, forming a solid block of masonry.
It was built throughout of large blocks of limestone, limestone dust, and a small proportion of earth.
Below the alluvial layer the mound was composed of large blocks of limestone, held together by mortar, giving it the consistency of masonry and rendering digging in it very difficult.
What remains of the theatre is composed of large blocks of greenstone from the quarries of Mortola.
The most venerable portion is the façade, constructed of large blocks of stone.
These walls would seem at least twenty-five feet thick at the base, and are built, like all the Copan structures, of large blocks of cut stone, of varying but not expressly stated dimensions.
The top is formed of large blocks of stone, stretching across from side to side, and, according to Muehlenpfordt, plastered and polished.
The foundation consists of large blocks of stone laid in mortar; but all the rest is of brick.
It is surrounded by large blocks of granite, apparently to prevent its removal, which could not be effected without great labour.
It is cut out of the solid rock, from the floor to the roof, which is composed of large blocks of calcareous stone, meeting in the centre, and forming a roof of the same slope as the pyramid itself.
They have exposed to view not only the rock, but likewise one side of the Temple of Ops, composed of large blocks of tufa stone surmounted by later brick structures.
It was formed of large blocks of tufa, hard stone, and must not be confounded with the remains of the Arcadian period, on the Palatine, composed of soft tufa.
This tomb is of that period, and measures five metres by three, and is composed of large blocks of tufa, without cement.
In the eastern part of the depression a wide circle of big volcanic boulders--undoubtedly an extinct crater--was to be seen, with huge masses of spattered yellow lava in large blocks as well as ferruginous rock.
Large blocks of iron rock were exposed to the air in many places.
The Arabs often dig with a view of getting treasures of gold in these two mounds; and every now and then discoverlarge blocks of marble, covered with hieroglyphics.
The walls were one hundred and fifty feet high, proportionably broad, and firmly built of large blocks of stone, bound together with white plaster.
The ores in large blocks, fragments, or shivers, whose size varies from a cubic foot to that of a nut.
The hearths of cast iron rest upon cast-iron pillars, to the number of four or five; which are supported on pedestals of cast iron placed on large blocks of stone.
There are, in fact, no ruins visible, with the exception of a few terraces on the Tell, consisting of large blocks of unhewn stone.
Here, upon a terrace built of large blocks of basalt about five inches in height, I found a curious condition of things.
Large blocks of limestone which have fallen from the roof, sometimes cemented together by stalagmite.
Red Top, which was offered in large blocks at 8 cents per share two years before, was selling at $1.
There they gave out the information that Ely Central, which I had advised the purchase of at from 50 cents per share up to $4 and down again, was actually under option to me and my associates in large blocks at 5 cents.
The shrine is built of a certain number of large blocks, which have been quarried and brought to the spot; it has a stone roof with an entablature, and attains an elevation above the court of not less than twenty-seven feet.
It is an edifice, built of large blocks of stone, and rising to a height of thirty-two feet above the plain at its base, so contrived as to contain two sepulchral chambers, the one over the other.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large blocks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.