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Example sentences for "vegetative"

Lexicographically close words:
vegetated; vegetates; vegetating; vegetation; vegetations; veggio; veguer; vehemence; vehemency; vehement
  1. Moreover, there is a generally recognised quasi-antagonism between the vegetative and reproductive processes, so that, other things being equal, anything that checks the one helps forward the other.

  2. A check or arrest of growth in the vegetative organs seems to be a necessary preliminary to the development of the flower.

  3. Owing, however, to the difference in their vegetative growth, they mature one after the other instead of simultaneously.

  4. The feet are therefore nothing else than branchial filaments, which have lost their vegetative function.

  5. The ear receives the products of the three vegetative organs of sense.

  6. When united with the vascular system or the vegetative systems generally, the integument forms the tracheal system of Insects.

  7. The kingdom consequently separates into a vegetative and into an animal province.

  8. That the vegetative systems are correctly arranged after this manner, is proved chiefly by their order of development in the animal series.

  9. There is, therefore, a vegetative and animal nervous system, and, under such binary conditions, osseous and muscular systems likewise.

  10. What the tracheƦ are for the vegetative body, namely, the vitalizing and motor principle, such are the nerves for both the animal and vegetative body.

  11. The vegetative osseous system is divisible into dermal, tracheal, intestinal, and vascular bones.

  12. Every perfect animal is twofold in its nature, being a planetary and solar animal, a vegetative and animal being.

  13. Thus do the three vegetative senses feel the elements of the planet--are planetary senses.

  14. They range in the middle between the vegetative and the encephalic animal, and are therefore a totality for themselves, or a sexual animal.

  15. In essaying to speak concerning the sensorial organs of the sexual animal, we shall only encounter in the latter the emotions of the vegetative senses, and these indeed disposed according to their rank.

  16. The muscles of vegetative life are simply fibrous tunics, as in the arteries, and are found in the skin, in the intestine, and in the vessels.

  17. A toad brought up under such peculiar circumstances might pass almost its entire life in a state of torpidity, and yet might grow and thrive in its own sleepy vegetative fashion.

  18. The aphides are on the whole the most purely inactive and vegetative of all insects, unless indeed we except a few very debased and degraded parasites.

  19. Recently the vegetative physiology of the Radiolaria has been much advanced by the recognition of the symbiosis with the Xanthellae (s 205, L.

  20. In general those most important exoplasmatic filaments serve as organs both for the vegetative functions of nutrition, and for the animal functions of motion and sensation.

  21. These are certainly remarkable facts, and quite inexplicable on the theory of spines being caused solely by checked vegetative growth, due to weakness of constitution or to an arid soil and climate.

  22. Take first the shortening of the raceme into the umbel and the capitulum, said to be caused by arrest of vegetative growth, due to the antagonism of reproduction.

  23. Mr. Patrick Geddes, who urges that fundamental laws of growth, and the antagonism of vegetative and reproductive forces, account for much that has been imputed to natural selection.

  24. It seems rather analogous to those effects of external influences on the very lowest organisms in which the vegetative and reproductive organs are hardly differentiated, in which case such effects are doubtless inherited.

  25. If, instead of the number of the seeds, we take the size of the fruit as an indication of reproductive energy, we find this at a maximum in the gourd family, yet their rapid and luxuriant growth shows no diminution of vegetative power.

  26. He proclaims that the human material is first animated by a vegetative soul or principle of life, and then by an animal soul and only ultimately, when the matter has {118} been properly prepared for it, by a rational soul.

  27. These images of the universal Soul are the faculties of the soul, sense-power, vegetative power, generative power or nature; see iv.

  28. Plotinos here makes in the world-Soul a distinction analogous to that obtaining in the human one (where there is a reasonable soul, and its image, the vegetative soul, see i.

  29. Desires, function, relation of, to the vegetative power, iv.

  30. Psychology of vegetative part of soul, iv.

  31. The vegetative soul, the power that presides over the nutrition and growth of the body; see iv.

  32. The ganglia lie wherever the organic functions of the vegetative system require care.

  33. If, instead of conceding the sufficiency of matter here, Mr. Martineau should fly to the hypothesis of a vegetative soul, all the questions before asked in relation to the snow-star become pertinent.

  34. How, I would ask, is this vegetative soul to be presented to the mind?

  35. They must be young cells which have caught their vegetative vigour from contact with free oxygen.

  36. Removal of fruit induces renewal of vegetative growth and of fruit setting.

  37. Murneek[8] has shown that the fruitfulness of a plant may greatly affect its internal condition, its vegetative performance and its later setting of fruit.

  38. The effects of fruit on vegetative growth in plants.

  39. Effects of correlation between vegetative and reproductive functions in the tomato.

  40. Kraus and Kraybill then undertook to relate performance (vegetative growth and fruitfulness) to internal conditions, chiefly carbohydrate and nitrogen content of the plant tissues.

  41. Thus, excess vegetative growth may be a result as well as a cause of poor setting.

  42. But we live before we understand; for life is primarily in living things by their vegetative soul, as also the Philosopher says.

  43. It does not even attempt to prove that man really has first a merely vegetative soul, and secondly a sensitive, and lastly an intellectual soul; it supposes all this.

  44. The rational soul enters the body at the beginning, and first uses its vegetative faculty until the fetus is far enough advanced to be a subject for the action of the sensory faculty of the soul.

  45. If it was not rational from the beginning, a rational principle replaced a sensory vital principle, and that sensory vital principle replaced a vegetative vital principle.

  46. The human soul as the substantial form virtually contains vegetative and sensory faculties, and through these lower organic capacities it informs and animates the body.

  47. Whence came also the absolutely essential form of energy, directive of vegetative life?

  48. The only reason for these replacements would be that the early human embryo, as has been said, lacks organization sufficient to sustain a form higher than a vegetative principle.

  49. It is these branches which carry on the real vegetative work of the plant.

  50. These appear in the spring before the ordinary vegetative growths, and are quite destitute of chlorophyll.

  51. These are vegetative processes which give rise to new individuals when they tumble to the ground.

  52. By vegetative propagation--they went out and cut scionwood on the limbs above the thorns and propagated the thornless twigs on thornless root stock--we now have a thornless honeylocust.

  53. The trees in both plantings have shown good vegetative vigor and have been fairly productive.

  54. One or two trees have lacked vegetative vigor but have produced heavy crops of nuts for their size.

  55. This latter has practically vanished up the main axis from the disc to produce flowers and leaves--hence it follows that the Tulip bulb somewhat resembles the corm in its vegetative characters.

  56. To conceive of a life utterly devoid of these is to conceive of a vegetative kind of existence.

  57. Illustration] The mind has a certain vegetative power which can not be wholly idle.

  58. This will be accompanied by a pronounced deterioration of the remaining vegetative shoots.

  59. The pollen-tube, containing two generative and one vegetative nucleus, pierces the wall of the megaspore and then becomes swollen (fig.

  60. Sequoia sempervirens, the fertile branches bear leaves which are less spreading than those on the vegetative shoots.

  61. The anatomical structure of the vegetative organs of recent cycads is of special interest as affording important evidence of relationship with extinct types, and with other groups of recent plants.

  62. The ribbing of the leaf, the ligule, and other characters of the vegetative organs (see pp.

  63. Festuca heterophylla--and the following arrangement is intended to apply to the vegetative lower leaves and not to those on the upper parts of the flowering specimen.

  64. They recognised the power of the goddess in the charm and beauty of vegetative nature.

  65. In the mineral realm there was a spirit of existence; in the world of plant life and organisms it reappeared as the vegetative spirit; thence it attained the animal spirit and finally aspired to the human spirit.

  66. The vegetable spirit is the virtue augmentative, or growing or vegetative faculty, which results from the admixture of the simple elements, with the cooperation of water, air and heat.

  67. Seeds, in the bosom of the earth, feel his vegetative presence, and unfold themselves.

  68. It cannot be doubted but that the vegetative powers of the earth was very much greater than at this time, or within the memory of man.

  69. The only remaining conclusion is, the vegetative power of the earth anciently was much greater than at present, which could not have been except its temperature was much higher also.

  70. It remains to repeat the question, Could such an amount of vegetable matter have been accumulated, short of millions of years, at the ratio of the present vegetative powers of the earth?

  71. Here we rise to organized and vegetative bodies.

  72. The vegetative power of the earth, therefore, must have been anciently very much greater than at present, which could only be on the supposition of a warmer and more moist climate.

  73. At first one seed is deposited in the earth; from this one a tree springs, which in the course of its vegetative life produces one thousand five hundred and eighty-four millions of seeds.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vegetative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    apathetic; benumbed; blase; bored; botanical; bulbous; cereal; dead; debilitated; dormant; droopy; drugged; dull; enervated; farinaceous; fruity; heavy; herbaceous; idle; immobile; inactive; inanimate; inert; jaded; lackadaisical; languid; languorous; leaden; lethargic; lifeless; listless; lumpish; meditative; moribund; motionless; neuter; neutral; numb; paralytic; paralyzed; passive; phlegmatic; pooped; procrastinating; quiescent; rootlike; sated; sleepy; slow; sluggish; somnolent; stagnant; static; stationary; supine; torpid; tuberous; vegetable; vegetarian; wan; weary; weedy