Murray might blame him, and not unjustly, for want of judgment in leaving them in charge of a vessel manned by desperate ruffians, who would, of course, be glad of the opportunity to revenge themselves on their enemies.
While these remarks were being made, the dhow was gliding rapidly away, leaving them astern.
Now's your time, yer honour," cried Casey, who feared that his friends might suspect his intention of leaving them.
Their ladders vanished first, leaving them with a magic wand that lighted the gas as soon as you got the tap turned; only that was ever so long, as often as not.
But as Aunt M'riar had some trimming to finish, and it was a very fine evening, there was no harm in leaving them alone a few minutes longer.
His only other child, a son many years their senior, died not long after his mother, leaving them to the sole companionship of their father.
Michigan — leaving themto fight with difficulties as they might — why?
Leaving them, at their peril, to get ready a decent breakfast (by the way she grudged them the old kitchen), Fleda set about trying what her wand could do towards brightening the face of affairs in the other part of the house.
He gave no sufficient reason for so leaving them, and this caused much obloquy to be thrown upon his name.
And they rode away as they said this, leaving them to the mountain birds and to the beasts of the forest.
Fergus grabbed at Val's pigtail, and she was buffeting him vehemently when Harry came out, held them apart, and demanded if this were the way to make their mother easy in leaving them.
The worst of it is leaving them behind; and as neither of the gentlemen can afford a journey home, we mean to have the double wedding before Lent.
Both the National system and the State system should be fairly recognized, leaving them eventually to coalesce if that shall prove to be their tendency.
After a somewhat bloody struggle of months, winter closes on the Union people of western Virginia, leaving them masters of their own country.
Leaving them here to recover their strength, he proceeded with Captain Mackay to Williamsburg, to make his military report to the governor.
Leaving them to repose on the bank of Fishing Creek, he pushed on with about one hundred dragoons, the freshest and most able; still marching with great circumspection.
He was now afflicted with painful indecision, and his letters perplexed his family, leaving them uncertain as to his movements, and at a loss how to act.
He put screens before all the windows that looked towards the street, leaving them no other prospect than the sky, and did much the same with all the others in the house.
As soon as the friend was gone, and the reckoning paid, Don Rafael and Teodoro mounted and bade adieu to the people of the inn, leaving them all in admiration of the comeliness of the pair.
As Sancho said this, he tied the beasts, leaving them to the care and protection of the enchanters with sorrow enough in his heart.
They did as he wished; they gave him something to eat, and once more he fell asleep, leaving them marvelling at his madness.
Sancho pushed on into the glens of the Sierra, leaving them in one through which there flowed a little gentle rivulet, and where the rocks and trees afforded a cool and grateful shade.
We can imagine the feelings of some of a flock when, leaving them at a short distance, but within sight, the shepherd would take a lamb, carry it down into the valley, and disappear with it for a little while.
Sometimes we feel as though we were sailing away from our departed friends, leaving them behind us.
I protect from rabbits with wooden protectors, leaving them on the year round.
For rabbits I tie corn-stalks around the tree, leaving them on the year round.
It is an open question as to the benefit or harm of leaving them on permanently for the first five years.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaving them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.