What my look was I can not tell, but my heart was only dark with ill-restrained upbraidings against heaven that couldunrelentingly see such innocence as thine so suffer.
As the primary condition of all clerical reformation he insisted upon the unrelentingly consistent putting down of marriage and concubinage among the priests.
And while he delivers a glowing panegyric on the person of the pope, he lashes unrelentingly the misgovernment of the Papal States.
The poor fellow cannot grasp the reason for the ferocity of stupid fate, which unrelentingly preys upon him.
We are conscious that his story is unreal or even ludicrous, yet Lewis has a certain dogged power of driving us unrelentingly through it, regardless of our own will.
Unceasingly and unrelentingly the loathsome creature dogs our imagination, more awful when he lurks unseen than when he stands actually before us.
As the father who is solicitous of the honor of his household punishes unrelentingly every violation of morality within it, so the Holy One of Israel watches zealously over His people's loyalty to His covenant.
Thus in the Sinaitic law God is spoken of as "the jealous God"(128) who punishes unrelentingly every violation of His laws of purity and holiness.
The most energetic men, in pleading the cause of Christ, are often assailed even more unrelentingly by brethren who differ with them upon some small point of doctrine, than by a hostile world.
The intolerant decrees of the diet of Augsburg, and the evident determination of the emperor unrelentingly to enforce them, spread the greatest alarm among the Protestants.