And in all their Actings they shall be countable to and Censurable by the next General Assembly.
That this commission be in all their actings, Countable to, and Censurable by the next Ensuing General Assembly.
They being alwayes Countable to, and Censurable by the next General Assembly of this Church: And this Commission to continue till the first of November next, or the Dyet that shall be appointed for the next General Assembly.
To me he appears censurable only for the selection of subjects, whose very seriousness could not without great incongruity be united with such triflings.
It can be no censurable vanity which provokes me to speak the truth, and unless I tell it myself, you could hardly suspect what a resemblance I once bore even to the lovely Lady Augusta of Berkely.
Even the sarcasm, such as it was, would have been thought censurable by that ceremonious court in any but the Patriarch, to whose high rank some license was allowed.
Mr. Montagu maintains that none but the ignorant and unreflecting can think Bacon censurable for anything that he did as counsel for the Crown, and that no advocate can justifiably use any discretion as to the party for whom he appears.
Then arises in his mind a natural and surely not a censurable desire, to impart to others the thoughts of which his own heart is full, to warn the careless, to comfort those who are troubled in spirit.
Besides the general strength of the Territorial issue, Mr. Wilmot had the advantage of all the anti-slavery zeal which was aroused by the announcement of the Dred Scott decision, with the censurable connection therewith of President Buchanan.
I thoroughly understand those who think it censurable that I should have spoken in detail of situations and facts which are gladly ignored, or touched with a light and hasty hand, and that especially at the present crisis.
Mr. Chapman and his lady, a well-behaved couple, not ashamed to be very tender and observing to each other, but without that censurable fondness which sits so ill upon some married folks in company.
Sir, and I need not speak it: and can there well be a morecensurable character?
Let him be a censurable Brahmana (for his misdeeds).
Those Brahmanas that are not censurable for anything they do, and that have no means of support assigned to them, should be searched out.
There are very few men, even in the bushes and the wilderness, who delight in the commission of cruelty; but nearly all, throughout the earth, are censurable for the admission.
With General Jackson's great personal regard for the authors of these reports, he took for granted the correctness of the charge of censurable conduct.
Commodore Patterson also sent in a report to the Secretary of the Navy, characterizing the little detachment of Kentucky militia in terms as censurable and as unjust as were the words of General Jackson.
The father of John Smeaton pursued a like censurable course in the discipline of his son.
Benjamin was never half so zealous in cutting candle-wicks as he was in perpetrating this censurable act.
Here we are taught, that, though dramatic pieces had no censurable origin, the best of the ancient moralists condemned them.
We are taught again, that the direct tendency of those which are censurable is to produce conceit and affectation, a romantic spirit, and a perverted morality among youth.
The trial at last resulted in his acquittal on two of the more serious charges; but being judgedcensurable on two others, he was sentenced to a public reprimand from the commander-in-chief.
Much, has been said in condemnation of this love-affair; but in many ways it is less censurable than almost anything in his career.
Let it be observed here, once for all, that Endicot and his friends are not, in my opinion, censurable for changing their professed religious opinions and worship and adopting others, if they thought it right to do so.
Cursed be Fortune that constrains thee to ply so censurable a trade.
Now it is censurable to apply study to the ordering of one's outward movements: for Ambrose says (De Offic.
It is censurable to study the style of one's outward movements, by having recourse to pretense in them, so that they do not agree with one's inward disposition.
I submit it to the consideration of the gentleman, whether, if it be reprehensible in the one case, it can be censurable in the other?
Members of Parliament are censurable if they impute falsehood and scoundrelism to each other in a personal sense, but not censurable for making those imputations in a Parliamentary sense.
The language of the country, as used in his own times, struck him as having manycensurable defects.
These instances are sufficient to shew, that the taste for preposterous and extravagant dress must have operated like a contagion in those times, or the clergy would scarcely have dressed themselves in this ridiculous and censurable manner.
So they conceive it to be only a necessary prudence in morals, to prohibit customs, where the use of them is very generally connected with a censurable abuse.
And no king who is afflicted with calamity through the fates should, if wise, act in a censurable way.
Therefore, O king, this highly censurable and wicked vice should be repressed.
There are many other very censurable passages in this free letter of yours; but we must place them to the account of your embittered spirit.
There was a time that Mr. Lovelace was thought reclaimable, and when it was far from being deemed a censurable view to hope to bring back to the paths of virtue and honour, a man of his sense and understanding.
Yet this censurable habit does not seem to proceed from anything cynical in the author's own nature, but rather from inexperience, and from a personal directness which moves only in straight lines.
The one will accuse it of excessive strictness; the other of censurable levity.
Feeley are responsible and censurable for that neglect.
Feeley are responsible and censurable for that series of reprehensible acts.
That delegate from home organization was excluded from the Boston convention, and that the same three defendants are responsible and censurable for that exclusion.
Feeley, the former by acts and the latter by silence, are responsible for the expenditure of this large amount of money, and censurable for deceiving the district convention as to the purpose for which it was spent.
That various persons sent abroad were not supplied with sufficient funds, and that the agent of the Triangle is responsible and censurable for that criminal neglect, and not the three defendants.